# This is a first level header ## Second ### Third #### Fourth ##### Fifth - This is an unordered list - which must be across - consecutive lines 1. ~This is a numbered list~ 120. *(a.k.a an ordered list)* Lines starting with < are included as-is, allowing HTML or CSS attributes to be embedded inline while > Lines starting with > are ~blockquotes~, > like what you would see in an email. > - author code block's are delimited by 3 back ticks ``` let x = 10; let q = 20; let z = x * q; ``` `{This creates an anchor point}`, and `[This is how you create a link](#anchor)` Sentences without an empty line will be grouped into a paragraph Although you can add a line break by ending a line with two spaces like this {paragraph}This is a separate paragraph which has a [self-referential link](#paragraph) backticks escape what they contain `[`, as do backslashes "\\" `===` makes a horizontal rule === *`*asterisks*`* make things *bold!* ~`~tilde's~`~ make things ~italic~ `_underscores_` _underline_