Disallows calling built-in global objects like functions The following built-in objects should not be invoked like functions, even though they look like constructors: - `Math` - `JSON` - `Reflect` - `Atomics` Calling these as functions would result in runtime errors. This rule statically prevents such wrong usage of them. ### Invalid: ```typescript const math = Math(); const newMath = new Math(); const json = JSON(); const newJSON = new JSON(); const reflect = Reflect(); const newReflect = new Reflect(); const atomics = Atomics(); const newAtomics = new Atomics(); ``` ### Valid: ```typescript const area = (radius: number): number => Math.PI * radius * radius; const parsed = JSON.parse("{ foo: 42 }"); const x = Reflect.get({ x: 1, y: 2 }, "x"); const first = Atomics.load(foo, 0); ```