a .˜eqã@s@ddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZGdd„deƒZdS)éN)ÚCard)ÚDeck)Ú LookupTablec@sXeZdZdZdd„Zdd„Zdd„Zdd „Zd d „Zd d „Z dd„Z dd„Z dd„Z dS)Ú Evaluatoraž Evaluates hand strengths using a variant of Cactus Kev's algorithm: http://suffe.cool/poker/evaluator.html I make considerable optimizations in terms of speed and memory usage, in fact the lookup table generation can be done in under a second and consequent evaluations are very fast. Won't beat C, but very fast as all calculations are done with bit arithmetic and table lookups. cCs tƒ|_|j|j|jdœ|_dS)N)ééé)rÚtableÚ_fiveÚ_sixÚ_sevenÚ hand_size_map)Úself©rútd| ddfƒntddd„| DƒƒqJtd|dd|ƒt| ƒdkr²td| dd| | | || d|¡¡¡fƒqJtd| | | | || d|¡¡¡fƒqJd S)z® Gives a sumamry of the hand with ranks as time proceeds. Requires that the board is in chronological order for the analysis to make sense. rzInvalid board lengthrzInavlid hand lengthé )ZFLOPZTURNÚRIVERú=z %s i'Nrgð?z9Player %d hand = %s, percentage rank among all hands = %frr+z%Player %d hand is currently winning. rz"Players %s are tied for the lead. cSsg|] }|d‘qS)rr)Ú.0ÚxrrrÚ ¨óz*Evaluator.hand_summary..z HAND OVER z"Player %d is the winner with a %s z&Players %s tied for the win with a %s ) rÚrangeÚprintÚ enumeraterr&r'r)ÚappendÚindex)rrZhandsÚhandZ line_lengthZstagesÚiÚlineZ best_rankZwinnersZplayerÚrankZ rank_classZ class_stringZ percentagerrrÚ hand_summary}sH   ÿ ÿ ÿzEvaluator.hand_summaryN) Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__rrr r r r&r'r)r:rrrrrs   r) rÚ deuces3.cardrÚ deuces3.deckrZdeuces3.lookuprÚobjectrrrrrÚs