## Degen Sql An opinionated postgres driver for rust and a light wrapper around tokio-postgres. Easily establish a postgres connection and run migrations from a folder. ``` cargo add degen-sql ``` #### A note about the migrate and rollback_full scripts Since you cannot run scripts of dependencies, it is recommended that you copy and paste the 'scripts' folder from this repo into your project and then set up binaries in your Cargo.toml to run them. Then, you will have a migrate script and a rollback script to use in your project. ### Step 1. Set your env vars for postgres ``` DB_HOST="db.co....blb.supabase.co" DB_USER="postgres" DB_NAME="postgres" DB_PASSWORD="Foo....baR" ``` ### Step 2. Use in your code ``` use degen_sql::db::postgres::postgres_db::{Database,DatabaseCredentials}; use dotenvy::dotenv; use std::env; async fn main() -> io::Result<()> { dotenv().ok(); //you dont HAVE to load them in like this but this is typical. Do not forget this if you use ::from_env()!! let database_credentials = DatabaseCredentials::from_env(); //or you can use DatabaseCredentials { ... } and create the struct manually let database = Arc::new( Database::connect( database_credentials, None ).await.unwrap()); //EXAMPLE USING THE DATABASE CONNECTION WITH ACTIX HttpServer::new(move || { let app_state = AppState { database: Arc::clone(&database) }; App::new() .app_data(Data::new(app_state)) // Here is where we inject our database for our endpoints to use .configure( ...routes ... ) }) .bind("")? .run() .await } ``` ### Step 3 Build your migrations and models. If you would like to see an example of this in action, see the [vibegraph project](https://github.com/ethereumdegen/vibegraph-rs)