## To be fixed by the package developer # copyright missing-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright space-in-std-shortname-in-dep5-copyright license-problem-undefined-license superfluous-file-pattern bad-exception-format-in-dep5-copyright # other source file-contains-fixme-placeholder synopsis-too-long description-synopsis-starts-with-article debian-changelog-line-too-long unknown-section spelling-error-in-binary rust-boilerplate no-manual-page ## To be fixed here in debcargo out-of-date-standards-version package-uses-old-debhelper-compat-version uses-debhelper-compat-file upstream-metadata-file-is-missing ## Cannot be fixed due to Rust crate conventions # crates don't generally have GPG signatures debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature # crates don't always have a homepage no-homepage-field # crates don't always have tests missing-tests-control # crates sometimes just have long source lines very-long-line-length-in-source-file ## Not to be fixed, due to how we package Rust in Debian and lintian being presumptuous # we install the crate into /usr/share/cargo, including most docs package-contains-documentation-outside-usr-share-doc # we install the crate into /usr/share/cargo, lintian is overzealous repeated-path-segment # this is a result of how we have to do rust packaging - # see the comment relating to Multi-Arch in the debcargo source code package-contains-no-arch-dependent-files # Provides issue with FTP pending resolution field-too-long # bug 833608 version-substvar-for-external-package # our policy is not to file ITPs for library crates since there are so many initial-upload-closes-no-bugs ## Not to be fixed, due to our test setup unused-override # lintian doesn't recognise our test "ruzt" prefix wrong-section-according-to-package-name # we don't finalise changelogs for this integration test bad-distribution-in-changes-file distribution-and-changes-mismatch # this is because we don't bother with excluding embedded libs in this # integration test. they are not allowed in Debian and would be a FTP reject # but we don't care for the purposes of this integration test source-is-missing unpack-message-for-orig unpack-message-for-deb-data unpack-message-for-source arch-dependent-file-in-usr-share arch-dependent-file-not-in-arch-specific-directory arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share embedded-library font-outside-font-dir font-in-non-font-package duplicate-font-file source-contains-autogenerated-gperf-data source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object windows-devel-file-in-package executable-not-elf-or-script incorrect-path-for-interpreter hardening-no-fortify-functions