[license]: https://github.com/hashintel/hash/blob/main/libs/deer/LICENSE.md # deer-macros `deer` is an **experimental** backend-agnostic deserialization framework for Rust, featuring meaningful error messages and context (utilizing [`error-stack`](https://crates.io/crates/error-stack)) and a fail-slow behavior by default. `deer-macros` is a collection of derive macros to automatically implement `Deserialize` for types. ## ⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️ This crate does not ship with any functionality and is only a name reservation to stop potential name squatting. In the future the actual crate will be published under this name, for the current (incomplete) implementation of the crate please visit the linked repository. ## Contributors `deer` was created by [Bilal Mahmoud](https://github.com/indietyp). It is being developed in conjunction with [HASH](https://hash.dev/). As an open-source project, we gratefully accept external contributions and have published a [contributing guide](https://github.com/hashintel/hash/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) that outlines the process. If you have questions, please reach out to us on our [Discord server](https://hash.ai/discord). You can also report bugs [directly on the GitHub repo](https://github.com/hashintel/hash/issues/new?assignees=Alfred-Mountfield%2CTimDiekmann%2Cindietyp&labels=A-deer%2CC-bug&template=bug-report-deer.yml). ## License `deer` is available under a number of different open-source licenses. Please see the [LICENSE] file to review your options.