use debug3::{pprint, Debug, Formatter}; #[test] fn works() { #[derive(Debug)] struct Basic { a: String, b: i32, } assert_eq!( pprint(Basic { a: "Hello World".to_string(), b: 10 }), "Basic { a: \"Hello World\", b: 10 }", ); assert_eq!( pprint(Basic { a: "This is a very long string, so that the function will be required to spill" .to_string(), b: 10 }), "Basic { a: \"This is a very long string, so that the function will be required to spill\", b: 10, }", ); } #[test] fn empty_struct() { #[derive(Debug)] struct Empty {} assert_eq!(pprint(Empty {}), "Empty"); } #[test] fn non_exaustive() { struct Bar { bar: i32, bas: &'static str, #[allow(dead_code)] hidden: f32, } impl Debug for Bar { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_struct("Bar") .field("bar", & .field("bas", &self.bas) .finish_non_exhaustive() } } assert_eq!( pprint(Bar { bar: 10, bas: "Hey", hidden: 0.1 }), "Bar { bar: 10, bas: \"Hey\", .. }", ); assert_eq!( pprint(Bar { bar: 10, bas: "Hey Now, Your an all star", hidden: 0.1 }), "\ Bar { bar: 10, bas: \"Hey Now, Your an all star\", .. }", ); } #[test] fn non_exaustive_empty() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) { f.debug_struct("Foo").finish_non_exhaustive() } } assert_eq!(pprint(Foo {}), "Foo { .. }"); } mod debug_struct { use debug3::{Debug, Formatter}; #[test] fn test_empty() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_struct("Foo").finish() } } assert_eq!("Foo", debug3::pprint(Foo)); assert_eq!("Foo", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_single() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_struct("Foo").field("bar", &true).finish() } } assert_eq!("Foo { bar: true }", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_multiple() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_struct("Foo") .field("bar", &true) .field("baz", &format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish() } } assert_eq!("Foo { bar: true, baz: 10/20 }", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_nested() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_struct("Foo") .field("bar", &true) .field("baz", &format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish() } } struct Bar; impl Debug for Bar { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_struct("Bar") .field("foo", &Foo) .field("hello", &"world") .finish() } } assert_eq!( "\ Bar { foo: Foo { bar: true, baz: 10/20 }, hello: \"world\", }", debug3::pprint(Bar) ); } #[test] fn test_only_non_exhaustive() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_struct("Foo").finish_non_exhaustive() } } assert_eq!("Foo { .. }", debug3::pprint(Foo)); assert_eq!("Foo { .. }", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_multiple_and_non_exhaustive() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_struct("Foo") .field("bar", &true) .field("baz", &format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish_non_exhaustive() } } assert_eq!("Foo { bar: true, baz: 10/20, .. }", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_nested_non_exhaustive() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_struct("Foo") .field("bar", &true) .field("baz", &format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish_non_exhaustive() } } struct Bar; impl Debug for Bar { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_struct("Bar") .field("foo", &Foo) .field("hello", &"world") .finish_non_exhaustive() } } assert_eq!( "\ Bar { foo: Foo { bar: true, baz: 10/20, .. }, hello: \"world\", .. }", debug3::pprint(Bar) ); } } mod debug_set { use debug3::{Debug, Formatter}; #[test] fn test_empty() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_set().finish() } } assert_eq!("{}", debug3::pprint(Foo)); assert_eq!("{}", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_single() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_set().entry(&true).finish() } } assert_eq!("{true}", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_multiple() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_set() .entry(&true) .entry(&format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish() } } assert_eq!("{true, 10/20}", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_nested() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_set() .entry(&true) .entry(&format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish() } } struct Bar; impl Debug for Bar { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_set().entry(&Foo).entry(&"world").finish() } } assert_eq!("{{true, 10/20}, \"world\"}", debug3::pprint(Bar)); } } mod debug_list { use debug3::{Debug, Formatter}; #[test] fn test_empty() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_list().finish() } } assert_eq!("[]", debug3::pprint(Foo)); assert_eq!("[]", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_single() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_list().entry(&true).finish() } } assert_eq!("[true]", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_multiple() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_list() .entry(&true) .entry(&format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish() } } assert_eq!("[true, 10/20]", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_nested() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_list() .entry(&true) .entry(&format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish() } } struct Bar; impl Debug for Bar { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_list().entry(&Foo).entry(&"world").finish() } } assert_eq!("[[true, 10/20], \"world\"]", debug3::pprint(Bar)); } } #[test] fn list_many() { let x: &[&[&[i32]]] = &[ &[&[1], &[2], &[3]], &[ &[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 34, 432, 123, 1234, 132432, 123, 312123, ], &[4, 5, 6], ], ]; assert_eq!( "\ [ [[1], [2], [3]], [ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 34, 432, 123, 1234, 132432, 123, 312123], [4, 5, 6], ], ]", debug3::pprint(x) ); } #[test] fn empty_tuple() { assert_eq!("()", debug3::pprint(())); } #[test] fn unary_tuple() { assert_eq!("(1,)", debug3::pprint((1,))); } #[test] fn binary_typle() { assert_eq!("(1, 2)", debug3::pprint((1, 2))); } #[test] fn tuple_break() { let x = ( "SDBSsdfdasfasdF", "FDSssssjgkl;kjgdfskl;jlkgkl;fsgjfdgsfk;gl", "dfgskldjfgkldfjkl;dfgj;lfg", ); assert_eq!( "\ ( \"SDBSsdfdasfasdF\", \"FDSssssjgkl;kjgdfskl;jlkgkl;fsgjfdgsfk;gl\", \"dfgskldjfgkldfjkl;dfgj;lfg\", )", debug3::pprint(x) ); } mod debug_tuple { use debug3::{Debug, Formatter}; #[test] fn test_empty() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_tuple("Foo").finish() } } assert_eq!("Foo", debug3::pprint(Foo)); assert_eq!("Foo", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_single() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_tuple("Foo").field(&true).finish() } } assert_eq!("Foo(true)", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_multiple() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_tuple("Foo") .field(&true) .field(&format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish() } } assert_eq!("Foo(true, 10/20)", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_nested() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_tuple("Foo") .field(&true) .field(&format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish() } } struct Bar; impl Debug for Bar { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_tuple("Bar").field(&Foo).field(&"world").finish() } } assert_eq!("Bar(Foo(true, 10/20), \"world\")", debug3::pprint(Bar)); } } mod debug_map { use debug3::{Debug, Formatter}; #[test] fn test_empty() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_map().finish() } } assert_eq!("{}", debug3::pprint(Foo)); assert_eq!("{}", debug3::pprint(Foo)); } #[test] fn test_single() { struct Entry; impl Debug for Entry { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_map().entry(&"bar", &true).finish() } } struct KeyValue; impl Debug for KeyValue { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_map().key(&"bar").value(&true).finish() } } assert_eq!(debug3::pprint(Entry), debug3::pprint(KeyValue)); assert_eq!("{\"bar\": true}", debug3::pprint(Entry)); } #[test] fn test_multiple() { struct Entry; impl Debug for Entry { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_map() .entry(&"bar", &true) .entry(&10, &format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish() } } struct KeyValue; impl Debug for KeyValue { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_map() .key(&"bar") .value(&true) .key(&10) .value(&format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish() } } assert_eq!(debug3::pprint(Entry), debug3::pprint(KeyValue)); assert_eq!(debug3::pprint(Entry), debug3::pprint(KeyValue)); assert_eq!("{\"bar\": true, 10: 10/20}", debug3::pprint(Entry)); } #[test] fn test_nested() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_map() .entry(&"bar", &true) .entry(&10, &format_args!("{}/{}", 10, 20)) .finish() } } struct Bar; impl Debug for Bar { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_map() .entry(&"foo", &Foo) .entry(&Foo, &"world") .finish() } } assert_eq!( "{\"foo\": {\"bar\": true, 10: 10/20}, \ {\"bar\": true, 10: 10/20}: \"world\"}", debug3::pprint(Bar) ); // TODO: Get the better output // assert_eq!( // "{ // \"foo\": { // \"bar\": true, // 10: 10/20, // }, // { // \"bar\": true, // 10: 10/20, // }: \"world\", // }", // debug3::pprint(Bar) // ); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_invalid_key_when_entry_is_incomplete() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_map().key(&"bar").key(&"invalid").finish() } } debug3::pprint(Foo); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_invalid_finish_incomplete_entry() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_map().key(&"bar").finish() } } debug3::pprint(Foo); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_invalid_value_before_key() { struct Foo; impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) { fmt.debug_map().value(&"invalid").key(&"bar").finish() } } debug3::pprint(Foo); } } #[test] fn big_map() { struct Foo(Vec<(Vec<&'static str>, &'static str)>); impl Debug for Foo { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) { let mut m = f.debug_map(); for (k, v) in &self.0 { m.entry(k, v); } m.finish(); } } let x = Foo(vec![ (vec!["C", "C++", "Java"], "Imperitive"), (vec!["Ocaml", "F#", "Haskell"], "Functional"), ( vec![ "C", "C++", "Java", "C#", "JavaScript", "TypeScript", "Go", "Rust", "Zig", "D", "Scala 2", "Kotlin", "PHP", "Swift", ], "Braces", ), ]); assert_eq!( "\ { [\"C\", \"C++\", \"Java\"]: \"Imperitive\", [\"Ocaml\", \"F#\", \"Haskell\"]: \"Functional\", [ \"C\", \"C++\", \"Java\", \"C#\", \"JavaScript\", \"TypeScript\", \"Go\", \"Rust\", \"Zig\", \"D\", \"Scala 2\", \"Kotlin\", \"PHP\", \"Swift\", ]: \"Braces\", }", debug3::pprint(x) ); } #[test] fn enum_many_ways() { #[derive(Debug)] enum Foo { A(i32), B(i32, &'static str), C { a: i32, b: &'static str }, D {}, E(), F, } assert_eq!("A(0)", debug3::pprint(Foo::A(0))); assert_eq!("B(0, \"XX\")", debug3::pprint(Foo::B(0, "XX"))); assert_eq!( "C { a: 0, b: \"XX\" }", debug3::pprint(Foo::C { a: 0, b: "XX" }) ); assert_eq!("D", debug3::pprint(Foo::D {})); assert_eq!("E", debug3::pprint(Foo::E())); assert_eq!("F", debug3::pprint(Foo::F)); }