// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. use base64::prelude::BASE64_URL_SAFE_NO_PAD; use base64::Engine; use const_oid::AssociatedOid; use const_oid::ObjectIdentifier; use deno_core::op2; use deno_core::ToJsBuffer; use elliptic_curve::sec1::ToEncodedPoint; use p256::pkcs8::DecodePrivateKey; use rsa::pkcs1::der::Decode; use rsa::pkcs8::der::asn1::UintRef; use rsa::pkcs8::der::Encode; use serde::Deserialize; use serde::Serialize; use spki::der::asn1; use spki::der::asn1::BitString; use spki::AlgorithmIdentifier; use spki::AlgorithmIdentifierOwned; use crate::shared::*; #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum ExportKeyError { #[error(transparent)] General(#[from] SharedError), #[error(transparent)] Der(#[from] spki::der::Error), #[error("Unsupported named curve")] UnsupportedNamedCurve, } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct ExportKeyOptions { format: ExportKeyFormat, #[serde(flatten)] algorithm: ExportKeyAlgorithm, } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] pub enum ExportKeyFormat { Raw, Pkcs8, Spki, JwkPublic, JwkPrivate, JwkSecret, } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase", tag = "algorithm")] pub enum ExportKeyAlgorithm { #[serde(rename = "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5")] RsassaPkcs1v15 {}, #[serde(rename = "RSA-PSS")] RsaPss {}, #[serde(rename = "RSA-OAEP")] RsaOaep {}, #[serde(rename = "ECDSA", rename_all = "camelCase")] Ecdsa { named_curve: EcNamedCurve }, #[serde(rename = "ECDH", rename_all = "camelCase")] Ecdh { named_curve: EcNamedCurve }, #[serde(rename = "AES")] Aes {}, #[serde(rename = "HMAC")] Hmac {}, } #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(untagged)] pub enum ExportKeyResult { Raw(ToJsBuffer), Pkcs8(ToJsBuffer), Spki(ToJsBuffer), JwkSecret { k: String, }, JwkPublicRsa { n: String, e: String, }, JwkPrivateRsa { n: String, e: String, d: String, p: String, q: String, dp: String, dq: String, qi: String, }, JwkPublicEc { x: String, y: String, }, JwkPrivateEc { x: String, y: String, d: String, }, } #[op2] #[serde] pub fn op_crypto_export_key( #[serde] opts: ExportKeyOptions, #[serde] key_data: V8RawKeyData, ) -> Result { match opts.algorithm { ExportKeyAlgorithm::RsassaPkcs1v15 {} | ExportKeyAlgorithm::RsaPss {} | ExportKeyAlgorithm::RsaOaep {} => export_key_rsa(opts.format, key_data), ExportKeyAlgorithm::Ecdh { named_curve } | ExportKeyAlgorithm::Ecdsa { named_curve } => { export_key_ec(opts.format, key_data, opts.algorithm, named_curve) } ExportKeyAlgorithm::Aes {} | ExportKeyAlgorithm::Hmac {} => { export_key_symmetric(opts.format, key_data) } } } fn uint_to_b64(bytes: UintRef) -> String { BASE64_URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(bytes.as_bytes()) } fn bytes_to_b64(bytes: &[u8]) -> String { BASE64_URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(bytes) } fn export_key_rsa( format: ExportKeyFormat, key_data: V8RawKeyData, ) -> Result { match format { ExportKeyFormat::Spki => { let subject_public_key = &key_data.as_rsa_public_key()?; // the SPKI structure let key_info = spki::SubjectPublicKeyInfo { algorithm: spki::AlgorithmIdentifier { // rsaEncryption(1) oid: const_oid::ObjectIdentifier::new_unwrap("1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"), // parameters field should not be omitted (None). // It MUST have ASN.1 type NULL. parameters: Some(asn1::AnyRef::from(asn1::Null)), }, subject_public_key: BitString::from_bytes(subject_public_key).unwrap(), }; // Infallible because we know the public key is valid. let spki_der = key_info.to_der().unwrap(); Ok(ExportKeyResult::Spki(spki_der.into())) } ExportKeyFormat::Pkcs8 => { let private_key = key_data.as_rsa_private_key()?; // the PKCS#8 v1 structure // PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE { // version Version, // privateKeyAlgorithm PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier, // privateKey PrivateKey, // attributes [0] IMPLICIT Attributes OPTIONAL } // version is 0 when publickey is None let pk_info = rsa::pkcs8::PrivateKeyInfo { public_key: None, algorithm: rsa::pkcs8::AlgorithmIdentifierRef { // rsaEncryption(1) oid: rsa::pkcs8::ObjectIdentifier::new_unwrap("1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"), // parameters field should not be omitted (None). // It MUST have ASN.1 type NULL as per defined in RFC 3279 Section 2.3.1 parameters: Some(rsa::pkcs8::der::asn1::AnyRef::from( rsa::pkcs8::der::asn1::Null, )), }, private_key, }; // Infallible because we know the private key is valid. let mut pkcs8_der = Vec::new(); pk_info.encode_to_vec(&mut pkcs8_der)?; Ok(ExportKeyResult::Pkcs8(pkcs8_der.into())) } ExportKeyFormat::JwkPublic => { let public_key = key_data.as_rsa_public_key()?; let public_key = rsa::pkcs1::RsaPublicKey::from_der(&public_key) .map_err(|_| SharedError::FailedDecodePublicKey)?; Ok(ExportKeyResult::JwkPublicRsa { n: uint_to_b64(public_key.modulus), e: uint_to_b64(public_key.public_exponent), }) } ExportKeyFormat::JwkPrivate => { let private_key = key_data.as_rsa_private_key()?; let private_key = rsa::pkcs1::RsaPrivateKey::from_der(private_key) .map_err(|_| SharedError::FailedDecodePrivateKey)?; Ok(ExportKeyResult::JwkPrivateRsa { n: uint_to_b64(private_key.modulus), e: uint_to_b64(private_key.public_exponent), d: uint_to_b64(private_key.private_exponent), p: uint_to_b64(private_key.prime1), q: uint_to_b64(private_key.prime2), dp: uint_to_b64(private_key.exponent1), dq: uint_to_b64(private_key.exponent2), qi: uint_to_b64(private_key.coefficient), }) } _ => Err(SharedError::UnsupportedFormat.into()), } } fn export_key_symmetric( format: ExportKeyFormat, key_data: V8RawKeyData, ) -> Result { match format { ExportKeyFormat::JwkSecret => { let bytes = key_data.as_secret_key()?; Ok(ExportKeyResult::JwkSecret { k: bytes_to_b64(bytes), }) } _ => Err(SharedError::UnsupportedFormat.into()), } } fn export_key_ec( format: ExportKeyFormat, key_data: V8RawKeyData, algorithm: ExportKeyAlgorithm, named_curve: EcNamedCurve, ) -> Result { match format { ExportKeyFormat::Raw => { let subject_public_key = match named_curve { EcNamedCurve::P256 => { let point = key_data.as_ec_public_key_p256()?; point.as_ref().to_vec() } EcNamedCurve::P384 => { let point = key_data.as_ec_public_key_p384()?; point.as_ref().to_vec() } EcNamedCurve::P521 => { let point = key_data.as_ec_public_key_p521()?; point.as_ref().to_vec() } }; Ok(ExportKeyResult::Raw(subject_public_key.into())) } ExportKeyFormat::Spki => { let subject_public_key = match named_curve { EcNamedCurve::P256 => { let point = key_data.as_ec_public_key_p256()?; point.as_ref().to_vec() } EcNamedCurve::P384 => { let point = key_data.as_ec_public_key_p384()?; point.as_ref().to_vec() } EcNamedCurve::P521 => { let point = key_data.as_ec_public_key_p521()?; point.as_ref().to_vec() } }; let alg_id = match named_curve { EcNamedCurve::P256 => AlgorithmIdentifierOwned { oid: elliptic_curve::ALGORITHM_OID, parameters: Some((&p256::NistP256::OID).into()), }, EcNamedCurve::P384 => AlgorithmIdentifierOwned { oid: elliptic_curve::ALGORITHM_OID, parameters: Some((&p384::NistP384::OID).into()), }, EcNamedCurve::P521 => AlgorithmIdentifierOwned { oid: elliptic_curve::ALGORITHM_OID, parameters: Some((&p521::NistP521::OID).into()), }, }; let alg_id = match algorithm { ExportKeyAlgorithm::Ecdh { .. } => AlgorithmIdentifier { oid: ObjectIdentifier::new_unwrap("1.2.840.10045.2.1"), parameters: alg_id.parameters, }, _ => alg_id, }; // the SPKI structure let key_info = spki::SubjectPublicKeyInfo { algorithm: alg_id, subject_public_key: BitString::from_bytes(&subject_public_key).unwrap(), }; let spki_der = key_info.to_der().unwrap(); Ok(ExportKeyResult::Spki(spki_der.into())) } ExportKeyFormat::Pkcs8 => { // private_key is a PKCS#8 DER-encoded private key let private_key = key_data.as_ec_private_key()?; Ok(ExportKeyResult::Pkcs8(private_key.to_vec().into())) } ExportKeyFormat::JwkPublic => match named_curve { EcNamedCurve::P256 => { let point = key_data.as_ec_public_key_p256()?; let coords = point.coordinates(); if let p256::elliptic_curve::sec1::Coordinates::Uncompressed { x, y } = coords { Ok(ExportKeyResult::JwkPublicEc { x: bytes_to_b64(x), y: bytes_to_b64(y), }) } else { Err(SharedError::FailedDecodePublicKey.into()) } } EcNamedCurve::P384 => { let point = key_data.as_ec_public_key_p384()?; let coords = point.coordinates(); if let p384::elliptic_curve::sec1::Coordinates::Uncompressed { x, y } = coords { Ok(ExportKeyResult::JwkPublicEc { x: bytes_to_b64(x), y: bytes_to_b64(y), }) } else { Err(SharedError::FailedDecodePublicKey.into()) } } EcNamedCurve::P521 => { let point = key_data.as_ec_public_key_p521()?; let coords = point.coordinates(); if let p521::elliptic_curve::sec1::Coordinates::Uncompressed { x, y } = coords { Ok(ExportKeyResult::JwkPublicEc { x: bytes_to_b64(x), y: bytes_to_b64(y), }) } else { Err(SharedError::FailedDecodePublicKey.into()) } } }, ExportKeyFormat::JwkPrivate => { let private_key = key_data.as_ec_private_key()?; match named_curve { EcNamedCurve::P256 => { let ec_key = p256::SecretKey::from_pkcs8_der(private_key) .map_err(|_| SharedError::FailedDecodePrivateKey)?; let point = ec_key.public_key().to_encoded_point(false); if let elliptic_curve::sec1::Coordinates::Uncompressed { x, y } = point.coordinates() { Ok(ExportKeyResult::JwkPrivateEc { x: bytes_to_b64(x), y: bytes_to_b64(y), d: bytes_to_b64(&ec_key.to_bytes()), }) } else { Err(SharedError::ExpectedValidPublicECKey.into()) } } EcNamedCurve::P384 => { let ec_key = p384::SecretKey::from_pkcs8_der(private_key) .map_err(|_| SharedError::FailedDecodePrivateKey)?; let point = ec_key.public_key().to_encoded_point(false); if let elliptic_curve::sec1::Coordinates::Uncompressed { x, y } = point.coordinates() { Ok(ExportKeyResult::JwkPrivateEc { x: bytes_to_b64(x), y: bytes_to_b64(y), d: bytes_to_b64(&ec_key.to_bytes()), }) } else { Err(SharedError::ExpectedValidPublicECKey.into()) } } _ => Err(ExportKeyError::UnsupportedNamedCurve), } } ExportKeyFormat::JwkSecret => Err(SharedError::UnsupportedFormat.into()), } }