# ddt Dudy dev tools. # Installation ```sh cargo install ddt ``` # `ddt profile` Commands to profile your code. ## `ddt profile instruments` Commands to profile your code using Instruments.app. (macos only) ## `ddt profile instruments cargo` Example usage: `ddt profile instruments cargo -t 'Allocations' --release --test snapshot` This will build a binary using `cargo`, codesign the binary, and run the binary with the `Allocations` instrument in Instruments.app. # `ddt git` ## `ddt git resolve-conflict` This command allows you to resolve conflicts in lockfiles automatically. #### Usage Credit: https://github.com/Praqma/git-merge-driver#documentation Add a custom merge driver to your **global** gitconfig file. (Typically `~/.gitconfig`) ```gitconfig [merge "ddt-auto"] name = A custom merge driver used to resolve conflicts in lockfiles automatically driver = ddt git resolve-conflict %O %A %B %L %P ``` then, add some entries to the `.gitattributes` of your project. You can specify this multiple times. If your project uses `pnpm` and `cargo` for managing dependencies, you can add this to `.gitattributes`: ```gitattributes pnpm.yaml merge=ddt-auto Cargo.lock merge=ddt-auto ```