use devbox_build::{Build, Cmd, Resource}; pub fn main() { let build = Build::new(); //-- Setup web app build dir inside of Rust target directory ----------------------------------- // Rust does not allow changes outside target directory, so setup a webapp build directoy // using links to source files where nodejs and company can do it's thing let webrs = build.out_dir().file(""); let websrc = build.manifest_dir().dir("webapp"); let webwrk = build.out_dir().dir("webapp_build"); let webwrk_pkg = webwrk.file("package.json"); let webwrk_pkl = webwrk.file("package-lock.json"); let webwrk_ndm = webwrk.dir("node_modules"); let webwrk_dst = webwrk.dir("dist"); for unit in websrc.content("*") { unit.link_from_inside(&webwrk); } //-- Build webapp using NPM -------------------------------------------------------------------- let npm = Cmd::new("npm").arg("--prefix").arg(webwrk.path()); webwrk_ndm.mk_from("Install WebApp node packages", &webwrk_pkg + &webwrk_pkl, ||{ npm.clone().arg("install").run(); webwrk_ndm.touch(); }); webwrk_dst.mk_from("Build WebApp using webpack", &webwrk.content("**"), || { npm.clone().arg("run").arg("build").run(); webwrk_dst.touch(); }); //-- Package webapp into server binary as Rust source code ------------------------------------- webrs.mk_from("Embed WebApp build into binary", &webwrk_dst, || { let mappings = webwrk_dst.files("**").into_iter().map(|file| format!(r#""{}" => Some(include_bytes!("{}")),"#, file.path().strip_prefix(&webwrk_dst.path()).unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), file.path().to_str().unwrap()) ).fold("".to_owned(), |result, ref s| result + s + "\n" ); webrs.rewrite(format!(r" pub fn file(path: &str) -> Option<&'static [u8]> {{ match path {{ {} &_ => None, }} }} ", mappings)); }); }