# This image uses cargo-chef to build the application in order to compile # the dependencies apart from the main application. This allows the compiled # dependencies to be cached in the Docker layer and greatly reduce the # build time when there isn't any dependency changes. # # https://github.com/LukeMathWalker/cargo-chef ARG SRC_DIR=/usr/local/src/bp-descriptor-wallet ARG BUILDER_DIR=/srv/bp-descriptor-wallet # Base image FROM rust:1.59.0-slim-bullseye as chef ARG SRC_DIR ARG BUILDER_DIR RUN rustup default stable RUN rustup update RUN cargo install cargo-chef --locked WORKDIR $SRC_DIR # Cargo chef step that analyzes the project to determine the minimum subset of # files (Cargo.lock and Cargo.toml manifests) required to build it and cache # dependencies FROM chef AS planner COPY . . RUN cargo chef prepare --recipe-path recipe.json FROM chef AS builder ARG SRC_DIR ARG BUILDER_DIR COPY --from=planner "${SRC_DIR}/recipe.json" recipe.json # Build dependencies - this is the caching Docker layer RUN cargo chef cook --release --recipe-path recipe.json --target-dir "${BUILDER_DIR}" # Copy all files and build application COPY . . RUN cargo build --release --target-dir "${BUILDER_DIR}" --bins --all-features # Final image with binaries FROM debian:bullseye-slim as final ARG BUILDER_DIR ARG BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin ARG DATA_DIR=/var/lib/bp-descriptor-wallet ARG USER=bp RUN adduser --home "${DATA_DIR}" --shell /bin/bash --disabled-login \ --gecos "${USER} user" ${USER} COPY --from=builder --chown=${USER}:${USER} \ "${BUILDER_DIR}/release" "${BIN_DIR}" WORKDIR "${BIN_DIR}" # Remove build artifacts in order to keep only the binaries RUN rm -rf */ *.d .[^.] .??* USER ${USER}