// Copyright 2019-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of substrate-desub.
// substrate-desub is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// substrate-desub is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with substrate-desub. If not, see .
use desub_current::{
decoder::{self, SignedExtensionWithAdditional},
value, Metadata, Value, ValueDef,
static V14_METADATA_POLKADOT_SCALE: &[u8] = include_bytes!("data/v14_metadata_polkadot.scale");
fn metadata() -> Metadata {
Metadata::from_bytes(V14_METADATA_POLKADOT_SCALE).expect("valid metadata")
fn to_bytes(hex_str: &str) -> Vec {
let hex_str = hex_str.strip_prefix("0x").expect("0x should prefix hex encoded bytes");
hex::decode(hex_str).expect("valid bytes from hex")
fn empty_value() -> Value<()> {
fn singleton_value(x: Value<()>) -> Value<()> {
fn hash_value(xs: Vec) -> Value<()> {
singleton_value(Value::unnamed_composite(xs.iter().map(|x| Value::u8(*x)).collect()))
fn assert_args_equal(args: &[Value], expected: Vec>) {
let args: Vec<_> = args.into_iter().map(|v| v.clone().without_context()).collect();
assert_eq!(&args, &expected);
// These tests are intended to roughly check that we can decode a range of "real" extrinsics into something
// that looks sane.
// How did I write these tests (and how can you add more)?
// 1. Start up a polkadot node locally using `cargo run -- --dev --tmp` in the polkadot repo (I happened to
// be on polkadot master, commit 6da1cf6233728a8142e4b9cebdcf29cd67eb8352).
// 2. I downloaded the SCALE encoded metadata from it and save in this repo to include in the tests. You don't
// need to do this again (unless you'd like to make sure it's fully uptodate).
// curl -sX POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"state_getMetadata", "id": 1}' localhost:9933 \
// | jq .result \
// | cut -d '"' -f 2 \
// | xxd -r -p > ./tests/node_runtime.scale
// 3. Navigate to https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/explorer and switch it to pointing at a local development node.
// (the one you just started up in step 1).
// 4. In "Developer -> Extrinsics", we can now build, sign and submit extrinsics.
// - If you want the hex str for a signed extrinsic, Keep the network tab open and find the open WS connection. When an extrinsic is
// submitted, You'll see a new message to the method "author_submitAndWatchExtrinsic".
// - If you want an unsigned extrinsic, just copy the "call data" hex string and prepend a "04" after the "0x" and before everything
// else, to turn the call data into a V4 unsigned extrinsic (minus the byte length, which would normally be first). We can test
// decoding of this using `decode_unwrapped_extrinsic`.
// 5. With that in mind, see the tests below for examples of how we can test decoding of this extrinsic hex string you've acquired.
fn balance_transfer_signed() {
let meta = metadata();
// Balances.transfer (amount: 12345)
let ext_bytes = &mut &*to_bytes("0x31028400d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d016ada9b477ef454972200e098f1186d4a2aeee776f1f6a68609797f5ba052906ad2427bdca865442158d118e2dfc82226077e4dfdff975d005685bab66eefa38a150200000500001cbd2d43530a44705ad088af313e18f80b53ef16b36177cd4b77b846f2a5f07ce5c0");
let ext = decoder::decode_extrinsic(&meta, ext_bytes).expect("can decode extrinsic");
assert!(ext_bytes.is_empty(), "No more bytes expected");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.pallet_name, "Balances");
assert_eq!(&*ext.call_data.ty.name(), "transfer");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.arguments.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.arguments[1].clone().without_context(), Value::u128(12345));
fn balance_transfer_all_signed() {
let meta = metadata();
// Balances.transfer_all (keepalive: false)
let ext_bytes = &mut &*to_bytes("0x2d028400d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d01f0431ffe387134b4f84d92d3c3f1ac18c0f42237ad7dbd455bb0cf8a18efb1760528f052b2219ad1601d9a4719e1a446cf307bf6d7e9c56175bfe6e7bf8cbe81450304000504001cbd2d43530a44705ad088af313e18f80b53ef16b36177cd4b77b846f2a5f07c00");
let ext = decoder::decode_extrinsic(&meta, ext_bytes).expect("can decode extrinsic");
assert!(ext_bytes.is_empty(), "No more bytes expected");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.pallet_name, "Balances");
assert_eq!(&*ext.call_data.ty.name(), "transfer_all");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.arguments.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.arguments[1].clone().without_context(), Value::bool(false));
/// This test is interesting because:
/// a) The Auctions pallet index is not the same as where it is listed in the list of pallets.
/// b) One of the arguments is a compact-encoded wrapper struct, which caused a hiccup.
fn auctions_bid_unsigned() {
let meta = metadata();
// Auctions.bid (Args: (1,), 2, 3, 4, 5, all compact encoded).
let ext_bytes = &mut &*to_bytes("0x04480104080c1014");
let ext = decoder::decode_unwrapped_extrinsic(&meta, ext_bytes).expect("can decode extrinsic");
assert!(ext_bytes.is_empty(), "No more bytes expected");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.pallet_name, "Auctions");
assert_eq!(&*ext.call_data.ty.name(), "bid");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.arguments.len(), 5);
vec![singleton_value(Value::u32(1)), Value::u32(2), Value::u32(3), Value::u32(4), Value::u128(5)],
fn auctions_bid_unsigned_excess_bytes_allowed() {
let meta = metadata();
// Auctions.bid (Args: (1,), 2, 3, 4, 5, all compact encoded).
let mut ext_bytes = to_bytes("0x04480104080c1014");
// Push some extra bytes to the end that we expect not to be consumed:
ext_bytes.extend(b"extra bytes!");
let ext_bytes_cursor = &mut &*ext_bytes;
decoder::decode_unwrapped_extrinsic(&meta, ext_bytes_cursor).expect("can decode extrinsic");
assert_eq!(ext_bytes_cursor, b"extra bytes!");
fn system_fill_block_unsigned() {
let meta = metadata();
// System.fill_block (Args: Perblock(1234)).
let ext_bytes = &mut &*to_bytes("0x040000d2040000");
let ext = decoder::decode_unwrapped_extrinsic(&meta, ext_bytes).expect("can decode extrinsic");
assert!(ext_bytes.is_empty(), "No more bytes expected");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.pallet_name, "System");
assert_eq!(&*ext.call_data.ty.name(), "fill_block");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.arguments.len(), 1);
assert_args_equal(&ext.call_data.arguments, vec![singleton_value(Value::u32(1234))]);
/// This test is interesting because you provide a nested enum representing a call
/// as an argument to this call.
fn technical_committee_execute_unsigned() {
let meta = metadata();
// TechnicalCommittee.execute (Args: Balances.transfer(Alice -> Bob, 12345), 500).
let ext_bytes =
&mut &*to_bytes("0x0410010500001cbd2d43530a44705ad088af313e18f80b53ef16b36177cd4b77b846f2a5f07ce5c0d107");
let ext = decoder::decode_unwrapped_extrinsic(&meta, ext_bytes).expect("can decode extrinsic");
assert!(ext_bytes.is_empty(), "No more bytes expected");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.pallet_name, "TechnicalCommittee");
assert_eq!(&*ext.call_data.ty.name(), "execute");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.arguments.len(), 2);
// It's a bit hard matching the entire thing, so we just verify that the first arg looks like
// a variant representing a call to "Balances.transfer".
Value { value: ValueDef::Variant(value::Variant {
values: value::Composite::Unnamed(args)
}), .. }
if &*name == "Balances"
&& matches!(&args[0], Value { value: ValueDef::Variant(value::Variant { name, ..}), .. } if &*name == "transfer")
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.arguments[1].clone().without_context(), Value::u32(500));
fn tips_report_awesome_unsigned() {
let meta = metadata();
// Tips.report_awesome (Args: b"This person rocks!", AccountId).
let ext_bytes = &mut &*to_bytes("0x042300485468697320706572736f6e20726f636b73211cbd2d43530a44705ad088af313e18f80b53ef16b36177cd4b77b846f2a5f07c");
let ext = decoder::decode_unwrapped_extrinsic(&meta, ext_bytes).expect("can decode extrinsic");
assert!(ext_bytes.is_empty(), "No more bytes expected");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.pallet_name, "Tips");
assert_eq!(&*ext.call_data.ty.name(), "report_awesome");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.arguments.len(), 2);
Value::unnamed_composite("This person rocks!".bytes().map(Value::u8).collect())
// Named structs shouldn't be an issue; this extrinsic contains one.
fn vesting_force_vested_transfer_unsigned() {
let meta = metadata();
// Vesting.force_vested_transfer (Args: AccountId, AccountId, { locked: 1u128, perBlock: 2u128, startingBlock: 3u32 }).
let ext_bytes = &mut &*to_bytes("0x04190300d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d008eaf04151687736326c9fea17e25fc5287613693c912909cb226aa4794f26a48010000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000003000000");
let ext = decoder::decode_unwrapped_extrinsic(&meta, ext_bytes).expect("can decode extrinsic");
assert!(ext_bytes.is_empty(), "No more bytes expected");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.pallet_name, "Vesting");
assert_eq!(&*ext.call_data.ty.name(), "force_vested_transfer");
assert_eq!(ext.call_data.arguments.len(), 3);
("locked".into(), Value::u128(1)),
("per_block".into(), Value::u128(2)),
("starting_block".into(), Value::u32(3)),
fn can_decode_multiple_extrinsics_with_extra_bytes() {
let meta = metadata();
// the same extrinsic repeated 3 times:
let extrinsics_hex = "0x0C2004480104080c10142004480104080c10142004480104080c1014";
let mut extrinsics_bytes = hex::decode(extrinsics_hex.strip_prefix("0x").unwrap()).unwrap();
// add some extra bytes, which shouldn't be consumed:
extrinsics_bytes.extend(b"extra bytes!");
let extrinsics_cursor = &mut &*extrinsics_bytes;
let extrinsics = decoder::decode_extrinsics(&meta, extrinsics_cursor).unwrap();
assert_eq!(extrinsics_cursor, b"extra bytes!");
assert_eq!(extrinsics.len(), 3);
// We can decode the payload that we'd be getting signed, too.
fn can_decode_signer_payload() {
let meta = metadata();
let signer_payload = &mut &*to_bytes("0x0706b9340000962300000800000091b171bb158e2d3848fa23a9f1c25182fb8e20313b2c1eb49219da7a70ce90c31c81d421f68281950ad2901291603b5e49fc5c872f129e75433f4b55f07ca072");
let r = decoder::decode_signer_payload(&meta, signer_payload).expect("can decode signer payload");
assert_eq!(signer_payload.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(r.call_data.pallet_name, "Staking");
assert_eq!(&*r.call_data.ty.name(), "chill");
assert_eq!(r.call_data.arguments, vec![]);
// Expected tuples of name, extension, additional.
let expected = vec![
("CheckSpecVersion", empty_value(), Value::u32(9110)),
("CheckTxVersion", empty_value(), Value::u32(8)),
singleton_value(Value::variant("Mortal185".to_string(), value::Composite::Unnamed(vec![Value::u8(52)]))),
("CheckNonce", singleton_value(Value::u32(0)), empty_value()),
("CheckWeight", empty_value(), empty_value()),
("ChargeTransactionPayment", singleton_value(Value::u128(0)), empty_value()),
("PrevalidateAttests", empty_value(), empty_value()),
for (actual, expected) in r.extensions.into_iter().zip(expected) {
let (name, SignedExtensionWithAdditional { extension, additional }) = actual;
let (expected_name, expected_extension, expected_additional) = expected;
assert_eq!(&*name, expected_name);
assert_eq!(extension.without_context(), expected_extension);
assert_eq!(additional.without_context(), expected_additional);