//! An implementation of LDBC Graphalytics Breadth-First Search //! //! Benchmark specified in LDBC reference sections [2.3.1] and [A.1]. //! //! [2.3.1]: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2011.15028v4.pdf#subsection.2.3.1 //! [A.1]: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2011.15028v4.pdf#section.A.1 use crate::data::{ Distance, DistanceMap, DistanceSet, DynDistanceSet, DynEdgeMap, Edges, Node, VertexSet, Vertices, }; use dbsp::dynamic::{DowncastTrait, Erase}; use dbsp::stat::DynBatch; use dbsp::trace::BatchReaderFactories; use dbsp::utils::Tup2; use dbsp::{ circuit::WithClock, operator::{Min, RecursiveStreams}, trace::{Batch, BatchReader, Builder, Cursor}, ChildCircuit, Stream, Timestamp, ZWeight, }; use std::iter::once; type Distances
= Stream (roots: Vertices , vertices: Vertices , edges: Edges ) -> Distances
P: WithClock + Clone + 'static,
< ::Time as Timestamp>::Nested: Timestamp,
<< ::Time as Timestamp>::Nested as Timestamp>::Nested: Timestamp,
Distances >,
// Initialize the roots to have a distance of zero
let roots = roots.map(|node| Tup2(*node, 0)).shard();
let edges = edges.shard();
let distances = roots
// TODO: Can recurse over the indexed version of `nodes` instead of having to re-index it?
// TODO: Can we use zst weights here?
.recursive(|scope, nodes: Distances<_>| {
// Import the nodes and edges into the recursive scope
let roots = roots.delta0(scope);
let edges = edges.delta0(scope);
let distances = nodes
.map_index(|Tup2(x, y)| (x.clone(), y.clone()))
// Iterate over each edge within the graph, increasing the distance on each step
.join(&edges, |_, dist, dest| Tup2(*dest, *dist + 1))
// Add in the root nodes
.map_index::<_, Node, Distance>(|Tup2(x, y)| (x.clone(), y.clone()))
// Select only the shortest distance to continue iterating.
.map(|(&node, &distance)| Tup2(node, distance));
.expect("failed to build dfs recursive scope");
// Add weights to each vertex
// TODO: Ideally we could actually just use `i32` weights for this too
let vertices = vertices
.apply(|vertices| {
let mut builder = (vertices: &Vertices , reachable_nodes: &Vertices ) -> Vertices
P: WithClock + Clone + 'static,
let reachable_nodes =
vertices.monotonic_stream_join::<_, _, _>(reachable_nodes, |&vertex, &(), &()| vertex);