#!/bin/bash # The install script is licensed under the CC-0 1.0 license. # See https://github.com/DevCleaner/devcleaner/blob/main/LICENSE for more details. # # To run this script execute: # `curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DevCleaner/devcleaner/main/deployment/getLatest.sh | sh` GITHUB_REPO="devcleaner" GITHUB_USER="DevCleaner" EXE_FILENAME="devcleaner" EXE_DEST_DIR="/usr/local/bin" bye() { result=$? if [ "$result" != "0" ]; then echo "Fail to install ${GITHUB_USER}/${GITHUB_REPO}" fi exit $result } fail() { echo "$1" exit 1 } find_download_url() { local SUFFIX=$1 local LATEST_URL="https://api.github.com/repos/${GITHUB_USER}/${GITHUB_REPO}/releases/latest" local URL=$(curl -s "${LATEST_URL}" | grep "browser_download_url.*${SUFFIX}" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | head -n 1) echo "${URL//[[:space:]]/}" } find_arch() { local ARCH=$(uname -m) case $ARCH in armv5*) ARCH="armv5" ;; armv6*) ARCH="armv6" ;; armv7*) ARCH="armv7" ;; aarch64) ARCH="arm64" ;; x86) ARCH="386" ;; # x86_64) ARCH="amd64";; i686) ARCH="386" ;; i386) ARCH="386" ;; esac echo $ARCH } find_os() { local OS=$(echo $(uname) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') case "$OS" in # Minimalist GNU for Windows mingw*) OS='windows' ;; msys*) OS='windows' ;; esac echo $OS } find_suffix() { local OS=$2 local SUFFIX="$OS.tar.gz" case "$OS" in "linux") SUFFIX='linux-musl.tar.gz' ;; # "darwin") SUFFIX='macos.tar.gz' ;; # "windows") SUFFIX='windows.tar.gz';; esac echo $SUFFIX } download_file() { local FILE_URL="$1" local FILE_PATH="$2" echo "Getting $FILE_URL ....." httpStatusCode=$(curl -s -w '%{http_code}' -L "$FILE_URL" -o "$FILE_PATH") if [ "$httpStatusCode" != 200 ]; then echo "failed to download '${URL}'" fail "Request fail with http status code $httpStatusCode" fi } find_exec_dest_path() { if [ ! -w $EXE_DEST_DIR ]; then echo "Cannot write to ${EXE_DEST_DIR}. Run with 'sudo' to install to ${EXE_DEST_DIR}. Installing to current directory now ....." EXE_DEST_DIR=$(pwd) fi } install_file() { local FILE_PATH=$1 local EXE_DEST_FILE=$2 TMP_DIR="/tmp/${GITHUB_USER}_${GITHUB_REPO}" mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR" || true tar xf "$FILE_PATH" -C "$TMP_DIR" cp "$TMP_DIR/${EXE_FILENAME}" "${EXE_DEST_FILE}" chmod +x "${EXE_DEST_FILE}" rm -rf "$TMP_DIR" } main() { find_exec_dest_path local EXE_DEST_FILE="${EXE_DEST_DIR}/${EXE_FILENAME}" local ARCH=$(find_arch) local OS=$(find_os) local SUFFIX=$(find_suffix $ARCH $OS) local FILE_URL=$(find_download_url $SUFFIX) if [ -z "${FILE_URL}" ]; then fail "Did not find a latest release for your system: $OS $ARCH ($SUFFIX)" fi local FILE_PATH="/tmp/${GITHUB_USER}-${GITHUB_REPO}-latest-${SUFFIX}" download_file "${FILE_URL}" "${FILE_PATH}" install_file "${FILE_PATH}" "${EXE_DEST_FILE}" rm -Rf ${FILE_PATH} echo "executable installed at ${EXE_DEST_FILE}" bye } #TODO check bash is used `readlink /proc/$$/exe` # because the script is not compatible with dash (default sh on ubuntu), other posix only shell,... #Stop execution on any error trap "bye" EXIT set -e # set -x main