use super::framework::*; use std::fmt::Error as E; use std::fmt::Result as R; use std::fmt::Write; /// Type alias for our output text accumulator, in case we want to change it type Out = String; pub fn dump(ctx: &Context) { let w = (|| { let mut w = String::new(); let description = format!("derive-adhoc expansions dump for {}",; writeln!(w, "---------- {} (start) ----------", description)?; dump_whole(&mut w, ctx)?; writeln!(w, "---------- {} (end) ----------", description)?; Ok::<_, E>(w) })() .expect("write to String failed"); eprint!("{}", w); } fn template_result(ctx: &Context, templ: TokenStream) -> String { let parser = |input: &ParseBuffer<'_>| Template::parse(input); let templ: Template = parser.parse2(templ).expect("failed to parse own template"); let result = (|| { let mut output = TokenAccumulator::new(); templ.expand(ctx, &mut output); output.tokens() })(); match result { Ok(result) => result.to_string(), Err(_) => "".into(), } } fn dump_any_one( w: &mut Out, ctx: &Context, show_templ: TokenStream, show_op: &str, make_real_templ: &dyn Fn(TokenStream) -> TokenStream, ) -> R { let lh = format!("{:12} {}", show_templ.to_string(), show_op); let templ = make_real_templ(show_templ); writeln!(w, " {:16} {}", lh, template_result(ctx, templ))?; Ok(()) } fn dump_expand_one(w: &mut Out, ctx: &Context, templ: TokenStream) -> R { dump_any_one(w, ctx, templ, "=>", &|t| t) } fn dump_bool_one(w: &mut Out, ctx: &Context, templ: TokenStream) -> R { let make_real = |templ| quote! { ${if #templ { true } else { false }} }; dump_any_one(w, ctx, templ, "=", &make_real) } macro_rules! expand { { $w_ctx:expr, $($t:tt)* } => { dump_expand_one($w_ctx.0, $w_ctx.1, quote!{ $($t)* })?; } } macro_rules! bool { { $w_ctx:expr, $($t:tt)* } => { dump_bool_one($w_ctx.0, $w_ctx.1, quote!{ $($t)* })?; } } fn dump_whole(mut w: &mut Out, ctx: &Context) -> R { writeln!(w, "top-level:")?; let c = (&mut w, ctx); expand! { c, $tname } expand! { c, $ttype } expand! { c, $tvis } expand! { c, $tgens } expand! { c, $tgnames } expand! { c, $twheres } expand! { c, $tdeftype } expand! { c, $tdefgens } expand! { c, $tdefkwd } expand! { c, ${tdefvariants VARIANTS} } bool! { c, is_struct } bool! { c, is_enum } bool! { c, is_union } bool! { c, tvis } expand! { c, $tattrs } // Don't debug dump these. But list them here, so that // check-keywords-documented is happy. (That is nicer than // using the check-keywords-documented exception table.) if false { // TODO: search attributes and dump what would work expand! { c, $tmeta } expand! { c, $vmeta } expand! { c, $fmeta } bool! { c, tmeta } bool! { c, vmeta } bool! { c, fmeta } // Too complex to demonstrate expand! { c, $paste } // Too subtle to demonstrate expand! { c, $crate } // Recursive, would be silly expand! { c, $dbg_all_keywords } // Control flow, can't sensibly be dumped expand! { c, $when } expand! { c, $if } expand! { c, $select1 } expand! { c, $define } expand! { c, $defcond } bool! { c, not } bool! { c, all } bool! { c, any } // Requires input arguments to do anything bool! { c, approx_equal } // Vacuous bool! { c, true } bool! { c, false } } WithinVariant::for_each(ctx, |ctx, wv| dump_variant(w, ctx, wv))?; Ok(()) } fn variant_heading(w: &mut Out, wv: &WithinVariant) -> R { match wv.variant { None => write!(w, "value")?, Some(v) => write!(w, "variant {}", v.ident)?, }; Ok(()) } fn dump_variant(mut w: &mut Out, ctx: &Context, wv: &WithinVariant) -> R { variant_heading(w, wv)?; writeln!(w, ":")?; let c = (&mut w, ctx); expand! { c, $vname } expand! { c, $vtype } expand! { c, $vpat } expand! { c, ${vdefbody VNAME FIELDS..} } bool! { c, v_is_unit } bool! { c, v_is_tuple } bool! { c, v_is_named } expand! { c, $vattrs } WithinField::for_each(ctx, |ctx, wf| dump_field(w, ctx, wf))?; Ok(()) } fn dump_field(mut w: &mut Out, ctx: &Context, wf: &WithinField) -> R { variant_heading(w, ctx.variant.expect("in field but not variant!"))?; let fname = wf.fname(Span::call_site()).to_token_stream(); writeln!(w, ", field {}:", fname)?; let c = (&mut w, ctx); expand! { c, $fname } expand! { c, $ftype } expand! { c, $fvis } expand! { c, $fdefvis } expand! { c, $fpatname } expand! { c, $fdefine } bool! { c, fvis } bool! { c, fdefvis } expand! { c, $fattrs } Ok(()) }