use cosmwasm_std::testing::mock_env; use cosmwasm_std::{attr, to_json_binary, Addr, Coin, Decimal, Timestamp, Uint128, Binary}; use cw20::{BalanceResponse, Cw20ExecuteMsg, Cw20QueryMsg, MinterResponse}; use cw_multi_test::{App, ContractWrapper, Executor}; use dexter::asset::{Asset, AssetExchangeRate, AssetInfo}; use dexter::lp_token::InstantiateMsg as TokenInstantiateMsg; use dexter::pool::{AfterExitResponse, AfterJoinResponse, ConfigResponse, CumulativePricesResponse, ExecuteMsg, ExitType, FeeResponse, FeeStructs, QueryMsg, ResponseType, SwapResponse}; use dexter::vault::{self, NativeAssetPrecisionInfo}; use dexter::vault::{ Cw20HookMsg, ExecuteMsg as VaultExecuteMsg, FeeInfo, InstantiateMsg as VaultInstantiateMsg, PauseInfo, PoolTypeConfig, PoolInfo, PoolInfoResponse, PoolType, QueryMsg as VaultQueryMsg, SingleSwapRequest, SwapType, PoolCreationFee, }; use dexter_weighted_pool::state::{MathConfig, WeightedAsset, WeightedParams}; const EPOCH_START: u64 = 1_000_000; fn mock_app(owner: Addr, coins: Vec) -> App { let mut env = mock_env(); env.block.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(EPOCH_START); let mut app = App::new(|router, _, storage| { // initialization moved to App construction, &owner, coins).unwrap(); }); app.set_block(env.block); app } fn store_vault_code(app: &mut App) -> u64 { let factory_contract = Box::new( ContractWrapper::new_with_empty( dexter_vault::contract::execute, dexter_vault::contract::instantiate, dexter_vault::contract::query, ) .with_reply_empty(dexter_vault::contract::reply), ); app.store_code(factory_contract) } fn store_weighted_pool_code(app: &mut App) -> u64 { let pool_contract = Box::new(ContractWrapper::new_with_empty( dexter_weighted_pool::contract::execute, dexter_weighted_pool::contract::instantiate, dexter_weighted_pool::contract::query, )); app.store_code(pool_contract) } fn store_token_code(app: &mut App) -> u64 { let token_contract = Box::new(ContractWrapper::new_with_empty( dexter_lp_token::contract::execute, dexter_lp_token::contract::instantiate, dexter_lp_token::contract::query, )); app.store_code(token_contract) } // Mints some Tokens to "to" recipient fn mint_some_tokens(app: &mut App, owner: Addr, token_instance: Addr, amount: Uint128, to: String) { let msg = cw20::Cw20ExecuteMsg::Mint { recipient: to.clone(), amount: amount, }; let res = app .execute_contract(owner.clone(), token_instance.clone(), &msg, &[]) .unwrap(); assert_eq!([1].attributes[1], attr("action", "mint")); assert_eq!([1].attributes[2], attr("to", to)); assert_eq!([1].attributes[3], attr("amount", amount)); } /// Initialize a new vault and a WEIGHTED Pool with the given assets - Tests the following: /// Vault::ExecuteMsg::{ Config, PoolId, FeeParams} /// Pool::QueryMsg::{ CreatePoolInstance} fn instantiate_contracts_instance( app: &mut App, owner: &Addr, ) -> (Addr, Addr, Addr, Addr, Addr, u128) { let weighted_pool_code_id = store_weighted_pool_code(app); let vault_code_id = store_vault_code(app); let token_code_id = store_token_code(app); let pool_configs = vec![PoolTypeConfig { code_id: weighted_pool_code_id, pool_type: PoolType::Weighted {}, default_fee_info: FeeInfo { total_fee_bps: 300u16, protocol_fee_percent: 64u16, }, allow_instantiation: dexter::vault::AllowPoolInstantiation::Everyone, paused: PauseInfo::default(), }]; let vault_init_msg = VaultInstantiateMsg { pool_configs: pool_configs.clone(), lp_token_code_id: Some(token_code_id), fee_collector: Some("fee_collector".to_string()), owner: owner.to_string(), pool_creation_fee: PoolCreationFee::default(), auto_stake_impl: dexter::vault::AutoStakeImpl::None, }; // Initialize Vault contract instance let vault_instance = app .instantiate_contract( vault_code_id, owner.to_owned(), &vault_init_msg, &[], "vault", None, ) .unwrap(); // Create Token X let init_msg = TokenInstantiateMsg { name: "x_token".to_string(), symbol: "X-Tok".to_string(), decimals: 6, initial_balances: vec![], mint: Some(MinterResponse { minter: owner.to_string(), cap: None, }), marketing: None, }; let token_instance0 = app .instantiate_contract( token_code_id, Addr::unchecked(owner.clone()), &init_msg, &[], "x_token", None, ) .unwrap(); // Create Token y let init_msg = TokenInstantiateMsg { name: "y_token".to_string(), symbol: "Y-Tok".to_string(), decimals: 6, initial_balances: vec![], mint: Some(MinterResponse { minter: owner.to_string(), cap: None, }), marketing: None, }; let token_instance1 = app .instantiate_contract( token_code_id, Addr::unchecked(owner.clone()), &init_msg, &[], "y_token", None, ) .unwrap(); let asset_infos = vec![ AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, ]; let asset_infos_with_weights = vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(33u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(33u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(34u128), }, ]; // Initialize WEIGHTED Pool contract instance let current_block = app.block_info(); let msg = VaultExecuteMsg::CreatePoolInstance { pool_type: PoolType::Weighted {}, asset_infos: asset_infos.to_vec(), native_asset_precisions: vec![NativeAssetPrecisionInfo { denom: "xprt".to_string(), precision: 6, }], init_params: Some( to_json_binary(&WeightedParams { weights: asset_infos_with_weights, exit_fee: Some(Decimal::from_ratio(1u128, 100u128)), }) .unwrap(), ), fee_info: None }; app.execute_contract(Addr::unchecked(owner), vault_instance.clone(), &msg, &[]) .unwrap(); let pool_res: PoolInfo = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( vault_instance.clone(), &VaultQueryMsg::GetPoolById { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(1u128), pool_res.pool_id); assert_eq!(PoolType::Weighted {}, pool_res.pool_type); let assets = vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::zero(), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::zero(), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::zero(), }, ]; //// -----x----- Check :: ConfigResponse for WEIGHTED Pool -----x----- //// let pool_config_res: ConfigResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(pool_res.pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::Config {}) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( FeeStructs { total_fee_bps: 300u16, }, pool_config_res.fee_info ); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(1u128), pool_config_res.pool_id); assert_eq!( pool_res.lp_token_addr, pool_config_res.lp_token_addr ); assert_eq!(vault_instance, pool_config_res.vault_addr); assert_eq!(assets, pool_config_res.assets); assert_eq!(PoolType::Weighted {}, pool_config_res.pool_type); assert_eq!( current_block.time.seconds(), pool_config_res.block_time_last ); assert_eq!( to_json_binary(&vec![ WeightedAsset { asset: Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::zero(), }, weight: Decimal::from_ratio(33u128, 100u128) }, WeightedAsset { asset: Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::zero(), }, weight: Decimal::from_ratio(34u128, 100u128) }, WeightedAsset { asset: Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::zero(), }, weight: Decimal::from_ratio(33u128, 100u128) } ]) .unwrap(), pool_config_res.additional_params.unwrap() ); assert_eq!( to_json_binary(&MathConfig { exit_fee: Some(Decimal::from_ratio(1u128, 100u128)), greatest_precision: 6u8 }) .unwrap(), pool_config_res.math_params.unwrap() ); //// -----x----- Check :: FeeResponse for WEIGHTED Pool -----x----- //// let pool_fee_res: FeeResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(pool_res.pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::FeeParams {}) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(300u16, pool_fee_res.total_fee_bps); //// -----x----- Check :: Pool-ID for WEIGHTED Pool -----x----- //// let pool_id_res: Uint128 = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(pool_res.pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::PoolId {}) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(1u128), pool_id_res); return ( vault_instance, pool_res.pool_addr, pool_res.lp_token_addr, token_instance0, token_instance1, current_block.time.seconds() as u128, ); } /// Tests Pool::ExecuteMsg::UpdateConfig for WEIGHTED Pool which is not supported #[test] fn test_update_config() { let owner = Addr::unchecked("owner"); let alice_address = Addr::unchecked("alice"); let mut app = mock_app( owner.clone(), vec![Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(100_000_000_000u128), }], ); let (_, pool_addr, _, _, _, _) = instantiate_contracts_instance(&mut app, &owner); //// -----x----- Success :: Function not supported -----x----- //// let res = app .execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), pool_addr.clone(), &ExecuteMsg::UpdateConfig { params: Binary::from(vec![]) }, &[], ) .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(res.root_cause().to_string(), "Operation non supported"); } /// Tests the following - /// Pool::QueryMsg::OnJoinPool for Weighted Pool and the returned [`AfterJoinResponse`] struct to check if the math calculations are correct /// Vault::ExecuteMsg::JoinPool - Token transfer from user to vault and LP token minting to user are processed as expected and Balances are updated correctly /// Vault::ExecuteMsg::UpdateLiquidity - Executed by the Vault at the end of join pool tx execution to update pool balances as stored in the Pool contract which are used for computations #[test] fn test_query_on_join_pool() { let owner = Addr::unchecked("owner"); let alice_address = Addr::unchecked("alice"); let mut app = mock_app( owner.clone(), vec![Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(10000000000_000_000_000u128), }], ); // Set Alice's balances app.send_tokens( owner.clone(), alice_address.clone(), &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(10000000000_000_000_000u128), }], ) .unwrap(); let (vault_instance, pool_addr, lp_token_addr, token_instance0, token_instance1, _) = instantiate_contracts_instance(&mut app, &owner); mint_some_tokens( &mut app, owner.clone(), token_instance0.clone(), Uint128::new(900_000_000_000), alice_address.to_string(), ); mint_some_tokens( &mut app, owner.clone(), token_instance1.clone(), Uint128::new(900_000_000_000), alice_address.to_string(), ); //// -----x----- Check #1 :: Error ::: When no asset info is provided -----x----- //// let empty_assets: Vec = vec![]; let join_pool_query_res: AfterJoinResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnJoinPool { assets_in: None, mint_amount: Some(Uint128::from(1000_000_000u128)), }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( ResponseType::Failure("No assets provided".to_string()), join_pool_query_res.response ); assert_eq!(Uint128::zero(), join_pool_query_res.new_shares); assert_eq!(empty_assets, join_pool_query_res.provided_assets); //// -----x----- Check #2 :: Success ::: Liquidity being provided when pool is empty -----x----- //// let assets_msg = vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(46743_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(56742_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(28774_000000u128), }, ]; // When liquidity is provided for the first time, we mint a fixed number of LP tokens // Check Query Response let join_pool_query_res: AfterJoinResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnJoinPool { assets_in: Some(assets_msg.clone()), mint_amount: None, }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(None, join_pool_query_res.fee); assert_eq!(ResponseType::Success {}, join_pool_query_res.response); assert_eq!( Uint128::from(100_000_000_000_000_000_000u128), join_pool_query_res.new_shares ); // // Returned assets are in sorted order assert_eq!( vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(56742_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(28774_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(46743_000000u128), }, ], join_pool_query_res.provided_assets ); // Execute AddLiquidity via the Vault contract let msg = VaultExecuteMsg::JoinPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, min_lp_to_receive: None, auto_stake: None, assets: Some(assets_msg.clone()), }; // //// -----x----- Check #2.1 :: Execution Error ::: If insufficient number of Native tokens were sent -----x----- //// let add_liq_res = app .execute_contract(alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &msg, &[]) .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( add_liq_res.root_cause().to_string(), "Insufficient number of xprt tokens sent. Tokens sent = 0. Tokens needed = 46743000000" ); // //// -----x----- Check #2.2 :: Execution Error ::: CW20 tokens were not approved for transfer via the Vault contract -----x----- //// let add_liq_res = app .execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(46743_000000u128), }], ) .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( add_liq_res.root_cause().to_string(), "No allowance for this account" ); //// -----x----- Check #2.2 :: Success ::: Successfully provide liquidity and mint LP tokens -----x----- //// app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), token_instance0.clone(), &Cw20ExecuteMsg::IncreaseAllowance { spender: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), amount: Uint128::from(46743_00_000000u128), expires: None, }, &[], ) .unwrap(); app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), token_instance1.clone(), &Cw20ExecuteMsg::IncreaseAllowance { spender: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), amount: Uint128::from(46743_00_000000u128), expires: None, }, &[], ) .unwrap(); app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(46743_000000u128), }], ) .unwrap(); // Checks - // 1. LP tokens minted & transferred to Alice // 2. Liquidity Pool balance updated // 3. Tokens transferred to the Vault // 4. TWAP updated let alice_bal_res: BalanceResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( &lp_token_addr.clone(), &Cw20QueryMsg::Balance { address: alice_address.clone().to_string(), }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(join_pool_query_res.new_shares, alice_bal_res.balance); let vault_bal_res: BalanceResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( &token_instance0.clone(), &Cw20QueryMsg::Balance { address: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(56742_000000u128), vault_bal_res.balance); let vault_bal_res: BalanceResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( &token_instance1.clone(), &Cw20QueryMsg::Balance { address: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(28774_000000u128), vault_bal_res.balance); // validate vault xprt balance let vault_bal_res = app.wrap().query_balance(vault_instance.clone().to_string(), "xprt"); assert_eq!(vault_bal_res.unwrap().amount, Uint128::new(46743_000000u128)); let vault_pool_config_res: PoolInfoResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( &vault_instance.clone(), &VaultQueryMsg::GetPoolById { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), }, ) .unwrap(); let pool_config_res: ConfigResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(&pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::Config {}) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(pool_config_res.assets, vault_pool_config_res.assets); assert_eq!( vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(56742_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(28774_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(46743_000000u128), }, ], vault_pool_config_res.assets ); app.update_block(|b| { b.height += 17280; b.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(EPOCH_START + 900_00) }); let pool_twap_res: CumulativePricesResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(&pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::CumulativePrices {}) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(100_000_000_000_000_000_000u128), pool_twap_res.total_share); // TODO: verify twap rates assert_eq!( vec![ AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone() }, rate: Uint128::from(44296830000u128) }, AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string() }, rate: Uint128::from(74140290000u128) }, AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone() }, rate: Uint128::from(182857050000u128) }, AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string() }, rate: Uint128::from(150634260000u128) }, AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone() }, rate: Uint128::from(109252260000u128) }, AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone() }, rate: Uint128::from(53772570000u128) } ], pool_twap_res.exchange_infos ); //// -----x----- Check #2 :: Success ::: Single Asset Join Check -----x----- //// // We will join the pool with a single asset = 25774 tokens, // here, we solve constant function invariant with the calcs mentioned below, // fee_ratio : 0.980200000000000000 // token_amount_in_after_fee: 25263.674800 , // weight_ratio = (weightX/weightY): 0.34 // y = balanceXBefore/balanceXAfter : 1.878003572669771321 // y_to_weight_ratio: 1.878003572669771321^0.34 = 1.238958556548818616 // paranthetical: 0.238958556548818616 // amount_y = (balanceY * (1 - (y ^ weight_ratio))): 23.8958556548818616 // Num Shares (Single asset join) to be minted = 23.895855 let single_asset_msg = vec![Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(25774_000000u128), }]; // Check Query Response let join_pool_query_res: AfterJoinResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnJoinPool { assets_in: Some(single_asset_msg.clone()), mint_amount: None, }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( Some(vec![Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(510325200u128) }]), join_pool_query_res.fee ); assert_eq!(ResponseType::Success {}, join_pool_query_res.response); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(23895855654881861600u128), join_pool_query_res.new_shares); // // Returned assets are in sorted order assert_eq!( vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(0u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(25774_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(0u128), }, ], join_pool_query_res.provided_assets ); // Execute function -::- Provide single asset join liquidity // Execute AddLiquidity via the Vault contract let single_join_msg = VaultExecuteMsg::JoinPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, min_lp_to_receive: None, auto_stake: None, assets: Some(single_asset_msg.clone()), }; app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &single_join_msg, &[], ) .unwrap(); //// -----x----- Check #2 :: Success ::: Single Asset Join Check -----x----- //// app.update_block(|b| { b.height += 17280; b.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(EPOCH_START + 1200_00) }); let single_asset_msg = vec![Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(2577_000000u128), }]; // We will join the pool with a single asset = 2577 tokens, // here, we solve constant function invariant with the calcs mentioned below, // fee_ratio : 0.979900000000000000 // token_amount_in_after_fee: 2525.202300 // weight_ratio = (weightX/weightY): 0.33 // y = balanceXBefore/balanceXAfter : 1.054023111481933123 // y_to_weight_ratio: 1.054023111481933123^0.33: 1.017514353102858334 // paranthetical: 0.017514353102858334 // amount_y = (balanceY * (1 - (y ^ weight_ratio))): 2.169955752450536234 // Num Shares (Single asset join) to be minted = 2.169955 // Check Query Response let join_pool_query_res: AfterJoinResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnJoinPool { assets_in: Some(single_asset_msg.clone()), mint_amount: None, }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( Some(vec![Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string().clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(51797700u128) }]), join_pool_query_res.fee ); assert_eq!(ResponseType::Success {}, join_pool_query_res.response); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(2169955763920368399u128), join_pool_query_res.new_shares); // // Returned assets are in sorted order assert_eq!( vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(0u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(2577_000000u128), }, ], join_pool_query_res.provided_assets ); // Execute function -::- Provide single asset join liquidity // Execute AddLiquidity via the Vault contract let single_join_msg = VaultExecuteMsg::JoinPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, min_lp_to_receive: None, auto_stake: None, assets: Some(single_asset_msg.clone()), }; app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &single_join_msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(100_000_000_000u128), }], ) .unwrap(); // Fetch current pool info let pool_info: PoolInfoResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(vault_instance.clone(), &VaultQueryMsg::GetPoolById { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u64) }) .unwrap(); // Validate the pool balances post liquidity addition assert_eq!( vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(56_742_000_000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(54_221_391_872u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(49_286_849_472u128), }, ], pool_info.assets ); //// -----x----- Check #3 :: Success ::: Multi Asset Join Check -----x----- //// app.update_block(|b| { b.height += 17280; b.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(EPOCH_START + 1500_00) }); let multi_asset_msg = vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(2977_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(3177_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(3477_000000u128), }, ]; // We will join the pool with all assets = 2977, 3177, 3477 tokens, // here, we first execute -maximal_exact_ratio_join() // contract1 - provided assets = 2977.000000, pool liquidity = 56742.000000 || share ratio: 0.052465545803813753 // contract2 - provided assets = 3177.000000, pool liquidity = 54221.391872 || share ratio: 0.058593110400041336 // xprt - provided assets = 3477.000000, pool liquidity = 49286.849472 || share ratio: 0.070546201212867006 // ==> Number of shares to be minted = 6.614111603288115245 (Precision 18) // "contract2" used_amount: 2844.754918 new_amount: 332.245082 // "xprt" used_amount: 2585.861458 new_amount: 891.138542 // ------------------------------------------------------------ // For remaining assets, we execute -calc_single_asset_join() // ------ contract2 - remaining assets = 332.245082 | pool balance = 57066.146790 (34%) // token_amount_in_after_fee: 325.666629 , fee_ratio :0.980200000000000000 // weight_ratio = (weightX/weightY): 0.34 // y = balanceXBefore/balanceXAfter : 1.005706827030015425 // Calculated pow for 1.005706827030015425^0.34: 1.001936678569752017 // y_to_weight_ratio: 1.001936678569752017 // paranthetical: 0.001936678569752017 // amount_y = (balanceY * (1 - (y ^ weight_ratio))): 0.256958363553229642 // number of shares to mint for remaining assets of contract2 = 0.256958363553229642 // ------- xprt - remaining assets = 891.138542 | pool balance = 51872.710930 (33%) // token_amount_in_after_fee: 873.226657 , fee_ratio :0.979900000000000000 // weight_ratio = (weightX/weightY): 0.33 // y = balanceXBefore/balanceXAfter : 1.0168340277834791 // Calculated pow for 1.0168340277834791^0.33: 1.005524191288544062 // y_to_weight_ratio: 1.005509784151347131 // paranthetical: 0.005524191288544062 // amount_y = (balanceY * (1 - (y ^ weight_ratio))): 0.734368762076787510 // number of shares to mint for remaining assets of xprt : 0.734368762076787510 //------------------------------------------------------------- // Num Shares (Multi asset join) to be minted = 6.614111 + 0.242272 + 0.732372 = 7.588755 // JoinPool-QueryResponse - Tokens to provide : 2977000000 contract1 // JoinPool-QueryResponse - Tokens to provide : 3177000000 contract2 // JoinPool-QueryResponse - Tokens to provide : 3477000000 xprt // JoinPool-QueryResponse New shares to be minted : 7.605438728918132397 // JoinPool-QueryResponse Response : success // JoinPool-QueryResponse Fee : Token0: 6578453u128 xprt: 17911885u128 // Check Query Response let join_pool_query_res: AfterJoinResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnJoinPool { assets_in: Some(multi_asset_msg.clone()), mint_amount: None, }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( Some(vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(6578453u128) }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string() }, amount: Uint128::from(17911885u128) } ]), join_pool_query_res.fee ); assert_eq!(ResponseType::Success {}, join_pool_query_res.response); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(7605438728918132397u128), join_pool_query_res.new_shares); // // Returned assets are in sorted order assert_eq!( vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(2977000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(3177000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(3477000000u128), }, ], join_pool_query_res.provided_assets ); // Execute function -::- Provide single asset join liquidity // Execute AddLiquidity via the Vault contract let multi_asset_join_msg = VaultExecuteMsg::JoinPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, min_lp_to_receive: None, auto_stake: None, assets: Some(multi_asset_msg.clone()), }; app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &multi_asset_join_msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(3477000000u128), }], ) .unwrap(); // Lets test for TWAP app.update_block(|b| { b.height += 17280; b.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(EPOCH_START + 1700_00) }); let pool_twap_res: CumulativePricesResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(&pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::CumulativePrices {}) .unwrap(); // assert_eq!(Uint128::from(100_000000u128), pool_twap_res.total_share); assert_eq!( vec![ AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone() }, rate: Uint128::from(118601210000u128) }, AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string() }, rate: Uint128::from(142578970000u128) }, AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone() }, rate: Uint128::from(268989710000u128) }, AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string() }, rate: Uint128::from(224315890000u128) }, AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone() }, rate: Uint128::from(202848720000u128) }, AssetExchangeRate { offer_info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string() }, ask_info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone() }, rate: Uint128::from(140701430000u128) } ], pool_twap_res.exchange_infos ); //// -----x----- Check #4 :: Success ::: Multi Asset Join Check -----x----- //// app.update_block(|b| { b.height += 17280; b.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(EPOCH_START + 2100_00) }); let multi_asset_msg = vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(63770_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(63770_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(54670_000000u128), }, ]; // We will join the pool with all assets = // here, we first execute -maximal_exact_ratio_join() // contract1 - provided assets = 63770.000000, pool liquidity = 59719.000000 || share ratio: 1.06783435757464123 // contract2 - provided assets = 63770.0000000, pool liquidity = 57394.181663 || share ratio: 1.111088234944035532 // xprt - provided assets = 54670.000000, pool liquidity = 52752.385866 || share ratio: 1.036351230423417528 // ==> Number of shares to be minted = 138.530364562826429567 // "contract1" used_amount: 61889.859129 new_amount: 1880.140871 // "contract2" used_amount: 59480.530785 new_amount: 4289.469215 // "xprt" used_amount: 54670.000000 new_amount: 0 // ------------------------------------------------------------ // For remaining assets, we execute -calc_single_asset_join() // ------ contract1 - remaining assets = 1880.140871 | pool balance = 121608.859129 (33%) // token_amount_in_after_fee: 1842.350039 , fee_ratio : 0.979900000000000000 // fee charged: 37.790832 // weight_ratio = (weightX/weightY): 0.33 // y = balanceXBefore/balanceXAfter : 1.004974273163847065 // Calculated pow for 1.004974273163847065^0.33: 1.004974273163847065 // y_to_weight_ratio: 1.004974273163847065 // paranthetical: 0.004974273163847065 // amount_y = (balanceY * (1 - (y ^ weight_ratio))): 1.354005187210511381 // number of shares to mint for remaining assets of contract2 = 1.354005187210511381 // ------ contract2 - remaining assets = 4289.469215 | pool balance = 116874.712448 (34%) // token_amount_in_after_fee: 4204.537724 , fee_ratio : 0.980200000000000000 // fee charged: 84.931491 // weight_ratio = (weightX/weightY): 0.34 // y = balanceXBefore/balanceXAfter : 1.03597474283302033 // Calculated pow for 1.051323594629709831^0.34: 1.012089028498860541 // y_to_weight_ratio: 1.012089028498860541 // paranthetical: 1.012089028498860541 // amount_y = (balanceY * (1 - (y ^ weight_ratio))): 3.307021684967449713 // number of shares to mint for remaining assets of contract2 = 1.354005187210511381 //------------------------------------------------------------- // Num Shares (Multi asset join) to be minted = 138.530364562826429567 + 1.354005187210511381 + 1.354005187210511381 = 143.191391435004390661 // JoinPool-QueryResponse - Tokens to provide : 63770000000 contract1 // JoinPool-QueryResponse - Tokens to provide : 63770000000 contract2 // JoinPool-QueryResponse - Tokens to provide : 54670000000 xprt // JoinPool-QueryResponse New shares to be minted : 142.759135 // Check Query Response let join_pool_query_res: AfterJoinResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnJoinPool { assets_in: Some(multi_asset_msg.clone()), mint_amount: None, }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( Some(vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(37790832u128) }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(84931491u128) }, ]), join_pool_query_res.fee ); assert_eq!(ResponseType::Success {}, join_pool_query_res.response); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(143191391435004390661u128), join_pool_query_res.new_shares); // // Returned assets are in sorted order assert_eq!( vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(63770_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(63770_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(54670_000000u128), }, ], join_pool_query_res.provided_assets ); // Execute function -::- Provide single asset join liquidity // Execute AddLiquidity via the Vault contract let multi_asset_join_msg = VaultExecuteMsg::JoinPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, min_lp_to_receive: None, auto_stake: None, assets: Some(multi_asset_msg.clone()), }; app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &multi_asset_join_msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(54670_000000u128), }], ) .unwrap(); } /// Tests the following - /// Pool::QueryMsg::OnExitPool for Weighted Pool and the returned [`AfterExitResponse`] struct to check if the math calculations are correct /// Vault::ExecuteMsg::ExitPool - Token transfer from vault to recepient and LP tokens to be burnt are processed as expected and Balances are updated correctly /// Vault::ExecuteMsg::UpdateLiquidity - Executed by the Vault at the end of join pool tx execution to update pool balances as stored in the Pool contract which are used for computations #[test] fn test_on_exit_pool() { let owner = Addr::unchecked("owner"); let alice_address = Addr::unchecked("alice"); let mut app = mock_app( owner.clone(), vec![Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(10000000_000_000_000u128), }], ); // Set Alice's balances app.send_tokens( owner.clone(), alice_address.clone(), &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(1000900_000_000_000), }], ) .unwrap(); let (vault_instance, pool_addr, lp_token_addr, token_instance0, token_instance1, _) = instantiate_contracts_instance(&mut app, &owner); mint_some_tokens( &mut app, owner.clone(), token_instance0.clone(), Uint128::new(1000900_000_000_000), alice_address.to_string(), ); mint_some_tokens( &mut app, owner.clone(), token_instance1.clone(), Uint128::new(1000900_000_000_000), alice_address.to_string(), ); //// -----x----- Successfully provide liquidity and mint LP tokens -----x----- //// let assets_msg = vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(46743_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(56742_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(28774_000000u128), }, ]; let msg = VaultExecuteMsg::JoinPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, min_lp_to_receive: None, auto_stake: None, assets: Some(assets_msg.clone()), }; app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), token_instance0.clone(), &Cw20ExecuteMsg::IncreaseAllowance { spender: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), amount: Uint128::from(10046743_000000u128), expires: None, }, &[], ) .unwrap(); app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), token_instance1.clone(), &Cw20ExecuteMsg::IncreaseAllowance { spender: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), amount: Uint128::from(10046743_000000u128), expires: None, }, &[], ) .unwrap(); app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(46743_000000u128), }], ) .unwrap(); //// -----x----- Check #1 :: Error ::: Wrong token -----x----- //// let exit_msg = Cw20ExecuteMsg::Send { contract: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), amount: Uint128::from(50u8), msg: to_json_binary(&Cw20HookMsg::ExitPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, exit_type: vault::ExitType::ExactLpBurn { lp_to_burn: Uint128::from(50u8), min_assets_out: None, }, }) .unwrap(), }; let res = app .execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), token_instance0.clone(), &exit_msg, &[], ) .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(res.root_cause().to_string(), "Unauthorized"); let exit_msg = Cw20ExecuteMsg::Send { contract: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), amount: Uint128::from(50u8), msg: to_json_binary(&Cw20HookMsg::ExitPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, exit_type: vault::ExitType::ExactLpBurn { lp_to_burn: Uint128::from(0u128), min_assets_out: None, }, }) .unwrap(), }; let res = app .execute_contract(alice_address.clone(), lp_token_addr.clone(), &exit_msg, &[]) .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(res.root_cause().to_string(), "ReceivedUnexpectedLpTokens - expected: 0, received: 50"); //// -----x----- Check #2 :: Success ::: Successfully exit the pool -----x----- //// app.update_block(|b| { b.height += 17280; b.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(EPOCH_START + 900_00) }); let exit_pool_query_res: AfterExitResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnExitPool { exit_type: ExitType::ExactLpBurn(Uint128::from(5000_000_000_000_000u128)), }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(ResponseType::Success {}, exit_pool_query_res.response); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(5000_000_000_000_000u128), exit_pool_query_res.burn_shares); assert_eq!( vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(2808729u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(1424313u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(2313778u128), }, ], exit_pool_query_res.assets_out ); let exit_msg = Cw20ExecuteMsg::Send { contract: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), amount: Uint128::from(5000_000_000_000_000u128), msg: to_json_binary(&Cw20HookMsg::ExitPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, exit_type: vault::ExitType::ExactLpBurn { lp_to_burn: Uint128::from(5000_000_000_000_000u128), min_assets_out: None, }, }) .unwrap(), }; app.execute_contract(alice_address.clone(), lp_token_addr.clone(), &exit_msg, &[]) .unwrap(); let _current_block = app.block_info(); // Checks - // 1. LP tokens burnt // 2. Liquidity Pool balance updated // 3. Tokens transferred to the Vault // 4. TWAP updated let lp_supply: cw20::TokenInfoResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(&lp_token_addr.clone(), &Cw20QueryMsg::TokenInfo {}) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(9_9995_000_000_000_000_000u128), lp_supply.total_supply); let vault_bal_res: BalanceResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( &token_instance0.clone(), &Cw20QueryMsg::Balance { address: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(Uint128::from(56739191271u128), vault_bal_res.balance); let vault_pool_config_res: PoolInfoResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( &vault_instance.clone(), &VaultQueryMsg::GetPoolById { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), }, ) .unwrap(); let pool_config_res: ConfigResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(&pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::Config {}) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(pool_config_res.assets, vault_pool_config_res.assets); assert_eq!( vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(56739191271u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(28772575687u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(46740686222u128), }, ], vault_pool_config_res.assets ); } /// Tests the following - /// Pool::QueryMsg::OnSwap - for Weighted Pool and the returned [`SwapResponse`] struct to check if the math calculations are correct /// Vault::ExecuteMsg::Swap - Token transfers of [`OfferAsset`], [`AskAsset`], and the fee charged are processed as expected and Balances are updated correctly /// Vault::ExecuteMsg::UpdateLiquidity - Executed by the Vault at the end of join pool tx execution to update pool balances as stored in the Pool contract which are used for computations #[test] fn test_swap() { let owner = Addr::unchecked("owner"); let alice_address = Addr::unchecked("alice"); let mut app = mock_app( owner.clone(), vec![Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(10000000_000_000_000u128), }], ); // Set Alice's balances app.send_tokens( owner.clone(), alice_address.clone(), &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(1000900_000_000_000), }], ) .unwrap(); let (vault_instance, pool_addr, _lp_token_addr, token_instance0, token_instance1, _) = instantiate_contracts_instance(&mut app, &owner); mint_some_tokens( &mut app, owner.clone(), token_instance0.clone(), Uint128::new(1000900_000_000_000), alice_address.to_string(), ); mint_some_tokens( &mut app, owner.clone(), token_instance1.clone(), Uint128::new(1000900_000_000_000), alice_address.to_string(), ); //// -----x----- Successfully provide liquidity and mint LP tokens -----x----- //// let assets_msg = vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(46743_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(56742_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance1.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(28774_000000u128), }, ]; let msg = VaultExecuteMsg::JoinPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, min_lp_to_receive: None, auto_stake: None, assets: Some(assets_msg.clone()), }; app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), token_instance0.clone(), &Cw20ExecuteMsg::IncreaseAllowance { spender: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), amount: Uint128::from(10046743_000000u128), expires: None, }, &[], ) .unwrap(); app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), token_instance1.clone(), &Cw20ExecuteMsg::IncreaseAllowance { spender: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), amount: Uint128::from(10046743_000000u128), expires: None, }, &[], ) .unwrap(); app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(46743_000000u128), }], ) .unwrap(); //// -----x----- Check #1 :: Error ::: assets mismatch || SwapType not supported -----x----- //// let swap_offer_asset_res: SwapResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnSwap { swap_type: SwapType::GiveIn {}, offer_asset: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, ask_asset: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(1000u128) }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.response, ResponseType::Failure("Error during pool selection: Source and target assets are the same".to_string()) ); let swap_offer_asset_res: SwapResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnSwap { swap_type: SwapType::Custom("()".to_string()), offer_asset: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, ask_asset: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(1000u128) }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.response, ResponseType::Failure("SwapType not supported".to_string()) ); //// -----x----- Check #1 :: QUERY Success ::: -----x----- //// // SwapType::GiveIn {}, XPRT --> Token0 // offer_asset_info : xprt, ask_asset_info : contract1, amount : 1000 // offer_pool : xprt 46743 // ask_pool : contract1 56742 // offer_weight : 0.33 ask_weight : 0.33 // ---------- SwapType::GiveIn // offer_asset : 1000xprt || amount = 1000 // offer asset after fee: 970xprt || amount = 970 // fee: 30xprt || amount = 30 // pool_post_swap_in_balance: 46743.00097 // weight_ratio = (weightX/weightY): 1 // y = balanceXBefore/balanceXAfter : 0.999999979248230112 // y_to_weight_ratio: 0.999999979248230112 // paranthetical: 0.000000020751769888 // amount_y = (balanceY * (1 - (y ^ weight_ratio))): 0.001177496926984896 // return_amount: 0.001177496926984896 // return_amount (adjusted to correct precision): 1177 // calc_amount : 1177 || spread_amount = 0 // ask_asset : 1177, contract1 amount: 1177 // offer_asset:xprt , amount_in : 1000 || ask_asset:contract1 , amount_out = 1177 // total_fee : 30xprt let swap_offer_asset_res: SwapResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnSwap { swap_type: SwapType::GiveIn {}, offer_asset: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, ask_asset: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(1000u128) }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(swap_offer_asset_res.response, ResponseType::Success {}); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.amount_in, Uint128::from(1000u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.amount_out, Uint128::from(1177u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.spread, Uint128::from(0u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.fee.clone().unwrap().info, AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), } ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.fee.clone().unwrap().amount, Uint128::from(30u128) ); // test with a large quantity to see the spread let swap_offer_asset_res: SwapResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnSwap { swap_type: SwapType::GiveIn {}, offer_asset: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, ask_asset: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(1_000_000u128) }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(swap_offer_asset_res.response, ResponseType::Success {}); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.amount_in, Uint128::from(1000000u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.amount_out, Uint128::from(1_177_472u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.spread, Uint128::from(24u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.fee.clone().unwrap().info, AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), } ); // let's try with an even larger quantity to see the spread let swap_offer_asset_res: SwapResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnSwap { swap_type: SwapType::GiveIn {}, offer_asset: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, ask_asset: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(1000_000_000u128) }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(swap_offer_asset_res.response, ResponseType::Success {}); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.amount_in, Uint128::from(1000_000_000u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.amount_out, Uint128::from(1153_558_568u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.spread, Uint128::from(23_938_383u128) ); // SwapType::GiveOut {}, XPRT --> Token0 // offer_asset_info : xprt ask_asset_info : contract1 amount : 1000 // offer_pool : xprt 46743.000000 // ask_pool : contract1 56742.000000 // offer_weight : 0.33 ask_weight : 0.33 // ---------- SwapType::GiveOut // ask_asset : contract1 || amount = 1000 (0.001000) // weight_ratio = (weightX/weightY): 1 // y = balanceXBefore/balanceXAfter : 1.000000017623630073 // y_to_weight_ratio: 1.000000017623630073 // paranthetical: 0.000000017623630073 // amount_y = (balanceY * (1 - (y ^ weight_ratio))): 0.000823781340502239 // calc_amount : "848" || spread_amount = "0" // total_fee : 25 // offer amount excluding fee: 823 // ask_asset : 1000contract1 amount: 1000 // offer_asset:xprt , amount_in : 848 || ask_asset:contract1 , amount_out = 1000 // total_fee : 25 xprt let swap_offer_asset_res: SwapResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnSwap { swap_type: SwapType::GiveOut {}, offer_asset: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, ask_asset: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(1000u128) }, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(swap_offer_asset_res.response, ResponseType::Success {}); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.amount_out, Uint128::from(1000u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.amount_in, Uint128::from(848u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.fee.clone().unwrap().info, AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string() } ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.fee.clone().unwrap().amount, Uint128::from(25u128) ); println!("swap_offer_asset_res: {:?}", swap_offer_asset_res); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.spread.clone(), Uint128::from(0u128) ); // let's try with a large quantity to see the spread let swap_offer_asset_res: SwapResponse = app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart( pool_addr.clone(), &QueryMsg::OnSwap { swap_type: SwapType::GiveOut {}, offer_asset: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, ask_asset: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(100_000_000u128) } ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(swap_offer_asset_res.response, ResponseType::Success {}); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.amount_out, Uint128::from(100_000_000u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.amount_in, Uint128::from(85_075_844u128) ); assert_eq!( swap_offer_asset_res.trade_params.spread, Uint128::from(176_547u128) ); // ----- Execute GiveIn Swap----- // let swap_msg = VaultExecuteMsg::Swap { swap_request: SingleSwapRequest { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), swap_type: SwapType::GiveIn {}, asset_in: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, asset_out: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(1000u128) }, recipient: None, min_receive: None, max_spend: None, }; app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &swap_msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(10000u128), }], ) .unwrap(); app.update_block(|b| { b.height += 17280; b.time = Timestamp::from_seconds(EPOCH_START + 900_00) }); // ----- Execute GiveOut Swap----- // let swap_msg = VaultExecuteMsg::Swap { swap_request: SingleSwapRequest { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), swap_type: SwapType::GiveOut {}, asset_in: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, asset_out: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(1000u128) }, recipient: None, min_receive: None, max_spend: None, }; app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &swap_msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(10000u128), }], ) .unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_join_pool_large_liquidity() { let owner = Addr::unchecked("owner"); let alice_address = Addr::unchecked("alice"); let mut app = mock_app( owner.clone(), vec![Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(10000000_000_000_000u128), }], ); let weighted_pool_code_id = store_weighted_pool_code(&mut app); let vault_code_id = store_vault_code(&mut app); let token_code_id = store_token_code(&mut app); // Set Alice's balances app.send_tokens( owner.clone(), alice_address.clone(), &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(1000900_000_000_000), }], ) .unwrap(); // Create a CW20 token let init_msg = TokenInstantiateMsg { name: "x_token".to_string(), symbol: "X-Tok".to_string(), decimals: 6, initial_balances: vec![], mint: Some(MinterResponse { minter: owner.to_string(), cap: None, }), marketing: None, }; let token_instance0 = app .instantiate_contract( token_code_id, Addr::unchecked(owner.clone()), &init_msg, &[], "x_token", None, ) .unwrap(); let pool_configs = vec![PoolTypeConfig { code_id: weighted_pool_code_id, pool_type: PoolType::Weighted {}, default_fee_info: FeeInfo { total_fee_bps: 30u16, protocol_fee_percent: 20u16, }, allow_instantiation: dexter::vault::AllowPoolInstantiation::Everyone, paused: PauseInfo::default(), }]; let vault_init_msg = VaultInstantiateMsg { pool_configs: pool_configs.clone(), lp_token_code_id: Some(token_code_id), fee_collector: Some("fee_collector".to_string()), owner: owner.to_string(), pool_creation_fee: PoolCreationFee::default(), auto_stake_impl: dexter::vault::AutoStakeImpl::None, }; // Initialize Vault contract instance let vault_instance = app .instantiate_contract( vault_code_id, owner.to_owned(), &vault_init_msg, &[], "vault", None, ) .unwrap(); // Asset infos let asset_infos = vec![ AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, ]; // ----- Create Pool ----- // let asset_infos_with_weights = vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(50u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(50u128), }, ]; let pool_msg = VaultExecuteMsg::CreatePoolInstance { pool_type: PoolType::Weighted {}, asset_infos: asset_infos.to_vec(), native_asset_precisions: vec![NativeAssetPrecisionInfo { denom: "xprt".to_string(), precision: 6, }], init_params: Some( to_json_binary(&WeightedParams { weights: asset_infos_with_weights, exit_fee: None, }) .unwrap(), ), fee_info: None }; // create pool app.execute_contract( owner.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &pool_msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(10000u128), }], ).unwrap(); mint_some_tokens( &mut app, owner.clone(), token_instance0.clone(), Uint128::new(1000900_000_000_000), alice_address.to_string(), ); // Join pool with small liquditity let assets_msg = vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(1000_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(1000_000000u128), }, ]; let msg = VaultExecuteMsg::JoinPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, min_lp_to_receive: None, auto_stake: None, assets: Some(assets_msg.clone()), }; // Set allowance to spend token app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), token_instance0.clone(), &Cw20ExecuteMsg::IncreaseAllowance { spender: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), amount: Uint128::from(1000_000000u128), expires: None, }, &[], ) .unwrap(); app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(1000_000000u128), }], ).unwrap(); let assets_msg_large = vec![ Asset { info: AssetInfo::NativeToken { denom: "xprt".to_string(), }, amount: Uint128::from(10_000_000000u128), }, Asset { info: AssetInfo::Token { contract_addr: token_instance0.clone(), }, amount: Uint128::from(10_000_000000u128), }, ]; let msg = VaultExecuteMsg::JoinPool { pool_id: Uint128::from(1u128), recipient: None, min_lp_to_receive: None, auto_stake: None, assets: Some(assets_msg_large.clone()), }; app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), token_instance0.clone(), &Cw20ExecuteMsg::IncreaseAllowance { spender: vault_instance.clone().to_string(), amount: Uint128::from(10_000_000000u128), expires: None, }, &[], ) .unwrap(); let response = app.execute_contract( alice_address.clone(), vault_instance.clone(), &msg, &[Coin { denom: "xprt".to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(10_000_000000u128), }], ).unwrap(); let event =|event| event.ty == "wasm-dexter-vault::join_pool").unwrap(); let new_shares = event.attributes.iter().find(|attr| attr.key == "lp_tokens_minted").unwrap().value.parse::().unwrap(); // Shares should exactly be 10 times the default minted in first run since we exactly supplied 10x the liquidity assert_eq!(new_shares, Uint128::from(1000_000_000_000_000_000_000u128)); }