////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // First Chance Exception Handling Test Program (excep.cpp of excep.exe) // // Microsoft Research Detours Package // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // For more information on exception handling, see "A Crash Course on the // Depths of Win32 Structured Exception Handling," by Matt Pietrek in the // January 1997 issue of Microsoft Systems Journal. // #include #include #include #include "firstexc.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static LPVOID s_pvData = NULL; static DWORD s_dwDataPerm = 0; static LONG ExceptCatch(LONG nTry, DWORD dwException, LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS pinfo) { printf(" ExceptCatch(%d, %08x, %08x)\n", nTry, dwException, (ULONG)pinfo); #ifdef INCLUDE_THIS if (nTry == 0) { return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } #endif return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } static int BadCode(int nTry) { printf(" BadCode(Try:%d)\n", nTry); printf(" BadCode -> %d\n", *(PULONG)s_pvData); ((PULONG)s_pvData)[0] = 0; printf(" BadCode -> %d\n", *(PULONG)s_pvData); ((PULONG)s_pvData)[-1] = 0; printf(" BadCode -> %d\n", *(PULONG)s_pvData); return 0; } void safe(int nTry) { __try { printf(" try(%d)\n", nTry); BadCode(nTry); printf(" good(%d)\n", nTry); } __except(ExceptCatch(nTry, GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation())) { DWORD dwExcept = GetExceptionCode(); printf(" handler(%d) : %08x\n", nTry, dwExcept); } } void raw(int nTry) { BadCode(nTry); } LONG WINAPI MyVirtualFaultFilter(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pException) { PEXCEPTION_RECORD pExceptRec = pException->ExceptionRecord; if (pExceptRec->ExceptionCode == 0xc0000005) { printf("-- Memory access exception.\n"); if (pExceptRec->NumberParameters >= 2 && pExceptRec->ExceptionInformation[1] >= (ULONG)s_pvData && pExceptRec->ExceptionInformation[1] <= (ULONG)s_pvData + sizeof(ULONG)) { VirtualProtect(s_pvData, sizeof(ULONG), PAGE_READWRITE, &s_dwDataPerm); printf("-- Changed permissions.\n"); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } } return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinst, HINSTANCE hprev, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { (void)hinst; (void)hprev; (void)lpszCmdLine; (void)nCmdShow; s_pvData = VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(ULONG), MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (s_pvData == NULL) { printf("VirtualAlloc failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); return 0; } *(PULONG)s_pvData = 1; VirtualProtect(s_pvData, sizeof(ULONG), PAGE_READONLY, &s_dwDataPerm); DetourFirstChanceExceptionFilter(MyVirtualFaultFilter); printf("main\n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------\n"); int nTry = 0; for (; nTry < 1; nTry++) { // safe(nTry); } printf("-- safe ------------------------------------------\n"); safe(nTry); VirtualProtect(s_pvData, sizeof(ULONG), PAGE_READWRITE, &s_dwDataPerm); *(PULONG)s_pvData = 1; VirtualProtect(s_pvData, sizeof(ULONG), PAGE_READONLY, &s_dwDataPerm); printf("-- raw -------------------------------------------\n"); printf("*\n"); printf("* NB: The second attempt to write will fail because it isn't handled.\n"); printf("*\n"); raw(nTry); printf("--------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("exit\n"); return 0; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// End of File.