# Debug Plotter This crate provides a convenient macro to quickly plot variables. ## Example In this example, we quickly want to plot the variables `a`, `b`, and `c`. Optionally, we can name the plot. Plots are saved as a PNG image in the `plots` directory that is created in the working directory. ```rust fn main() { for a in 0usize..10usize { let b = (a as f32 / 2.0).sin() * 10.0; let c = 5 - (a as i32); debug_plotter::plot!(a, b, c where caption = "My Plot"); } } ``` The example above generates a plot named "My Plot" and saves it to 'plots/My_Plot.png`. ![Basic PLot](plots/My_Plot.png) ## Documentation For more information on how to use this crate, please take a look at the [documentation](https://docs.rs/debug_plotter/0.2.0/debug_plotter/) or the [examples](https://github.com/fabianboesiger/debug-plotter/tree/main/examples). ## Debug and Release Mode Variables are only plotted if your code is run in debug mode. In release mode, `plot!` macros are ignored. If you want to avoid compiling the dependencies for this crate in release mode, add `--no-default-features`. If you want to plot variables in release mode, use the feature `plot-release`.