import hashlib from binascii import hexlify from typing import Iterable, Optional, Set, Union from .constants import * from .counter import IncrementingCounter from .structures import * from .utils import get_page_category, wikidot_id_or_auto import psycopg2 class Generator: """ Generates SQL and S3 invocations. This produces a SQL file to ingest data into DEEPWELL, as well as a shells cript which invokes the aws utility to upload data to S3. The class also tracks the state of all imported Wikidot data, as encountered. This is necessary to avoid inserting duplicate data. """ __slots__ = ( "sql_buffer", "sh_buffer", "cursor", "s3_bucket", "page_category_id", "user_ids", "user_slugs", "site_ids", "site_slugs", "page_ids", "page_slugs", "page_revision_ids", "page_revision_numbers", "page_categories", "file_names", "blob_hashes", "text_hashes", ) def __init__(self, sql_buffer, sh_buffer, cursor, s3_bucket, last_page_category_id): self.sql_buffer = sql_buffer self.sh_buffer = sh_buffer self.cursor = cursor self.s3_bucket = s3_bucket self.page_category_id = IncrementingCounter(last_page_category_id) self.user_ids, self.user_slugs = set(), set() # Set[int], Set[str] self.site_ids, self.site_slugs = set(), set() # Set[int], Set[str] self.page_ids, self.page_slugs = set(), set() # Set[int], Set[Tuple[int, str]] self.page_revision_ids = set() # Set[int] self.page_revision_numbers = set() # Set[Tuple[int, int]] self.page_categories = {} # dict[Tuple[int, str], int] self.file_names = set() # Set[Tuple[int, str]] self.blob_hashes = {} # dict[bytes, str] self.text_hashes = set() # Set[bytes] self.sql_buffer.write("-- AUTO-GENERATED FILE\n") self.sh_buffer.write("# AUTO-GENERATED FILE\n") def format(self, query: str, parameters=()) -> str: return self.cursor.mogrify(query, parameters).decode("utf-8") def append_sql(self, query: str, parameters=()): sql_line = self.format(query, parameters) self.sql_buffer.write(f"{sql_line};\n") def section_sql(self, name: str): self.sql_buffer.write(f"\n\n--\n-- {name}\n--\n\n") def append_sh(self, data: bytes, data_hash: bytes): def bash_escape(d: bytes) -> str: r"""Bash-escape binary strings. e.g. $'\x00'""" inner = "".join(f"\\x{b:02x}" for b in d) return f"$'{inner}'" data_hash_hex = hexlify(data_hash).decode("utf-8") bucket_path = f"s3://{self.s3_bucket}/{data_hash_hex}" self.sh_buffer.write( 'file="$(mktemp)"\n' f"printf '%s' {bash_escape(data)} > \"$file\"\n" f'aws cp "$file" {bucket_path}\n' f'rm "$file"\n\n' ) return bucket_path def section_sh(self, name: str): self.sh_buffer.write(f"\n\n#\n# {name}\n#\n\n") def add_user(self, user: User): if ( self.id_exists(self.user_ids, user.wikidot_id) or user.slug in self.user_slugs ): return avatar_path = self.add_blob(user.avatar) # TODO change over when user table changes, remaining fields self.append_sql( "INSERT INTO users (id, slug, username, avatar_path, created_at) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (wikidot_id_or_auto(user), user.slug,, avatar_path, user.created_at), ) self.id_add(self.user_ids, user.wikidot_id) self.user_slugs.add(user.slug) def add_site(self, site: Site): if ( self.id_exists(self.site_ids, site.wikidot_id) or site.slug in self.site_slugs ): return self.append_sql( "INSERT INTO site (site_id, name, slug, subtitle, description) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (wikidot_id_or_auto(site),, site.slug, site.subtitle, site.description), ) self.id_add(self.site_ids, site.wikidot_id) self.site_slugs.add(site.slug) def add_page(self, page: Page): if ( self.id_exists(self.page_ids, page.wikidot_id) or (page.site_id, page.slug) in self.page_slugs ): return page_category_id = self.add_page_category( page.site_id, get_page_category(page.slug), ) self.append_sql( "INSERT INTO page (page_id, created_at, updated_at, site_id, page_category_id, slug, discussion_thread_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ( wikidot_id_or_auto(page), page.created_at, page.updated_at, page.site_id, page_category_id, page.slug, page.discussion_thread_id, ), ) self.id_add(self.page_ids, page.wikidot_id) self.page_slugs.add((page.site_id, page.slug)) def add_page_revisions(self, revisions: Iterable[PageRevision]): for revision in revisions: self.add_page_revision(revision) def add_page_revision(self, revision: PageRevision): if ( self.id_exists(self.page_revision_ids, revision.wikidot_id) or (revision.page_id, revision.revision_number) in self.page_revision_numbers ): return if revision.flags == "N" or revision.revision_number == 0: revision_type = "created" elif revision.flags == "R": revision_type = "move" else: revision_type = "regular" wikitext_hash = self.add_text(revision.wikitext) compiled_hash = self.add_text(revision.html) # TODO per-revision fields? self.append_sql( "INSERT INTO page_revision (revision_id, revision_type, revision_number, created_at, page_id, site_id, user_id, wikitext_hash, compiled_hash, compiled_at, compiled_generator, slug, title, tags, comments) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ( wikidot_id_or_auto(revision), revision_type, revision.revision_number, revision.created_at, revision.page_id, revision.site_id, revision.user_id, wikitext_hash, compiled_hash, revision.created_at, "Imported from Wikidot", revision.slug, revision.title, revision.tags, revision.comments, ), ) self.id_add(self.page_revision_ids, revision.wikidot_id) self.page_revision_numbers.add((revision.page_id, revision.revision_number)) def add_page_votes(self, votes: Iterable[PageVote]): for vote in votes: self.add_page_vote(vote) def add_page_vote(self, vote: PageVote): self.append_sql( "INSERT INTO page_vote (created_at, page_id, user_id, value) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (UNKNOWN_CREATION_DATE, vote.page_id, vote.user_id, vote.value), ) def add_page_lock(self, page_id: int, locked: bool = True): if locked: self.append_sql( "INSERT INTO page_lock (created_at, lock_type, page_id, user_id, reason) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ( UNKNOWN_CREATION_DATE, "wikidot", page_id, ANONYMOUS_USER_ID, "Imported from Wikidot", ), ) def add_page_category(self, site_id: int, category_slug: str) -> int: page_category_id = self.page_categories.get((site_id, category_slug)) if page_category_id is None: page_category_id = self.append_sql( "INSERT INTO page_category (category_id, site_id, slug) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (page_category_id, site_id, category_slug), ) return page_category_id def add_file(self, file: File): if ( self.id_exists(self.file_ids, file.wikidot_id) or (file.page_id, in self.file_names ): return self.append_sql( "INSERT INTO file (file_id, created_at, name, page_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (wikidot_id_or_auto(file), file.created_at,, file.page_id), ) self.file_names.add((file.page_id, # TODO add forums def add_blob(self, data: bytes) -> str: data_hash = hashlib.sha512(data).digest() s3_url = self.blob_hashes.get(data_hash) if s3_url is None: s3_url = self.append_sh(data, data_hash) self.blob_hashes[data_hash] = s3_url return s3_url def add_text(self, text: str) -> bytes: text_bytes = text.encode("utf-8") text_hash = hashlib.sha512(text_bytes).digest() if text_hash not in self.text_hashes: self.append_sql( "INSERT INTO text (hash, contents) VALUES (%s, %s)", (text_hash, text), ) self.text_hashes.add(text_hash) return text_hash def id_exists(self, field: Set[int], id: Optional[int]) -> bool: if id is None: return False return id in field def id_add(self, field: Set[int], id: Optional[int]): if id is None: return field.add(id) def generate_seed( runner: callable, *, sql_path: str, sh_path: str, s3_bucket: str, postgres_url: str, last_page_category_id: int = 0, ): """ Given a function which takes a Generator, run through whatever backup and add all the relevant information. The generator will ensure duplicate data is not added. """ with open(sql_path, "w") as sql_file: with open(sh_path, "w") as sh_file: with psycopg2.connect(postgres_url) as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: generator = Generator( sql_file, sh_file, cursor, s3_bucket, last_page_category_id, ) runner(generator)