Debug Helper ==================== [![CI](]( This crate provides declarative macros to help you implement the `Debug` trait manually. Instead of this crate, in most cases, you can use the [`educe`]( crate to implement the `Debug` trait. ## Examples For structs, ```rust use std::fmt::{self, Formatter, Debug}; pub struct A { pub f1: u8, pub f2: i16, pub f3: f64, } impl Debug for A { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { debug_helper::impl_debug_for_struct!(A, f, self, .f1, (.f3, "{:.3}", self.f3)); } } let a = A { f1: 1, f2: 2, f3: std::f64::consts::PI, }; println!("{:#?}", a); /* A { f1: 1, f3: 3.142, } */ ``` For tuple structs, ```rust use std::fmt::{self, Formatter, Debug}; pub struct A(pub u8, pub i16, pub f64); impl Debug for A { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { debug_helper::impl_debug_for_tuple_struct!(A, f, self, .0, (.2, "{:.3}", self.2)); } } let a = A(1, 2, std::f64::consts::PI); println!("{:#?}", a); /* A( 1, 3.142, ) */ ``` For enums (without the enum name), ```rust use std::fmt::{self, Formatter, Debug}; pub enum A { V1, V2(u8, i16, f64), V3 { f1: u8, f2: i16, f3: f64, }, } impl Debug for A { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { debug_helper::impl_debug_for_enum!(A::{V1, (V2(f1, _, f3): (.f1, (.f3, "{:.3}", f3))), {V3{f1, f2: _, f3}: (.f1, (.f3, "{:.3}", f3))}}, f, self); } } let a = A::V1; let b = A::V2(1, 2, std::f64::consts::PI); let c = A::V3{ f1: 1, f2: 2, f3: std::f64::consts::PI, }; println!("{:#?}", a); println!("{:#?}", b); println!("{:#?}", c); /* V1 V2( 1, 3.142, ) V3 { f1: 1, f3: 3.142, } */ ``` For enums (with the enum name), ```rust use std::fmt::{self, Formatter, Debug}; pub enum A { V1, V2(u8, i16, f64), V3 { f1: u8, f2: i16, f3: f64, }, } impl Debug for A { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { debug_helper::impl_debug_for_enum!({A::V1, (V2(f1, _, f3): (.f1, (.f3, "{:.3}", f3))), {V3{f1, f2: _, f3}: (.f1, (.f3, "{:.3}", f3))}}, f, self); } } let a = A::V1; let b = A::V2(1, 2, std::f64::consts::PI); let c = A::V3{ f1: 1, f2: 2, f3: std::f64::consts::PI, }; println!("{:#?}", a); println!("{:#?}", b); println!("{:#?}", c); /* A::V1 A::V2( 1, 3.142, ) A::V3 { f1: 1, f3: 3.142, } */ ``` Ghost fields, ```rust use std::fmt::{self, Formatter, Debug}; pub struct A { pub f1: u8, pub f2: i16, pub f3: f64, } impl Debug for A { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { debug_helper::impl_debug_for_struct!(A, f, self, .f1, (.f3, "{:.3}", self.f3), (.sum, "{:.3}", self.f1 as f64 + self.f2 as f64 + self.f3)); } } let a = A { f1: 1, f2: 2, f3: std::f64::consts::PI, }; println!("{:#?}", a); /* A { f1: 1, f3: 3.142, sum: 6.142, } */ ``` ```rust use std::fmt::{self, Formatter, Debug}; pub struct A(pub u8, pub i16, pub f64); impl Debug for A { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { debug_helper::impl_debug_for_tuple_struct!(A, f, self, .0, (.2, "{:.3}", self.2), (.3, "{:.3}", self.0 as f64 + self.1 as f64 + self.2)); } } let a = A(1, 2, std::f64::consts::PI); println!("{:#?}", a); /* A( 1, 3.142, 6.142, ) */ ``` Fake structs, ```rust use std::fmt::{self, Formatter, Debug}; pub struct A(pub u8, pub i16, pub f64); impl Debug for A { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { debug_helper::impl_debug_for_struct!(A, f, self, let .f1 = self.0, let .f2 = self.1, let .f3 = self.2); } } let a = A(1, 2, std::f64::consts::PI); println!("{:#?}", a); /* A { f1: 1, f2: 2, f3: 3.141592653589793, } */ ``` Fake tuple structs, ```rust use std::fmt::{self, Formatter, Debug}; pub struct A { pub f1: u8, pub f2: i16, pub f3: f64, } impl Debug for A { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { debug_helper::impl_debug_for_tuple_struct!(A, f, self, let .0 = self.f1, let .1 = self.f2, let .2 = self.f3); } } let a = A { f1: 1, f2: 2, f3: std::f64::consts::PI, }; println!("{:#?}", a); /* A( 1, 2, 3.141592653589793, ) */ ``` ## TODO 1. Fake enum struct variants and tuple variants. 1. Enum variants can be renamed. ## ## Documentation ## License [MIT](LICENSE)