mod common; use delta_sharing::blocking::Client; use delta_sharing::protocol::*; use std::path::Path; use uuid::Uuid; use wiremock::matchers::{method, path, MethodExactMatcher}; use wiremock::{Mock, MockServer, ResponseTemplate}; pub struct BlockingTestApp { pub client: Client, pub server: MockServer, } fn create_blocking_test_app() -> BlockingTestApp { let _ = env_logger::try_init(); let server = tokio_test::block_on(MockServer::start()); let config = ProviderConfig { share_credentials_version: 1, endpoint: server.uri(), bearer_token: Uuid::new_v4().to_string(), }; let client = Client::new(config, None, None).unwrap(); let test_app = BlockingTestApp { client, server }; test_app } fn create_blocking_mocked_test_app( body: &str, url: &str, req_method: MethodExactMatcher, ) -> BlockingTestApp { let app = create_blocking_test_app(); let response = ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_string(body); let mock = Mock::given(path(url)) .and(req_method) .respond_with(response) .expect(1) .mount(&app.server); tokio_test::block_on(mock); app } #[test] fn list_shares() { let body = r#"{"items":[{"name":"share_1","id":"1"},{"name":"share_2","id":"2"}]}"#; let app = create_blocking_mocked_test_app(body, "/shares", method("GET")); let shares = app.client.list_shares().unwrap(); assert_eq!( shares.len(), 2, "Expected a vector of {}, got {}", 2, shares.len(), ); } #[test] fn get_dataframe() { let table = Table { name: "table_1".to_string(), share: "share_1".to_string(), schema: "schema_1".to_string(), }; let app = create_blocking_test_app(); // There are fiew pieces here that need to work in sequence // 1. List table files let list_files_url = format!( "shares/{}/schemas/{}/tables/{}/query", table.share, table.schema, ); let mut file: ParquetFile = serde_json::from_str(common::TEST_FILE_RESPONSE).expect("Invalid file info"); let file_url_path = "/shares/test.parquet"; file.url = format!("{}{}", &app.server.uri(), &file_url_path); let list_files_body = &format!( r#"{{ "protocol": {} }} {{ "metaData": {} }} {{ "file": {} }}"#, common::TEST_PROTOCOL_RESPONSE, common::TEST_METADATA_RESPONSE, serde_json::to_string(&file).unwrap() ); let list_files_response = ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_string(list_files_body); // This should be called twice, for both initial call and subsequent call for cached data let m = Mock::given(path(list_files_url)) .and(method("POST")) .respond_with(list_files_response) .expect(2) .mount(&app.server); tokio_test::block_on(m); // 2. Provide the data files for download - use a test Parquet files from the resources let parquet_local_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("resources/test/test.parquet"); let file_content = std::fs::read(parquet_local_path).unwrap(); let file_response = ResponseTemplate::new(200).set_body_bytes(file_content); // This should only be called once let m = Mock::given(path(file_url_path)) .and(method("GET")) .respond_with(file_response) .expect(1) .mount(&app.server); tokio_test::block_on(m); let mut c = app.client; c.data_root = common::get_random_location(Path::new(env!("CARGO_TARGET_TMPDIR"))) .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string(); let df = c.get_dataframe(&table, None).unwrap().collect().unwrap(); assert_eq!(df.shape(), (5, 3), "Dataframe shape mismatch"); // Get the data again, this time it should be served from the local cache (enforced by Expections set on Mocks) let df1 = c.get_dataframe(&table, None).unwrap().collect().unwrap(); assert_eq!(df1.shape(), (5, 3), "Dataframe shape mismatch"); assert_eq!( df1.get_row(0).unwrap().0[1], polars::datatypes::AnyValue::String("One"), "Row value mismatch" ); }