use {N, P2, V2, VecLike}; use rough_eq::{RoughEq, THICKNESS}; use angles::WithUniqueOrthogonal; use ordered_float::OrderedFloat; use segments::LineSegment; #[cfg_attr(feature = "compact_containers", derive(Compact))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-serialization", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] #[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq))] #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct LinePath { pub points: VecLike, pub distances: VecLike, } /// Creation impl LinePath { pub fn new(mut points: VecLike) -> Option { if points.len() >= 2 { let old_last = *points.last().unwrap(); let mut previous_point = points[0]; let mut distances = VecLike::with_capacity(points.len()); let mut current_distance = 0.0; let mut is_first = true; points.retain(|point| { let new_distance = (point - previous_point).norm(); if is_first || new_distance > THICKNESS { current_distance += new_distance; distances.push(current_distance); previous_point = *point; is_first = false; true } else { false } }); if points.len() >= 2 { // special case: path got shortened because last point is too close to previous // make sure that we keep the last point instead of the previous let update_last_distance = { let last = points.last_mut().unwrap(); if *last != old_last { *last = old_last; true } else { false } }; if update_last_distance { let previous_distance = distances[distances.len() - 2]; let previous_point = points[points.len() - 2]; *distances.last_mut().unwrap() = previous_distance + (old_last - previous_point).norm() } Some(LinePath { points, distances }) } else { None } } else { None } } } #[test] fn constructor() { assert_eq!( LinePath::new(vec![ P2::new(0.0, 0.0), P2::new(1.0, 0.0), P2::new(1.0, 1.0), ]), Some(LinePath { points: vec![P2::new(0.0, 0.0), P2::new(1.0, 0.0), P2::new(1.0, 1.0)], distances: vec![0.0, 1.0, 2.0], }) ); } #[test] fn constructor_simplify_points() { assert_eq!( LinePath::new(vec![ P2::new(0.0, 0.0), P2::new(0.0 + THICKNESS / 2.0, 0.0), P2::new(1.0, 0.0), P2::new(1.0 + THICKNESS / 2.0, 0.0), P2::new(1.0 - THICKNESS / 2.0, 1.0), P2::new(1.0, 1.0), ]), Some(LinePath { points: vec![P2::new(0.0, 0.0), P2::new(1.0, 0.0), P2::new(1.0, 1.0)], distances: vec![0.0, 1.0, 2.0], }) ); } #[test] fn constructor_invalid() { assert_eq!( LinePath::new(vec![P2::new(0.0, 0.0), P2::new(0.0 + THICKNESS / 2.0, 0.0)]), None ); } /// Inspection impl LinePath { pub fn start(&self) -> P2 { self.points[0] } pub fn end(&self) -> P2 { *self.points.last().unwrap() } pub fn length(&self) -> N { *self.distances.last().unwrap() } pub fn segments<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator + 'a { self.points .windows(2) .map(|window| LineSegment::new(window[0], window[1])) } pub fn segments_with_distances(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.segments().zip( } pub fn first_segment(&self) -> LineSegment { LineSegment::new(self.points[0], self.points[1]) } pub fn last_segment(&self) -> LineSegment { let last = self.points.len() - 1; LineSegment::new(self.points[last - 1], self.points[last]) } pub fn nth_segment(&self, n: usize) -> LineSegment { LineSegment::new(self.points[n], self.points[n + 1]) } pub fn find_on_segment(&self, distance: N) -> Option<(LineSegment, N)> { for (segment, distance_pair) in self.segments_with_distances() { if distance_pair[1] >= distance { return Some((segment, distance - distance_pair[0])); } } None } pub fn along(&self, distance: N) -> P2 { if let Some((segment, distance_on_segment)) = self.find_on_segment(distance) { segment.along(distance_on_segment) } else if distance < 0.0 { self.start() } else { self.end() } } pub fn direction_along(&self, distance: N) -> V2 { if let Some((segment, _)) = self.find_on_segment(distance) { segment.direction() } else if distance < 0.0 { self.first_segment().direction() } else { self.last_segment().direction() } } pub fn start_direction(&self) -> V2 { self.first_segment().direction() } pub fn end_direction(&self) -> V2 { self.last_segment().direction() } pub fn project_with_tolerance(&self, point: P2, tolerance: N) -> Option<(N, P2)> { self.segments_with_distances() .filter_map(|(segment, distances)| { segment.project_with_tolerance(point, tolerance).map( |(distance_on_segment, projected_point)| { (distance_on_segment + distances[0], projected_point) }, ) }) .min_by_key(|(_, projected_point)| OrderedFloat((projected_point - point).norm())) } pub fn project_with_max_distance( &self, point: P2, tolerance: N, max_distance: N, ) -> Option<(N, P2)> { self.project_with_tolerance(point, tolerance) .and_then(|(along, projected_point)| { if (projected_point - point).norm() <= max_distance { Some((along, projected_point)) } else { None } }) } pub fn project(&self, point: P2) -> Option<(N, P2)> { self.project_with_tolerance(point, THICKNESS) } pub fn includes(&self, point: P2) -> bool { self.distance_to(point) < THICKNESS } pub fn distance_to(&self, point: P2) -> N { if let Some((_, projected_point)) = self.project(point) { (point - projected_point).norm() } else { *::std::cmp::min( OrderedFloat((point - self.start()).norm()), OrderedFloat((point - self.end()).norm()), ) } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ConcatError { PointsTooFarApart, CreatedInvalidSegment } // TODO: this is a super hacky newtype to avoid weird problems with impl Iterator #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct ShiftVector(pub V2); /// Combination/Modification impl LinePath { pub fn concat(&self, other: &Self) -> Result { self.concat_weld(other, THICKNESS) } pub fn concat_weld(&self, other: &Self, tolerance: N) -> Result { if other.start().rough_eq_by(self.end(), tolerance) { LinePath::new( self.points .iter() .chain(other.points.iter()) .cloned() .collect(), ).ok_or(ConcatError::CreatedInvalidSegment) } else { Err(ConcatError::PointsTooFarApart) } } pub fn reverse(&self) -> Self { let mut points = self.points.clone(); points.reverse(); LinePath::new(points).expect("Reversing should always work") } pub fn subsection(&self, start: N, end: N) -> Option { if start > end && self.start().rough_eq(self.end()) { // TODO: Handle "negative start" LinePath::new( Some(self.along(start)) .into_iter() .chain(self.points.iter().zip(self.distances.iter()).filter_map(|(&point, &distance)| if start < distance { Some(point) } else { None } )).chain(self.points.iter().zip(self.distances.iter()).filter_map(|(&point, &distance)| if end > distance { Some(point) } else { None } )) .chain(Some(self.along(end))) .collect() ) } else { LinePath::new( Some(self.along(start)) .into_iter() .chain(self.points.iter().zip(self.distances.iter()).filter_map( |(&point, &distance)| { if start < distance && end > distance { Some(point) } else { None } }, )) .chain(Some(self.along(end))) .collect(), ) } } pub fn dash(&self, dash_length: N, gap_length: N) -> DashIterator { DashIterator { path: self, dash_length, gap_length, position: 0.0 } } pub fn shift_orthogonally_vectors<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator + 'a { fn bisector(a: P2, b: P2, c: P2) -> ShiftVector { let bisecting_direction = (LineSegment::new(a, b).direction() + LineSegment::new(b, c).direction()) .orthogonal_right() .normalize(); let amount_too_short = LineSegment::new(a, b).direction().orthogonal_right().dot(&bisecting_direction); ShiftVector(bisecting_direction * (1.0 / amount_too_short)) } let angle_bisectors =|triplet| bisector(triplet[0], triplet[1], triplet[2])); let (first_vector, last_vector) = if self.points.len() >= 3 && self.start().rough_eq(self.end()) { let first_vector = bisector(self.points[self.points.len() - 2], self.points[0], self.points[1]); (first_vector, first_vector) } else { let first_vector: ShiftVector = ShiftVector(self.first_segment().direction().orthogonal_right()); let last_vector: ShiftVector = ShiftVector(self.last_segment().direction().orthogonal_right()); (first_vector, last_vector) }; Some(first_vector) .into_iter() .chain(angle_bisectors) .chain(Some(last_vector)) } pub fn shift_orthogonally(&self, shift_to_right: N) -> Option { let new_points = self .points .iter() .zip(self.shift_orthogonally_vectors()) .map(|(point, shift_vector)| point + shift_to_right * shift_vector.0) .collect(); LinePath::new(new_points) } pub fn with_new_start_and_end(&self, new_start: P2, new_end: P2) -> Option { let last = self.points.len() - 1; Self::new( Some(new_start) .into_iter() .chain(self.points[1..last].iter().cloned()) .chain(Some(new_end)) .collect(), ) } } pub struct DashIterator<'a> { path: &'a LinePath, dash_length: N, gap_length: N, position: N } impl<'a> Iterator for DashIterator<'a> { type Item = Option; fn next(&mut self) -> Option> { if self.position < self.path.length() { let old_position = self.position; self.position += self.dash_length; let dash = self.path.subsection(old_position, self.position); self.position += self.gap_length; Some(dash) } else { None } } } impl<'a> RoughEq for &'a LinePath { fn rough_eq_by(&self, other: Self, tolerance: N) -> bool { self.points.len() == other.points.len() && self .points .iter() .zip(other.points.iter()) .all(|(a, b)| a.rough_eq_by(*b, tolerance)) } }