/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars, id-length */ /** * This should cover (nearly) all ES6 import syntaxes as described by: * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import */ import 'basic-import'; import name from 'name-import'; import * as star from 'star-import'; import { member } from 'member-import'; import { foobar as barfoo } from 'member-alias-import'; import { foo, bar } from 'multiple-member-import'; import { a, b as c } from 'mixed-member-alias-import'; import d, { e } from 'mixed-name-memeber-import'; import h, * as i from 'mixed-default-star-import'; import j from 'default-member-import'; // import 'unsupportedSyntax' as seeBelow; /* * The import syntax shown on MDN as `import 'module-name' as name;` is * currently unsupported. * * This is due to it being unsupported by the JavaScript parsing libraries that * we use. * * Additionally, this syntax is not supported by Babel (currently), so we felt * that it was reasonable to not support it at this time. We've left this here * for future reference. * * https://github.com/lijunle/depcheck-es6/pull/7 */ /** * This should cover all styles of "re-exporting" * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/export */ export * from 'star-export'; export { name1, name2 } from 'named-export'; export { importA as nameA, importB as nameB } from 'member-alias-export'; export { default } from 'default-export';