{ "example_error": { "//_1": "Severity: 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Info, 4 = Hint", "severity": 1, "//_2": "Message: The message shown to the user, can use template fields", "message": "This is an error", "//_3": "Tags: 1 = Unnecessary, 2 = Deprecated", "tags": [ 1, 2 ], "//_4": "Docs: link to documentation, for future use", "docs": "https://example.com" }, "invalid_object_reference": { "severity": 1, "message": "Could not find a {{object_type}} with the ID {{found_parameter}}.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "[CREATURE:TOAD][BODY:FAKE_BODY_PART]", "//_2": "Could not find a `BODYPART` with the ID `FAKE_BODY_PART`" }, "duplicate_object_declaration": { "severity": 1, "message": "Duplicate object type declaration: cannot have multiple object type declarations in a row.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "Having [OBJECT:CREATURE] twice in immediate succession, or having [OBJECT:CREATURE] and [OBJECT:BODY] in immediate succession." }, "duplicate_object_id": { "severity": 2, "message": "Duplicate: {{object_id}}; object ID's should be unique.", "docs": "https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Duplicated_raws" }, "duplicate_creature_body": { "severity": 2, "message": "Duplicate BODY; defining a body at both the creature level and individual castes will cause fractal body parts.", "docs": "https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Caste" } }