use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::str::FromStr; use std::process::exit; use clap::{Arg, App, SubCommand, AppSettings}; use anyhow::{Error, format_err}; use log::{info, error}; use ddc_hi::{Backend, Display, Query, FeatureCode, Ddc, DdcTable, DdcHost}; use mccs_db::{Access, ValueInterpretation, TableInterpretation, ValueType}; #[derive(Default)] struct DisplaySleep(Vec); impl DisplaySleep { fn add(&mut self, display: Display) { self.0.push(display) } } impl Drop for DisplaySleep { fn drop(&mut self) { info!("Waiting for display communication delays before exit"); for display in self.0.iter_mut() { display.handle.sleep() } } } fn main() { match main_result() { Ok(code) => exit(code), Err(e) => { let _ = writeln!(io::stderr(), "{}", e); exit(1); }, } } fn displays(query: (Query, bool)) -> Result, Error> { let needs_caps = query.1; let query = query.0; Display::enumerate().into_iter() .map(|mut d| if needs_caps && == Backend::WinApi { d.update_capabilities().map(|_| d) } else { Ok(d) }).filter(|d| if let &Ok(ref d) = d { query.matches(& } else { true }).collect() } fn main_result() -> Result { env_logger::init(); let backend_values: Vec<_> = Backend::values().iter() .map(|v| v.to_string()).collect(); let backend_values: Vec<_> = backend_values.iter().map(|v| &v[..]).collect(); let app = App::new("ddcset") .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .author("arcnmx") .about("DDC/CI monitor control") .arg(Arg::with_name("backend") .short("b") .long("backend") .value_name("BACKEND") .takes_value(true) .multiple(true) .number_of_values(1) .possible_values(&backend_values) .help("Backend driver whitelist") ).arg(Arg::with_name("id") .short("i") .long("id") .value_name("ID") .takes_value(true) .help("Filter by matching backend ID") ).arg(Arg::with_name("manufacturer") .short("g") .long("mfg") .value_name("MANUFACTURER") .takes_value(true) .help("Filter by matching manufacturer ID") ).arg(Arg::with_name("model") .short("l") .long("model") .value_name("MODEL NAME") .takes_value(true) .help("Filter by matching model") ).arg(Arg::with_name("serial") .short("n") .long("sn") .value_name("SERIAL") .takes_value(true) .help("Filter by matching serial number") // TODO: filter by index? winapi makes things difficult, nothing is identifying... ).subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("detect") .about("List detected displays") .arg(Arg::with_name("caps") .short("c") .long("capabilities") .help("Read display capabilities") ) ).subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("capabilities") .about("Query display capabilities") ).subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("getvcp") .about("Get VCP feature value") .arg(Arg::with_name("feature") .value_name("FEATURE CODE") .takes_value(true) .multiple(true) .help("Feature code (hexadecimal)") ).arg(Arg::with_name("raw") .short("r") .long("raw") .help("Show raw value") ).arg(Arg::with_name("table") .short("t") .long("table") .help("Read as table value") ).arg(Arg::with_name("caps") .short("c") .long("capabilities") .help("Read display capabilities") ).arg(Arg::with_name("scan") .short("s") .long("scan") .help("Scan all VCP feature codes") ) ).subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("setvcp") .about("Set VCP feature value") .arg(Arg::with_name("feature") .value_name("FEATURE CODE") .takes_value(true) .required(true) .help("Feature code hexadecimal") ).arg(Arg::with_name("value") .value_name("VALUE") .takes_value(true) .required(true) .help("Value to set") ).arg(Arg::with_name("verify") .short("v") .long("verify") .help("Read value after writing") ).arg(Arg::with_name("table") .short("t") .long("table") .help("VALUE becomes a hex string") ).arg(Arg::with_name("offset") .short("o") .long("offset") .help("Table write offset") ) ).setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp); let matches = app.get_matches(); let mut query = Query::Any; let mut needs_caps = false; if let Some(backends) = matches.values_of("backend").map(|v| { let backends = backends .map(|b| .collect::>().unwrap(); query = Query::And(vec![query, Query::Or(backends)]) } if let Some(id) = matches.value_of("id") { query = Query::And(vec![query, Query::Id(id.into())]) } if let Some(manufacturer) = matches.value_of("manufacturer") { query = Query::And(vec![query, Query::ManufacturerId(manufacturer.into())]) } if let Some(model) = matches.value_of("model") { query = Query::And(vec![query, Query::ModelName(model.into())]); needs_caps = true; } if let Some(serial) = matches.value_of("serial") { query = Query::And(vec![query, Query::SerialNumber(serial.into())]) } let query = (query, needs_caps); let mut sleep = DisplaySleep::default(); match matches.subcommand() { ("detect", Some(matches)) => { let opt_caps = matches.is_present("caps"); for mut display in displays(query)? { { let _ = display.update_from_ddc(); println!("Display on {}:",; println!("\tID: {}",; if let Some(value) = { println!("\tManufacturer ID: {}", value); } if opt_caps { if let Err(e) = display.update_capabilities() { error!("Failed to update capabilities: {}", e); } } if let Some(value) = { println!("\tModel: {}", value); } if let Some(value) = { println!("\tSerial: {}", value); } if let Some(value) = { println!("\tMCCS: {}", value); } else { println!("\tMCCS: Unavailable"); } } sleep.add(display); } Ok(0) }, ("capabilities", Some(..)) => { let mut exit_code = 0; for mut display in displays(query)? { if let Err(e) = (|| -> Result<(), Error> { println!("Display on {}:",; println!("\tID: {}",; display.update_capabilities()?; for feature in (0..0x100).filter_map(|v| as _)) { println!("\tFeature 0x{:02x}: {}", feature.code,|v| &v[..]).unwrap_or("Unknown")); println!("\t\tAccess: {:?}", feature.access); if feature.mandatory { println!("\t\tRequired"); } if let Some(group) = { println!("\t\tGroup: {}", group); } if !feature.interacts_with.is_empty() { println!("\t\tInteracts:"); for code in &feature.interacts_with { println!("\t\t\t{:02x}", code); } } match feature.ty { ValueType::Unknown => (), ValueType::Continuous { .. } => println!("\t\tType: Continuous"), ValueType::NonContinuous { .. } => println!("\t\tType: Non-Continuous"), ValueType::Table { .. } => println!("\t\tType: Table"), } if let Some(desc) = feature.description.as_ref() { println!("\t\t{}", desc); } match feature.ty { ValueType::NonContinuous { ref values, .. } => { for (value, name) in values { println!("\t\t\t0x{:02x}: {}", value, name.as_ref().map(|v| &v[..]).unwrap_or("Unknown")); } }, _ => (), } } Ok(()) })() { error!("Failed to get capabilities: {}", e); exit_code = 1; } sleep.add(display); } Ok(exit_code) }, ("getvcp", Some(matches)) => { let codes = matches.values_of("feature") .map(|s||s| FeatureCode::from_str_radix(s, 16).or_else(|_| FeatureCode::from_str(s))) .collect::, _>>() ).transpose()?; let opt_raw = matches.is_present("raw"); let opt_table = matches.is_present("table"); let opt_caps = matches.is_present("caps"); let opt_scan = matches.is_present("scan"); let mut exit_code = 0; for mut display in displays(query)? { println!("Display on {}:",; println!("\tID: {}",; if let Err(e) = (|| -> Result<(), Error> { let codes = if let Some(codes) = codes.clone() { let _ = display.update_from_ddc(); if opt_caps || { display.update_capabilities()?; } codes } else { if !opt_scan { display.update_capabilities()?; (0..0x100).map(|v| v as FeatureCode).filter(|&c| } else { (0..0x100).map(|v| v as FeatureCode).collect() } }; for code in codes { let feature =; let handle = &mut display.handle; if let Err(e) = (|| -> Result<(), Error> { if let Some(feature) = feature { if feature.access == Access::WriteOnly { println!("\tFeature 0x{:02x} is write-only", code); return Ok(()) } match feature.ty { ValueType::Unknown => { let value = handle.get_vcp_feature(code)?; println!("\tFeature 0x{:02x} = {}", code, ValueInterpretation::Continuous.format(&value)); }, ValueType::Continuous { mut interpretation } => { let value = handle.get_vcp_feature(code)?; if opt_raw { interpretation = ValueInterpretation::Continuous; } println!("\tFeature 0x{:02x} = {}", feature.code, interpretation.format(&value)) }, ValueType::NonContinuous { ref values, mut interpretation } => { if opt_raw { interpretation = ValueInterpretation::Continuous; } let value = handle.get_vcp_feature(code)?; if let Some(&Some(ref name)) = values.get(&(value.value() as u8)) { println!("\tFeature 0x{:02x} = {}: {}", feature.code, interpretation.format(&value), name) } else { println!("\tFeature 0x{:02x} = {}", feature.code, interpretation.format(&value)) } }, ValueType::Table { mut interpretation } => { if opt_raw { interpretation = TableInterpretation::Generic; } let value = handle.table_read(code)?; println!("\tFeature 0x{:02x} = {}", code, interpretation.format(&value).map_err(|_| format_err!("table interpretation failed"))?); }, } } else { if opt_table { let value = handle.table_read(code)?; println!("\tFeature 0x{:02x} = {}", code, TableInterpretation::Generic.format(&value).unwrap()); } else { let value = handle.get_vcp_feature(code)?; println!("\tFeature 0x{:02x} = {}", code, ValueInterpretation::Continuous.format(&value)); }; } Ok(()) })() { error!("Failed to get feature: {}", e); exit_code = 1; } } Ok(()) })() { error!("Failed to get features: {}", e); exit_code = 1; } sleep.add(display); } Ok(exit_code) }, ("setvcp", Some(matches)) => { let feature = matches.value_of("feature").map(|s| FeatureCode::from_str_radix(s, 16).or_else(|_| FeatureCode::from_str(s))).unwrap()?; let opt_offset = matches.value_of("offset").map(u16::from_str).unwrap_or(Ok(0))?; let opt_table = matches.is_present("table"); let opt_verify = matches.is_present("verify"); let value = if opt_table { Err(hex::decode(matches.value_of("value").unwrap())?) } else { Ok(matches.value_of("value").map(u16::from_str).unwrap()?) }; let mut exit_code = 0; for mut display in displays(query)? { println!("Display on {}:",; println!("\tID: {}",; if let Err(e) = (|| -> Result<(), Error> { match value { Ok(value) => display.handle.set_vcp_feature(feature, value), Err(ref table) => display.handle.table_write(feature, opt_offset, &table), }?; if opt_verify { let matches = match value { Ok(value) => display.handle.get_vcp_feature(feature)?.value() == value, Err(ref table) => &display.handle.table_read(feature)? == table, }; if !matches { return Err(format_err!("Verification failed")) } } Ok(()) })() { error!("Failed to set feature: {}", e); exit_code = 1; } sleep.add(display); } Ok(exit_code) }, _ => unreachable!("unknown command"), } }