Thank you for downloading dezoomify-rs ! In the same directory as this file, you will find another file called dezoomify-rs. It is a MacOS executable file. The easiest way to open the program is to : - right-click on the file - choose "Open" - In the warning popup that appears, click "Open" If you simply double-click on the executable file, a message will appear saying that the application cannot be verified. This is normal. To pass this so-called "verification", developers have to pay a tax to apple, that I am not ready to pay for this free tool. If you don't want this warning to appear again, you can disable it in the "System Preferences" app, under "Security and privacy", by clicking "Allow Anyway" near "dezoomify-rs was blocked". Once the program is open, a terminal window will appear. Follow the instructions in it to download your image. For more information, see: If you encounter issues, please let me know on: