use assert_cmd::Command; use dcp::config::VERSION; use predicates::prelude::*; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use std::error::Error; use std::fs::remove_dir_all; const PRG: &str = "dcp"; const TEST_CONTENT_DIR: &str = "./target/tmp/test_runs"; const DEFAULT_IMAGE: &str = ""; const IMAGE_NO_TAG: &str = ""; const SCRATCH_BASE_IMAGE: &str = ""; // generate_temp_path takes the constant TEST_CONTENT_DIR and // returns a new string with an appended 5 digit string fn generate_temp_path() -> String { let random_string = thread_rng().gen_range(10000..99999); format!("{}/{}", TEST_CONTENT_DIR, random_string) } // clean_up_test_dir removes the testing directory specified completely. // // WARNING: This function is deleting directories recursively, if you are // using it, be absolutely sure you know what you're doing. fn clean_up_test_dir(path: &str) { if path.starts_with(TEST_CONTENT_DIR) { match remove_dir_all(path) { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { eprintln!("failed to delete testing dir {}:{}", path, e); } } } } type TestResult = Result<(), Box>; // -------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn prints_version() -> TestResult { let expected_version_output: String = format!("dcp {}", VERSION); // version is defined and suceeds with the desired output Command::cargo_bin(PRG)? .args(&["-V"]) .assert() .success() .stdout(predicate::str::contains(expected_version_output)); Ok(()) } // -------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn accepts_download_path() -> TestResult { let path = &generate_temp_path(); // content_path is defined and succeeds Command::cargo_bin(PRG)? .args(&["--download-path", path]) .args(&[DEFAULT_IMAGE]) .assert() .success(); // verify that content was written to the desired download_path assert_eq!(std::path::Path::new(path).exists(), true); clean_up_test_dir(path); Ok(()) } // -------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn accepts_content_path() -> TestResult { let path = &generate_temp_path(); let content_path = "configs"; // content_path is defined and succeeds Command::cargo_bin(PRG)? .args(&["--download-path", path]) .args(&["--content-path", content_path, DEFAULT_IMAGE]) .assert() .success(); // verify that content_path grabbed the desired content let specific_content = &format!("{}/{}", path, content_path); assert_eq!(std::path::Path::new(specific_content).exists(), true); clean_up_test_dir(path); Ok(()) } // -------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn fails_invalid_content_path() -> TestResult { let path = &generate_temp_path(); let content_path = "manifests"; // --content-path has been specified but fails as // there's no "manifests" directory in the // DEFAULT_IMAGE container image. Command::cargo_bin(PRG)? .args(&["--download-path", path]) .args(&["--content-path", content_path, DEFAULT_IMAGE]) .assert() .failure(); clean_up_test_dir(path); Ok(()) } // -------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn accepts_image() -> TestResult { let path = &generate_temp_path(); // image is defined and succeeds Command::cargo_bin(PRG)? .args(&["--download-path", path]) .args(&[DEFAULT_IMAGE]) .assert() .success(); // image is not defined and fails Command::cargo_bin(PRG)? .args(&["--download-path", path]) .assert() .failure(); clean_up_test_dir(path); Ok(()) } // -------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn defaults_tag_to_latest() -> TestResult { let path = &generate_temp_path(); // image is defined and succeeds Command::cargo_bin(PRG)? .args(&["--download-path", path]) .args(&[IMAGE_NO_TAG]) .assert() .success(); clean_up_test_dir(path); Ok(()) } // -------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn fails_on_just_tag() -> TestResult { let path = &generate_temp_path(); // image is defined and succeeds Command::cargo_bin(PRG)? .args(&["--download-path", path]) .args(&[":v0.0.4"]) .assert() .failure(); clean_up_test_dir(path); Ok(()) } // -------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn accepts_scratch_base_images() -> TestResult { let path = &generate_temp_path(); let content_path: &str = "manifests"; Command::cargo_bin(PRG)? .args(&["--download-path", path]) .args(&["--content-path", content_path]) .args(&[SCRATCH_BASE_IMAGE]) .assert() .success(); clean_up_test_dir(path); Ok(()) }