
despell maps commands to icons in tmux's status line

### Features - πŸ—ΊοΈ Map commands to nerdfont icons - 🎨 Customization options for colors and emojis - πŸ”„ Easy to override default mappings - ⚑ Fast (Instant lookup time `O(1)`) - πŸ”§ Simple to use and integrate with other themes ## Installing ### Cargo ```console cargo install despell ``` > **Note** > Make sure that `$HOME/.cargo/bin` is in your `PATH` environment variable ### Requirements `despell` requires your terminal to use a [Nerd Fonts](https://www.nerdfonts.com)-patched font. ## How does it work? At its core, `despell` takes a string (process name) as input and returns a string (icon) as output. ## Getting started To use `despell` in your existing config, replace all occurrences of ``` #W ``` with ``` #(despell #W) #W ``` in your `~/.tmux.conf`. If you don't have a `~/.tmux.conf` yet, have a look at the example configs below to get started. ## Example config You can start using `despell` by using the example config from the screenshot. Copy of the config below into your own `~/.tmux.conf` to get started. ```tmux # Colors tmux_active_fg=#a6accd tmux_active_bg=#414863 tmux_inactive_fg=default tmux_statusbar_bg=#232235 # Window status separator set-window-option -g window-status-separator '' # Status bar set-option -g status-style bg=$tmux_statusbar_bg set-option -g status-left "" set-option -g status-right "" # Justify status bar set -g status-justify centre # Active set-window-option -g window-status-current-format "\ #[bg=$tmux_active_bg] #(despell -c #W)\ #[fg=$tmux_active_fg bg=$tmux_active_bg] #W " # Inactive set-window-option -g window-status-format "\ #[fg=$tmux_inactive_fg,bg=$tmux_statusbar_bg] #(despell -c #W)\ #[fg=$tmux_inactive_fg,dim bg=$tmux_statusbar_bg] #W " ``` ## Settings ### Center alignment To center the status line instead of left aligned (default), add the following command to your `~/.tmux.conf`: ```tmux # Set alignment set -g status-justify centre ``` ### Update frequency To configure how often `tmux` refreshes its status line, add the following command to your `~/.tmux.conf`: ```tmux # Update the status line every X seconds set -g status-interval 5 ``` ### Per-icon colors To let `despell` set the icon color and override your theme settings, run `despell` with the `-c` or `--color` flag: ```tmux #(despell -c #W) ``` ### Emojis To use emojis instead of Nerd Fonts, run `despell` with the `-e` or `--emoji` flag: ```tmux #(despell -e #W) ``` ## Overriding and adding icons To override any of the default mappings, run `despell` with the `-u` or `--custom` flag. Place a `config.toml` in `~/.config/despell/config.toml` with your custom mappings. All fields are optional, so if you don't use emojis, you can safely omit the fields from the `TOML`. ```toml [default] nerdfont = "β—’" color = "none" emoji = "🐠" [icons.command1] nerdfont = "β—‡" color = "blue" emoji = "🌐" [icons.command2] nerdfont = "❀" color = "magenta" emoji = "πŸ’™" ``` ## Is a mapping missing? Let me know by opening an Issue, Discussion or PR.