use chrono::Utc; use deltalake_core::errors::DeltaTableError; use deltalake_core::logstore::LogStore; use deltalake_core::table::builder::DeltaTableBuilder; use deltalake_gcp::register_handlers; use deltalake_test::utils::*; use futures::StreamExt; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::process::ExitStatus; use std::sync::Arc; use tempfile::TempDir; use tracing::info; /// Kinds of storage integration #[derive(Debug)] pub struct GcpIntegration { bucket_name: String, temp_dir: TempDir, } impl Default for GcpIntegration { fn default() -> Self { register_handlers(None); Self { bucket_name: format!("test-delta-table-{}", Utc::now().timestamp()), temp_dir: TempDir::new().unwrap(), } } } /// Synchronize the contents of two object stores pub async fn sync_stores( from_store: Arc, to_store: Arc, ) -> Result<(), DeltaTableError> { let from_store = from_store.object_store().clone(); let to_store = to_store.object_store().clone(); // TODO if a table is copied within the same root store (i.e bucket), using copy would be MUCH more efficient let mut meta_stream = from_store.list(None); while let Some(file) = { if let Ok(meta) = file { let bytes = from_store.get(&meta.location).await?.bytes().await?; to_store.put(&meta.location, bytes.into()).await?; } } Ok(()) } pub async fn copy_table( from: impl AsRef, from_options: Option>, to: impl AsRef, to_options: Option>, allow_http: bool, ) -> Result<(), DeltaTableError> { let from_store = DeltaTableBuilder::from_uri(from) .with_storage_options(from_options.unwrap_or_default()) .with_allow_http(allow_http) .build_storage()?; let to_store = DeltaTableBuilder::from_uri(to) .with_storage_options(to_options.unwrap_or_default()) .with_allow_http(allow_http) .build_storage()?; sync_stores(from_store, to_store).await } impl StorageIntegration for GcpIntegration { fn create_bucket(&self) -> std::io::Result { gs_cli::create_bucket(self.bucket_name()) } fn prepare_env(&self) { gs_cli::prepare_env(); let base_url = std::env::var("GOOGLE_BASE_URL").unwrap(); let token = serde_json::json!({"gcs_base_url": base_url, "disable_oauth": true, "client_email": "", "private_key": "", "private_key_id": ""}); let account_path = self.temp_dir.path().join("gcs.json"); info!("account_path: {account_path:?}"); std::fs::write(&account_path, serde_json::to_vec(&token).unwrap()).unwrap(); std::env::set_var( "GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT", account_path.as_path().to_str().unwrap(), ); } fn bucket_name(&self) -> String { self.bucket_name.clone() } fn root_uri(&self) -> String { format!("gs://{}", self.bucket_name()) } fn copy_directory(&self, source: &str, destination: &str) -> std::io::Result { use futures::executor::block_on; let to = format!("{}/{}", self.root_uri(), destination); let _ = block_on(copy_table(source.to_owned(), None, to, None, true)); Ok(ExitStatus::default()) } } impl GcpIntegration { fn delete_bucket(&self) -> std::io::Result { gs_cli::delete_bucket(self.bucket_name.clone()) } } /// small wrapper around google api pub mod gs_cli { use super::set_env_if_not_set; use std::process::{Command, ExitStatus}; pub fn create_bucket(container_name: impl AsRef) -> std::io::Result { let endpoint = std::env::var("GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_URL") .expect("variable GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_URL must be set to connect to GCS Emulator"); let payload = serde_json::json!({ "name": container_name.as_ref() }); Command::new("curl") .args([ "--insecure", "-v", "-X", "POST", "--data-binary", &serde_json::to_string(&payload)?, "-H", "Content-Type: application/json", &endpoint, ]) .spawn() .expect("curl command is installed") .wait() } pub fn delete_bucket(container_name: impl AsRef) -> std::io::Result { let endpoint = std::env::var("GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_URL") .expect("variable GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_URL must be set to connect to GCS Emulator"); let payload = serde_json::json!({ "name": container_name.as_ref() }); Command::new("curl") .args([ "--insecure", "-v", "-X", "DELETE", "--data-binary", &serde_json::to_string(&payload)?, "-H", "Content-Type: application/json", &endpoint, ]) .spawn() .expect("curl command is installed") .wait() } /// prepare_env pub fn prepare_env() { set_env_if_not_set("GOOGLE_BASE_URL", "http://localhost:4443"); set_env_if_not_set("GOOGLE_ENDPOINT_URL", "http://localhost:4443/storage/v1/b"); } }