# What `#[derive(Display)]` generates Deriving `Display` will generate a `Display` implementation, with a `fmt` method that matches `self` and each of its variants. In the case of a struct or union, only a single variant is available, and it is thus equivalent to a simple `let` statement. In the case of an enum, each of its variants is matched. For each matched variant, a `write!` expression will be generated with the supplied format, or an automatically inferred one. You specify the format on each variant by writing e.g. `#[display("my val: {}", some_val * 2)]`. For enums, you can either specify it on each variant, or on the enum as a whole. For variants that don't have a format specified, it will simply defer to the format of the inner variable. If there is no such variable, or there is more than 1, an error is generated. ## The format of the format You supply a format by attaching an attribute of the syntax: `#[display("...", args...)]`. The format supplied is passed verbatim to `write!`. The arguments supplied handled specially, due to constraints in the syntax of attributes. In the case of an argument being a simple identifier, it is passed verbatim. If an argument is a string, it is **parsed as an expression**, and then passed to `write!`. The variables available in the arguments is `self` and each member of the variant, with members of tuple structs being named with a leading underscore and their index, i.e. `_0`, `_1`, `_2`, etc. ### Other formatting traits The syntax does not change, but the name of the attribute is the snake case version of the trait. E.g. `Octal` -> `octal`, `Pointer` -> `pointer`, `UpperHex` -> `upper_hex`. Note, that `Debug` has a slightly different API and semantics, described in its docs, and so, requires a separate `debug` feature. ### Generic data types When deriving `Display` (or other formatting trait) for a generic struct/enum, all generic type arguments used during formatting are bound by respective formatting trait. E.g., for a structure `Foo` defined like this: ```rust # use derive_more::Display; # # trait Trait { type Type; } # #[derive(Display)] #[display("{} {} {:?} {:p}", a, b, c, d)] struct Foo<'a, T1, T2: Trait, T3> { a: T1, b: ::Type, c: Vec, d: &'a T1, } ``` The following where clauses would be generated: * `T1: Display + Pointer` * `::Type: Debug` * `Bar: Display` ### Custom trait bounds Sometimes you may want to specify additional trait bounds on your generic type parameters, so that they could be used during formatting. This can be done with a `#[display(bound(...))]` attribute. `#[display(bound(...))]` accepts code tokens in a format similar to the format used in angle bracket list (or `where` clause predicates): `T: MyTrait, U: Trait1 + Trait2`. Only type parameters defined on a struct allowed to appear in bound-string and they can only be bound by traits, i.e. no lifetime parameters or lifetime bounds allowed in bound-string. `#[display("fmt", ...)]` arguments are parsed as an arbitrary Rust expression and passed to generated `write!` as-is, it's impossible to meaningfully infer any kind of trait bounds for generic type parameters used this way. That means that you'll **have to** explicitly specify all trait bound used. Either in the struct/enum definition, or via `#[display(bound(...))]` attribute. Note how we have to bound `U` and `V` by `Display` in the following example, as no bound is inferred. Not even `Display`. ```rust # use std::fmt::Display; # # use derive_more::Display; # # trait MyTrait { fn my_function(&self) -> i32; } # #[derive(Display)] #[display(bound(T: MyTrait, U: Display))] #[display("{} {} {}", a.my_function(), b.to_string().len(), c)] struct MyStruct { a: T, b: U, c: V, } ``` ## Example usage ```rust # use std::path::PathBuf; # # use derive_more::{Display, Octal, UpperHex}; # #[derive(Display)] struct MyInt(i32); #[derive(Display)] #[display("({x}, {y})")] struct Point2D { x: i32, y: i32, } #[derive(Display)] enum E { Uint(u32), #[display("I am B {:b}", i)] Binary { i: i8, }, #[display("I am C {}", _0.display())] Path(PathBuf), } #[derive(Display)] #[display("Hello there!")] union U { i: u32, } #[derive(Octal)] #[octal("7")] struct S; #[derive(UpperHex)] #[upper_hex("UpperHex")] struct UH; #[derive(Display)] struct Unit; #[derive(Display)] struct UnitStruct {} #[derive(Display)] #[display("{}", self.sign())] struct PositiveOrNegative { x: i32, } impl PositiveOrNegative { fn sign(&self) -> &str { if self.x >= 0 { "Positive" } else { "Negative" } } } assert_eq!(MyInt(-2).to_string(), "-2"); assert_eq!(Point2D { x: 3, y: 4 }.to_string(), "(3, 4)"); assert_eq!(E::Uint(2).to_string(), "2"); assert_eq!(E::Binary { i: -2 }.to_string(), "I am B 11111110"); assert_eq!(E::Path("abc".into()).to_string(), "I am C abc"); assert_eq!(U { i: 2 }.to_string(), "Hello there!"); assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", S), "7"); assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", UH), "UpperHex"); assert_eq!(Unit.to_string(), "Unit"); assert_eq!(UnitStruct {}.to_string(), "UnitStruct"); assert_eq!(PositiveOrNegative { x: 1 }.to_string(), "Positive"); assert_eq!(PositiveOrNegative { x: -1 }.to_string(), "Negative"); ```