# Scripts There's scripts in the `./bin` directory to help you build, run, test, and publish dbui. They're designed for macOS, but should work on Linux or Windows (via WSL). - `build`: Runs the code formatter, checks all the projects, then builds binaries for Linux, macOS, Windows, and Docker. - `build-client`: Runs `wasm-pack` for the client Rust code, and `npm install` to bundle it to JavaScript. - `build-client-watch`: Builds the client app using `build-client`, then watches for changes in `client`'s code. - `build-css`: Uses `scss` to compile the stylesheets in `assets/stylesheets`. - `build-css-watch`: Builds the css resources using `build-css`, then watches for changes in `stylesheets`. - `build-docker`: Makes a release build, builds a docker image, then exports and zips the output. - `build-ios`: Creates a `cargo-lipo` universal library for iOS. - `build-linux`: Build a release-mode binary for Linux. - `build-mac`: Build a release-mode binary for macOS. - `build-windows`: Build a release-mode binary for Windows. - `check`: Runs code statistics, checks for outdated dependencies, then runs cargo-audit and clippy. - `dev`: Watches the project directories, and runs the main application, restarting when changes are detected. - `doc`: Runs rustdoc for all projects, linking between projects and using custom logos and styling. - `flamegraph`: Uses `cargo-flamegraph` to produce an SVG flamegraph of the projects compilation. - `format`: Runs `rustfmt` on all projects. - `publish`: Publishes all projects (in a very specific order) to crates.io. Usually used after `version-bump`. - `run-docker`: Runs the Docker image produced by `build-docker`, exposing an HTTP port. - `run-release`: Builds the project in release mode and runs it. - `rustup`: Installs Rust, additional toolchains, and required components. Good for bootstrapping a new machine. - `version-bump`: Passed two arguments, this script will change all references of the old version to a new version.