SOURCE_FILES := $(shell test -e src/ && find src -type f) VERSION := $(shell sed -n 's,^version = \"\(.*\)\",\1,p' Cargo.toml) policy.wasm: $(SOURCE_FILES) Cargo.* cargo build --target=wasm32-wasip1 --release cp target/wasm32-wasip1/release/*.wasm policy.wasm artifacthub-pkg.yml: metadata.yml Cargo.toml $(warning If you are updating the artifacthub-pkg.yml file for a release, \ remember to set the VERSION variable with the proper value. \ To use the latest tag, use the following command: \ make VERSION=$$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | cut -c2-) annotated-policy.wasm) kwctl scaffold artifacthub --metadata-path metadata.yml --version $(VERSION) \ --questions-path questions-ui.yml --output artifacthub-pkg.yml annotated-policy.wasm: policy.wasm metadata.yml kwctl annotate -m metadata.yml -u -o annotated-policy.wasm policy.wasm .PHONY: fmt fmt: cargo fmt --all -- --check .PHONY: lint lint: cargo clippy -- -D warnings .PHONY: e2e-tests e2e-tests: annotated-policy.wasm bats e2e.bats .PHONY: test test: fmt lint cargo test .PHONY: clean clean: cargo clean rm -f policy.wasm annotated-policy.wasm artifacthub-pkg.yml