use { deser_hjson::from_str, serde:: Deserialize, }; #[macro_use] mod common; #[derive(Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] #[serde(untagged)] enum Guess { Bool(bool), U8(u8), I8(i8), U16(u16), I16(i16), U32(u32), I32(i32), U64(u64), I64(i64), F64(f64), Char(char), String(Option), U16Array(Vec), I16Array(Vec), StrArray(Vec), } fn string(s: &str) -> Guess { Guess::String(Some(s.to_owned())) } fn guess(hjson: &str, answer: Guess) { let guessed = from_str::(hjson) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Parsing failed for {:?} : {}", hjson, e)); if guessed != answer { panic!("Wrong guess for {:?} : guessed {:?} instead of {:?}", hjson, guessed, answer); } } #[derive(Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)] struct WrappedGuess { gift: Guess, } fn guess_wrapped(hjson: &str, answer: Guess) { let wrapped = from_str::(hjson) .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Parsing failed for {:?} : {}", hjson, e)); let guessed =; if guessed != answer { panic!("Wrong guess for {:?} : guessed {:?} instead of {:?}", hjson, guessed, answer); } } /// test precise primitive type guessing. /// Note to users: be cautious with this, guessing types is /// dangerous as Hjson is inherently ambiguous. #[test] fn test_guess_type() { guess("false", Guess::Bool(false)); guess("-45", Guess::I8(-45)); guess("45", Guess::U8(45)); guess("453", Guess::U16(453)); guess("-15453", Guess::I16(-15453)); guess("39453", Guess::U16(39453)); guess("-39453", Guess::I32(-39453)); guess("139453", Guess::U32(139453)); guess("34359738368", Guess::U64(34359738368)); guess("-34359738368", Guess::I64(-34359738368)); guess("-34e3", Guess::F64(-34000.0)); guess("45.1", Guess::F64(45.1)); guess("a", Guess::Char('a')); guess("abcㅈ", string("abcㅈ")); guess("\"abc\"", string("abc")); guess("'abc'", string("abc")); guess("''", string("")); guess("\"\"", string("")); guess("null", Guess::String(None)); guess("[15, 50]", Guess::U16Array(vec![15, 50])); guess("[15, -50]", Guess::I16Array(vec![15, -50])); guess("[\"abc\"]", Guess::StrArray(vo!["abc"])); guess("[\"\"]", Guess::StrArray(vo![""])); } /// check a few tricky guesses, mostly the problems related /// to braces on the line of what looks like a quoteless string /// (see issue #3) #[test] fn test_wrapped_guess() { guess_wrapped("{gift:null}", Guess::String(None)); guess_wrapped("{gift:false}", Guess::Bool(false)); guess_wrapped("{gift: true}", Guess::Bool(true)); guess_wrapped("{gift:'bar'}", string("bar")); guess_wrapped("{ gift : 'bar' }", string("bar")); guess_wrapped(r#"{gift:"bar"}"#, string("bar")); guess_wrapped("{gift:42}", Guess::U8(42)); guess_wrapped("{gift: -2455}", Guess::I16(-2455)); guess_wrapped("{gift: -3.5e-48}", Guess::F64(-3.5e-48)); guess_wrapped(r#"{gift: [ " 34",] }"#, Guess::StrArray(vo![" 34"])); guess_wrapped( r#" { gift: [ "abc", "another string" and a third one (unquoted) ] }"#, Guess::StrArray(vo![ "abc", "another string", "and a third one (unquoted)", ]), ); guess_wrapped( r#" { gift: 55 # a comment }"#, Guess::U8(55), ); guess_wrapped( r#" { gift: false // comment }"#, Guess::Bool(false), ); }