const fs = require('fs'); const glob = require('glob'); const util = require('./util'); const argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); const prompt = require('inquirer').createPromptModule(); argv._.forEach(arg => { const tokens = arg.split('='); argv[tokens[0]] = tokens[1] || true; }); const allFiles = []; if (argv.h || { console.log(` usage: prefix.js [-p{refix}=your_great_new_prefix] example: prefix.js // will prompt for a prefix to replace the current one with prefix.js -p=xyz // will replace any existing prefix with xyz `); } else { readAllFiles().then(startProcess); } function startProcess() { const currentPrefix = findExistingPrefix(); getPrefix().then(prefix => replacePrefix(currentPrefix, prefix)); } function findExistingPrefix() { // find existing prefix let currentPrefix; allFiles.filter(({file}) => ~file.indexOf('uikit.css')).some(({file, data}) => { const res = data.match(new RegExp(`(${util.validClassName.source})-grid`)); currentPrefix = res && res[1]; return currentPrefix; }); return currentPrefix; } function getPrefix() { const prefixFromInput = argv.p || argv.prefix; if (!prefixFromInput) { return prompt({ name: 'prefix', message: 'enter a prefix', validate: (val, res) => val.length && val.match(util.validClassName) ? !!(res.prefix = val) : 'invalid prefix' }) .then(res => res.prefix); } else if (util.validClassName.test(prefixFromInput)) { return Promise.resolve(prefixFromInput); } else { throw 'illegal prefix: ' + prefixFromInput; } } function replacePrefix(from, to) { if (from === to) { console.log('already prefixed with: ' + from); } else { allFiles.forEach(({file, data, replace}) => { data = replace(data, from, to); fs.writeFileSync(file, data); }); } } function readAllFiles(prefix) { const globs = []; globs.push(new Promise(res => glob('dist/**/*.css', (err, files) => { const reads = []; files.forEach(file => reads.push(, data => allFiles.push({ file, data, replace: (data, needle, replace) => data.replace(new RegExp(`${needle}-` + /([a-z\d-]+)/.source, 'g'), `${replace}-$1`) }) )) ); Promise.all(reads).then(res); } ) )); globs.push(new Promise(res => glob('dist/**/*.js', (err, files) => { const reads = []; files.forEach(file => reads.push(, data => allFiles.push({ file, data, replace: (data, needle, replace) => data.replace(new RegExp(`${needle}-`, 'g'), `${replace}-`).replace(new RegExp(`(${needle})?UIkit`, 'g'), `${replace === 'uk' ? '' : replace}UIkit`) }) )) ); Promise.all(reads).then(res); } ) )); return Promise.all(globs); }