////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Detours Test Program (tracebld.cpp of tracebld.exe) // // Microsoft Research Detours Package // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // #include #include #include #include #pragma warning(push) #if _MSC_VER > 1400 #pragma warning(disable:6102 6103) // /analyze warnings #endif #include #pragma warning(pop) #include #include "tracebld.h" #if (_MSC_VER < 1299) typedef ULONG * PULONG_PTR; typedef ULONG ULONG_PTR; typedef LONG * PLONG_PTR; typedef LONG LONG_PTR; #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma warning(disable:4127) // Many of our asserts are constants. #define ASSERT_ALWAYS(x) \ do { \ if (!(x)) { \ AssertMessage(#x, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ DebugBreak(); \ } \ } while (0) #ifndef NDEBUG #define ASSERT(x) ASSERT_ALWAYS(x) #else #define ASSERT(x) #endif #define UNUSED(c) (c) = (c) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum { CLIENT_AWAITING_PIPE_ACCEPT = 0x21, CLIENT_AWAITING_PIPE_DATA = 0x22, }; typedef struct _CLIENT : OVERLAPPED { HANDLE hPipe; LONG nClient; HANDLE hFile; BOOL fAwaitingAccept; PVOID Zero; TBLOG_MESSAGE Message; BOOL LogMessage(PTBLOG_MESSAGE pMessage, DWORD nBytes); BOOL LogMessageV(PCHAR pszMsg, ...); } CLIENT, *PCLIENT; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHAR s_szLogFile[MAX_PATH]; CHAR s_szPipe[MAX_PATH]; LONG s_nActiveClients = 0; LONG s_nTotalClients = 0; LONGLONG s_llStartTime; BOOL s_fVerbose = FALSE; TBLOG_PAYLOAD s_Payload; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VOID MyErrExit(PCSTR pszMsg) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "TRACEBLD: Error %d in %s.\n", error, pszMsg); fflush(stderr); exit(1); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BOOL CLIENT::LogMessageV(PCHAR pszMsg, ...) { DWORD cbWritten = 0; CHAR szBuf[1024]; PCHAR pcchEnd = szBuf + ARRAYSIZE(szBuf) - 2; PCHAR pcchCur = szBuf; HRESULT hr; va_list args; va_start(args, pszMsg); hr = StringCchVPrintfExA(pcchCur, pcchEnd - pcchCur, &pcchCur, NULL, STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE, pszMsg, args); va_end(args); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto cleanup; } hr = StringCchPrintfExA(pcchCur, szBuf + (ARRAYSIZE(szBuf)) - pcchCur, &pcchCur, NULL, STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE, "\n"); cleanup: WriteFile(hFile, szBuf, (DWORD)(pcchCur - szBuf), &cbWritten, NULL); return TRUE; } BOOL CLIENT::LogMessage(PTBLOG_MESSAGE pMessage, DWORD nBytes) { // Sanity check the size of the message. // if (nBytes > pMessage->nBytes) { nBytes = pMessage->nBytes; } if (nBytes >= sizeof(*pMessage)) { nBytes = sizeof(*pMessage) - 1; } // Don't log message if there isn't and message text. // DWORD cbWrite = nBytes - offsetof(TBLOG_MESSAGE, szMessage); if (cbWrite <= 0 ) { return TRUE; } if (s_fVerbose) { printf("[%s]", pMessage->szMessage); } DWORD cbWritten = 0; WriteFile(hFile, pMessage->szMessage, cbWrite, &cbWritten, NULL); return TRUE; } BOOL CloseConnection(PCLIENT pClient) { InterlockedDecrement(&s_nActiveClients); if (pClient != NULL) { if (pClient->hPipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //FlushFileBuffers(pClient->hPipe); if (!DisconnectNamedPipe(pClient->hPipe)) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); pClient->LogMessageV("\n", error); } CloseHandle(pClient->hPipe); pClient->hPipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (pClient->hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(pClient->hFile); pClient->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } GlobalFree(pClient); pClient = NULL; } return TRUE; } // Creates a pipe instance and initiate an accept request. // PCLIENT CreatePipeConnection(HANDLE hCompletionPort, LONG nClient) { HANDLE hPipe = CreateNamedPipeA(s_szPipe, // pipe name PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND | // read-only access FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // overlapped mode PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | // message-type pipe PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | // message read mode PIPE_WAIT, // blocking mode PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, // unlimited instances 0, // output buffer size 0, // input buffer size 20000, // client time-out NULL); // no security attributes if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { MyErrExit("CreateNamedPipe"); } // Allocate the client data structure. // PCLIENT pClient = (PCLIENT) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(CLIENT)); if (pClient == NULL) { MyErrExit("GlobalAlloc pClient"); } CHAR szLogFile[MAX_PATH]; StringCchPrintfA(szLogFile, ARRAYSIZE(szLogFile), "%s.%08d.xml", s_szLogFile, nClient); ZeroMemory(pClient, sizeof(*pClient)); pClient->hPipe = hPipe; pClient->nClient = nClient; pClient->fAwaitingAccept = TRUE; pClient->hFile = CreateFileA(szLogFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (pClient->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "TRACEBLD: Error opening output file: %s: %d\n\n", szLogFile, GetLastError()); fflush(stderr); MyErrExit("CreateFile"); } // Associate file with our complietion port. // if (!CreateIoCompletionPort(pClient->hPipe, hCompletionPort, (ULONG_PTR)pClient, 0)) { MyErrExit("CreateIoComplietionPort pClient"); } if (!ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, pClient)) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { return NULL; } if (error == ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED) { #if 0 pClient->LogMessageV(""); #endif pClient->fAwaitingAccept = FALSE; } else if (error != ERROR_IO_PENDING && error != ERROR_PIPE_LISTENING) { MyErrExit("ConnectNamedPipe"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "*** ConnectNamedPipe accepted immediately.\n"); #if 0 pClient->LogMessageV(""); #endif pClient->fAwaitingAccept = FALSE; } return pClient; } BOOL DoRead(PCLIENT pClient) { SetLastError(NO_ERROR); DWORD nBytes = 0; BOOL b = ReadFile(pClient->hPipe, &pClient->Message, sizeof(pClient->Message), &nBytes, pClient); DWORD error = GetLastError(); if (b && error == NO_ERROR) { return TRUE; } if (error == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { pClient->LogMessageV("\n", nBytes); CloseConnection(pClient); return TRUE; } else if (error == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) { // ? pClient->LogMessageV("\n"); // I have no idea why this happens. Our remedy is to drop the connection. return TRUE; } else if (error != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { if (b) { pClient->LogMessageV("\n", error); } else { pClient->LogMessageV("\n", error); } CloseConnection(pClient); } return TRUE; } DWORD WINAPI WorkerThread(LPVOID pvVoid) { PCLIENT pClient; BOOL b; LPOVERLAPPED lpo; DWORD nBytes; HANDLE hCompletionPort = (HANDLE)pvVoid; for (BOOL fKeepLooping = TRUE; fKeepLooping;) { pClient = NULL; lpo = NULL; nBytes = 0; b = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(hCompletionPort, &nBytes, (PULONG_PTR)&pClient, &lpo, INFINITE); if (!b) { if (pClient) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { pClient->LogMessageV(""); } else { pClient->LogMessageV("", GetLastError()); } CloseConnection(pClient); } continue; } if (pClient->fAwaitingAccept) { BOOL fAgain = TRUE; while (fAgain) { LONG nClient = InterlockedIncrement(&s_nTotalClients); InterlockedIncrement(&s_nActiveClients); pClient->fAwaitingAccept = FALSE; PCLIENT pNew = CreatePipeConnection(hCompletionPort, nClient); fAgain = FALSE; if (pNew != NULL) { fAgain = !pNew->fAwaitingAccept; DoRead(pNew); } } } else { if (nBytes <= offsetof(TBLOG_MESSAGE, szMessage)) { pClient->LogMessageV("\n"); CloseConnection(pClient); continue; } pClient->LogMessage(&pClient->Message, nBytes); } DoRead(pClient); } return 0; } BOOL CreateWorkers(HANDLE hCompletionPort) { DWORD dwThread; HANDLE hThread; DWORD i; SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo; GetSystemInfo(&SystemInfo); for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, WorkerThread, hCompletionPort, 0, &dwThread); if (!hThread) { MyErrExit("CreateThread WorkerThread"); // Unreachable: return FALSE; } CloseHandle(hThread); } return TRUE; } DWORD CopyEnvironment(PWCHAR pwzzOut, PCWSTR pwzzIn) { PCWSTR pwzzBeg = pwzzOut; while (*pwzzIn) { while (*pwzzIn) { *pwzzOut++ = *pwzzIn++; } *pwzzOut++ = *pwzzIn++; // Copy zero. } *pwzzOut++ = '\0'; // Add last zero. return (DWORD)(pwzzOut - pwzzBeg); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DWORD main(int argc, char **argv) { HANDLE hCompletionPort; BOOL fNeedHelp = FALSE; WCHAR wzzDrop[1024] = L"build\0nmake\0"; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((FILETIME *)&s_llStartTime); StringCchPrintfA(s_szPipe, ARRAYSIZE(s_szPipe), "%s.%d", TBLOG_PIPE_NAME, GetCurrentProcessId()); int arg = 1; for (; arg < argc && (argv[arg][0] == '-' || argv[arg][0] == '/'); arg++) { CHAR *argn = argv[arg] + 1; CHAR *argp = argn; while (*argp && *argp != ':' && *argp != '=') { argp++; } if (*argp == ':' || *argp == '=') { *argp++ = '\0'; } switch (argn[0]) { case 'd': // Drop Processes case 'D': if (*argp) { PWCHAR pwz = wzzDrop; while (*argp) { if (*argp == ';') { *pwz++ = '\0'; } else { *pwz++ = *argp++; } } *pwz++ = '\0'; *pwz = '\0'; } case 'o': // Output file. case 'O': StringCchCopyA(s_szLogFile, ARRAYSIZE(s_szLogFile), argp); break; case 'v': // Verbose case 'V': s_fVerbose = TRUE; break; case '?': // Help. fNeedHelp = TRUE; break; default: fNeedHelp = TRUE; printf("TRACEBLD: Bad argument: %s:%s\n", argn, argp); break; } } if (arg >= argc) { fNeedHelp = TRUE; } if (fNeedHelp) { printf("Usage:\n" " tracebld [options] command {command arguments}\n" "Options:\n" " /o:file Log all events to the output files.\n" " /? Display this help message.\n" "Summary:\n" " Runs the build commands and figures out which files have dependencies..\n" "\n"); exit(9001); } // Create the completion port. hCompletionPort = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, NULL, 0); if (hCompletionPort == NULL) { MyErrExit("CreateIoCompletionPort"); } // Create completion port worker threads. // CreateWorkers(hCompletionPort); CreatePipeConnection(hCompletionPort, 0); printf("TRACEBLD: Ready for clients. Press Ctrl-C to stop.\n"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Validate DLLs. // CHAR szTmpPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szExePath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szDllPath[MAX_PATH]; PCHAR pszFilePart = NULL; if (!GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szTmpPath, ARRAYSIZE(szTmpPath))) { printf("TRACEBLD: Couldn't retreive exe name.\n"); return 9002; } if (!GetFullPathNameA(szTmpPath, ARRAYSIZE(szExePath), szExePath, &pszFilePart) || pszFilePart == NULL) { printf("TRACEBLD: Error: %s is not a valid path name..\n", szTmpPath); return 9002; } StringCchCopyA(pszFilePart, szExePath + ARRAYSIZE(szExePath) - pszFilePart, "trcbld" DETOURS_STRINGIFY(DETOURS_BITS) ".dll"); StringCchCopyA(szDllPath, ARRAYSIZE(szDllPath), szExePath); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STARTUPINFOA si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; CHAR szCommand[2048]; CHAR szExe[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szFullExe[MAX_PATH] = "\0"; PCHAR pszFileExe = NULL; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); si.cb = sizeof(si); szCommand[0] = L'\0'; StringCchCopyA(szExe, sizeof(szExe), argv[arg]); for (; arg < argc; arg++) { if (strchr(argv[arg], ' ') != NULL || strchr(argv[arg], '\t') != NULL) { StringCchCatA(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "\""); StringCchCatA(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), argv[arg]); StringCchCatA(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), "\""); } else { StringCchCatA(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), argv[arg]); } if (arg + 1 < argc) { StringCchCatA(szCommand, sizeof(szCommand), " "); } } printf("TRACEBLD: Starting: `%s'\n", szCommand); printf("TRACEBLD: with `%s'\n", szDllPath); fflush(stdout); DWORD dwFlags = CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE | CREATE_SUSPENDED; SetLastError(0); SearchPathA(NULL, szExe, ".exe", ARRAYSIZE(szFullExe), szFullExe, &pszFileExe); if (!DetourCreateProcessWithDllExA(szFullExe[0] ? szFullExe : NULL, szCommand, NULL, NULL, TRUE, dwFlags, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi, szDllPath, NULL)) { printf("TRACEBLD: DetourCreateProcessWithDllEx failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); ExitProcess(9007); } ZeroMemory(&s_Payload, sizeof(s_Payload)); s_Payload.nParentProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); s_Payload.nTraceProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); s_Payload.nGeneology = 1; s_Payload.rGeneology[0] = 0; StringCchCopyW(s_Payload.wzStdin, ARRAYSIZE(s_Payload.wzStdin), L"\\\\.\\CONIN$"); StringCchCopyW(s_Payload.wzStdout, ARRAYSIZE(s_Payload.wzStdout), L"\\\\.\\CONOUT$"); StringCchCopyW(s_Payload.wzStderr, ARRAYSIZE(s_Payload.wzStderr), L"\\\\.\\CONOUT$"); StringCchCopyW(s_Payload.wzParents, ARRAYSIZE(s_Payload.wzParents), L""); CopyEnvironment(s_Payload.wzzDrop, wzzDrop); LPWCH pwStrings = GetEnvironmentStringsW(); CopyEnvironment(s_Payload.wzzEnvironment, pwStrings); FreeEnvironmentStringsW(pwStrings); if (!DetourCopyPayloadToProcess(pi.hProcess, s_guidTrace, &s_Payload, sizeof(s_Payload))) { printf("TRACEBLD: DetourCopyPayloadToProcess failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); ExitProcess(9008); } ResumeThread(pi.hThread); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); DWORD dwResult = 0; if (!GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &dwResult)) { printf("TRACEBLD: GetExitCodeProcess failed: %d\n", GetLastError()); return 9008; } printf("TRACEBLD: %d processes.\n", s_nTotalClients); return dwResult; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////