This is a convenience crate for handling http requests and errors. # Examples ```rust use ddf_blocking_http_client::Client; use ddf_blocking_http_client::HttpResult; use serde::Deserialize; use dotenv::dotenv; use std::env; // dotenv is being used for lack of an example not requiring private keys and public wallet addresses. // dotenv is not required for this crate to work. dotenv::dotenv().ok(); let api_key = env::var("API_KEY").unwrap(); let wallet_address = env::var("PUBLIC_WALLET_ADDRESS").unwrap(); #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct Balance { result: String } let client = Client::new(); let url = &[ "", "?module=account", "&action=balance", "&address=", &wallet_address, "&tag=latest", "&apikey=", &api_key ].concat(); // Here is the main feature, Balance is the data structure expected back, defined above. // You define your own struct and use the serde crate and tag the struct with #[derive(Deserialize)] // and put the name of your struct where our example is using "Balance". // the 10 means we are going to try 10 times, if there is a too_many_requests response, or // an unknown error (perhaps our crate just doesn't handle it yet) then it will wait 1 second and try again. // each time it will double the wait time. The return type is HttpResult let balance = client.get::(url, 10).unwrap().result; dbg!(&balance); // If you are unsure the shape of the data, you can at first use the "get_as_text" function. // Here is an example of that "get_as_text" function, so you can get a look at all the fields to base your struct off of: let balance = client.get_as_text(&url); dbg!(&balance); ```