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# descape
Provides utilities for easily parsing escape sequences in a string, using `alloc::borrow::Cow` to only borrow when needed.
This library supports many escape sequences:
- `\\a` -> `\x07`
- `\\b` -> `\x08`
- `\\t` -> `\x09`
- `\\n` -> `\x0A`
- `\\v` -> `\x0B`
- `\\f` -> `\x0C`
- `\\r` -> `\x0D`
- `\\e` -> `\x1B`
- `\\'` -> `'`
- `\\"` -> `"`
- \\` -> `
- `\\\\` -> `\\`
- `\\xNN` -> `\xNN`
- `\\o` -> `\o`, for all octal digits `o`
- `\\oo` -> `\oo`, for all octal digits `o`
- `\\ooo` -> `\ooo`, for all octal digits `o`
- `\\uXXXX` -> `\u{XXXX}`
- `\\u{HEX}` -> `\u{HEX}`
Along with this, you can define your own custom escape handlers! See `UnescapeExt::to_unescaped_with` for more information on that.
This crate supports `no-std`.
Optionally, this crate has the `std` and `core_error` features,
to allow the error type of an invalid escape to implement the `Error` trait.
`std` uses `std::error::Error`, and `core_error` depends on `core::error::Error`, which is stable on Rust 1.82.0 or greater.
## Examples
### Parsing an escaped string
let escaped = "Hello,\\nworld!".to_unescaped();
Cow::Owned::<'_, str>("Hello,\nworld!".to_string())
### Not allocating for a string without escapes
let no_escapes = "No escapes here!".to_unescaped();
Cow::Borrowed("No escapes here!")
### Erroring for invalid escapes
// v invalid at index 7
let invalid_escape = r"Uh oh! \xJJ".to_unescaped();
### Permitting any escape, handing it back raw
fn raw(idx: usize, chr: char, _: &mut CharIndices) -> Result