{ "example_error": { "//_1": "Severity: 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Info, 4 = Hint", "severity": 1, "//_2": "Message: The message shown to the user, can use template fields", "message": "This is an error", "//_3": "Tags: 1 = Unnecessary, 2 = Deprecated", "tags": [ 1, 2 ], "//_4": "Docs: link to documentation, for future use", "docs": "https://example.com" }, "token_not_expected": { "severity": 1, "message": "Expected a different token.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "This should be replaced by dedicated errors for the first misspelled object declaration (see #8), and object (see #15) respectively." }, "token_is_missing": { "severity": 1, "message": "Suggest adding one of following tokens here: {{expected_tokens}}.", "docs": "TODO" }, "invalid_second_par_type": { "severity": 1, "message": "{{found_parameter}} is not a valid type in {{token_name}}, valid types are {{valid_types}}.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "[OBJECT:BOBBLE], [OBJECT:8]" }, "token_overwrite_warn": { "severity": 2, "message": "Incompatible Tokens: {{overwriter}} will overwrite {{overwritten}}.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "AFAIK the only place this is used is for `LOCALIZED` and `BP` in `CE_X` syndrome tokens, this might change later." }, "unknown_token": { "severity": 1, "message": "Unrecognized token {{token_name}}.", "docs": "TODO" }, "wrong_arg_number": { "severity": 1, "message": "Expected {{expected_parameters_num}} arguments, found {{found_parameters_num}}.", "docs": "TODO" }, "wrong_arg_type": { "severity": 1, "message": "Expected {{expected_parameters}}, found {{found_parameters}}.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "If multiple arg types are acceptable, list them all in a way that makes it obvious it's a list; if it accepts an enum then the valid enum values should be listed." }, "wrong_enum_value": { "severity": 1, "message": "The value {{found_value}} is not allowed in this enum. Allowed value are: {{valid_values}}.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "TODO: change message, from issue #28" }, "too_large_int": { "severity": 1, "message": "This parameter does not accept values larger than {{max_value}}.", "old_message": "{{token_name}} parameter {{token_parameter_name}} does not accept values larger than {{max_value}}.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "This and too_small_int might be possible to merge into 1 error with use of hashmap, or a better message. Below comment example of this message in action may be too ambitious", "//_2": "[RGB:255:255:299]", "//_3": "RGB parameter `blue` does not accept values larger than 255." }, "too_small_int": { "severity": 1, "message": "This parameter does not accept values smaller than {{min_value}}.", "old_message": "{{token_name}} parameter {{token_parameter_name}} does not accept values smaller than {{min_value}}.", "docs": "TODO" }, "char_wrong_quote": { "severity": 1, "message": "Expected `'`(single quote) but found something {{found_token}}.", "docs": "TODO" }, "char_expected_more_chars": { "severity": 1, "message": "Expected `'a'`(1 character in single quote) but found only 1 character.", "docs": "TODO" }, "expected_integer": { "severity": 1, "message": "Expected an Integer, but found {{text_found}}. Could not covert this to an Integer: {{error_message}}.", "docs": "TODO" }, "duplicate_token_warn": { "severity": 2, "message": "Duplicate token: {{token_name}} already exists in this {{parent_token}}.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "Used for when a duplicate won't cause an error. This diagnostic might be unnecessary if non-authorised duplicates cause an error.", "//_2": "Duplicate token: `FEMALE` already exists in this `[CASTE:FEMALE]`." }, "duplicate_token_error": { "severity": 1, "message": "Duplicate token: {{token_name}} already exists in this {{parent_token}}.", "docs": "TODO" }, "reference_is_string": { "severity": 2, "message": "Expected `Reference` but found `String`. Make sure to only use UPPERCASE, numbers and `_`.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "" }, "string_is_reference": { "severity": 2, "message": "Expected `String` but found `Reference`. If possible, try to use at least 1 lowercase character, space, or special character like `.` or `,` or `!`.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "" }, "alias": { "severity": 2, "message": "The token {{alias_name}} is an alias, please use {{suggested_name}}.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "" }, "unchecked_code": { "severity": 2, "message": "This code could not be checked because of previous error.", "docs": "TODO", "//": "" } }