[service] # This is the name of the service name = "pets" # This is a list of data sources used by the service [[service.data_sources]] # This is a data source that connects to a MongoDB instance [service.data_sources.Mongo] # This is the name of the data source name = "mongo_1" # This is the connection URI for the MongoDB instance uri = "mongodb://users:users@" # This is the name of the database in the MongoDB instance db = "sun" # This is another MongoDB data source using Mongo Atlas [[service.data_sources]] [service.data_sources.Mongo] name = "mongo_2" uri = "mongodb+srv://$MONGO_USER:$MONGO_PASS@cluster0.dog1234.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority" db = "dogs" # This is an HTTP data source connecting to an external API [[service.data_sources]] [service.data_sources.HTTP] name = "todos" url = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com" # This is the CORS configuration for the service [service.cors] allow_any_origin = true allow_headers = ["Authorization", "Content-Type"] [[service.cors.allow_methods]] method = "POST" # This is a list of entities used by the service [[service.entities]] name = "Person" # This is the data source for the entity [service.entities.data_source] from = "mongo_1" collection = "users" # These are the fields of the entity [[service.entities.fields]] name = "_id" scalar = "ObjectID" required = true [[service.entities.fields]] name = "name" scalar = "String" required = true [[service.entities.fields]] name = "age" scalar = "Int" required = false [[service.entities.fields]] name = "married" scalar = "Boolean" required = true # This is another entity [[service.entities]] name = "Dog" [service.entities.data_source] from = "mongo_2" collection = "dogs" [[service.entities.fields]] name = "_id" scalar = "ObjectID" required = true [[service.entities.fields]] name = "name" scalar = "String" required = true [[service.entities.fields]] name = "breed" scalar = "String" required = true # This is another entity [[service.entities]] name = "todo" [service.entities.data_source] from = "todos" path = "/todos" [service.entities.data_source.resolvers] [service.entities.data_source.resolvers.find_one] path = "/:id" [service.entities.data_source.resolvers.find_many] search_query = [["userId", ":userId"], ["completed", ":completed"], ["id", ":id"]] [[service.entities.fields]] name = "userId" scalar = "Int" required = true [[service.entities.fields]] name = "id" scalar = "Int" required = true [[service.entities.fields]] name = "title" scalar = "String" required = true [[service.entities.fields]] name = "completed" scalar = "Boolean" required = true