use df_st_core::*; #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn get_world(mut world: DFWorld) -> DFWorld { world.world_info = DFWorldInfo { name: Some("Moÿoecamo".to_owned()), alternative_name: Some("The Mythical Universe".to_owned()), ..Default::default() }; world.regions.add_missing_data(&vec![Region { id: 0, name: Some("the eviscerated tundra".to_owned()), type_: Some("Tundra".to_owned()), coords: vec![ Coordinate { x: 0, y: 18, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 0, y: 19, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 0, y: 20, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 0, y: 21, ..Default::default() }, ], evilness: Some("neutral".to_owned()), ..Default::default() }]); world .underground_regions .add_missing_data(&vec![UndergroundRegion { id: 0, type_: Some("cavern".to_owned()), depth: Some(1), coords: vec![ Coordinate { x: 0, y: 12, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 0, y: 13, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 0, y: 14, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 0, y: 15, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 0, y: 16, ..Default::default() }, ], }]); world.artifacts.add_missing_data(&vec![Artifact { id: 0, name: Some("hexwicked the doomed menace".to_owned()), site_id: Some(8), item_name: Some("necaterithesa emurasofipu".to_owned()), item_type: Some("slab".to_owned()), item_description: Some( "i am lim iklist bocash, \ lim the whispers of ruthlessness, \ once of the underworld. by ngáthi the sin of crypts, \ i bind myself to this place." .to_owned(), ), item_mat: Some("satinspar".to_owned()), ..Default::default() }]); world.sites.add_missing_data(&vec![Site { id: 1, type_: Some("hamlet".to_owned()), name: Some("spinepondered".to_owned()), coord: Some(Coordinate { x: 13, y: 14, ..Default::default() }), rectangle: Some(Rectangle { id: 0, x1: 213, y1: 226, x2: 229, y2: 242, }), structures: vec![Structure { site_id: 0, local_id: 0, type_: Some("mead hall".to_owned()), name: Some("The Bean of Hay".to_owned()), name2: Some("Seto Thel".to_owned()), inhabitant_hf_ids: vec![723], ..Default::default() }], site_properties: vec![SiteProperty { site_id: 0, local_id: 0, structure_id: Some(2), owner_hf_id: Some(442), ..Default::default() }], civ_id: Some(26), cur_owner_id: Some(27), }]); world .world_constructions .add_missing_data(&vec![WorldConstruction { id: 1, name: Some("The Pure Road".to_owned()), type_: Some("road".to_owned()), coords: vec![ Coordinate { x: 2, y: 28, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 2, y: 27, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 2, y: 26, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 2, y: 25, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 2, y: 24, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 2, y: 23, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 2, y: 22, ..Default::default() }, Coordinate { x: 2, y: 21, ..Default::default() }, ], }]); world .entity_populations .add_missing_data(&vec![EntityPopulation { id: 0, civ_id: Some(0), races: vec!["rodent man:196".to_owned()], }]); world .historical_figures .add_missing_data(&vec![HistoricalFigure { id: 1, name: Some("klafajeedis".to_owned()), race: Some("kobold".to_owned()), race_id: Some("KOBOLD".to_owned()), caste: Some("male".to_owned()), appeared: Some(1), birth_year: Some(-84), birth_seconds72: Some(-1), death_year: Some(-1), death_seconds72: Some(-1), associated_type: Some("bowman".to_owned()), entity_link: vec![HFEntityLink { hf_id: 0, entity_id: 24, link_type: Some("former member".to_owned()), link_strength: Some(82), }], entity_position_link: vec![ HFEntityPositionLink { id: 0, hf_id: 0, entity_id: 26, position_profile_id: Some(3), start_year: Some(4), end_year: Some(21), }, HFEntityPositionLink { id: 0, hf_id: 0, entity_id: 446, position_profile_id: Some(0), start_year: Some(37), end_year: None, }, ], site_link: vec![HFSiteLink { hf_id: 0, site_id: 1517, link_type: Some("lair".to_owned()), ..Default::default() }], sphere: vec!["murder".to_owned(), "death".to_owned()], interaction_knowledge: vec!["SECRET_2".to_owned(), "SECRET_3".to_owned()], deity: Some("".to_owned()), goal: Some("rule the world".to_owned()), relationship_profile_hf: vec![ HFRelationshipProfileHF { hf_id: 0, hf_id_other: 8316, historical: true, love: Some(0), respect: Some(0), trust: Some(-50), loyalty: Some(0), fear: Some(0), ..Default::default() }, HFRelationshipProfileHF { hf_id: 0, hf_id_other: 100, visual: true, meet_count: Some(0), last_meet_year: Some(-1), last_meet_seconds72: Some(1048592), love: Some(-100), respect: Some(-50), trust: Some(-100), loyalty: Some(0), fear: Some(-25), ..Default::default() }, ], intrigue_actor: vec![HFIntrigueActor { hf_id: 0, local_id: 0, hf_id_other: Some(100), role: Some("suspected criminal".to_owned()), strategy: Some("avoid".to_owned()), ..Default::default() }], intrigue_plot: vec![ HFIntriguePlot { hf_id: 0, local_id: 0, type_: Some("attain rank".to_owned()), on_hold: Some(true), ..Default::default() }, HFIntriguePlot { hf_id: 0, local_id: 1, type_: Some("grow funding network".to_owned()), plot_actor: vec![HFPlotActor { hf_id: 0, local_id: 0, actor_id: 8, plot_role: Some("source of funds".to_owned()), agreement_id: Some(138), ..Default::default() }], ..Default::default() }, ], ent_pop_id: Some(24), entity_reputation: vec![HFEntityReputation { hf_id: 0, entity_id: 257, ..Default::default() }], vague_relationship: vec![HFVagueRelationship { hf_id: 0, hf_id_other: 7769, war_buddy: Some(true), ..Default::default() }], entity_squad_link: vec![HFEntitySquadLink { hf_id: 0, entity_id: 629, squad_id: 14, squad_position: Some(1), start_year: Some(242), end_year: None, }], honor_entity: vec![HFHonorEntity { hf_id: 0, entity_id: 811, battles: Some(1), honor_id: vec![2], kills: Some(1), }], site_property: vec![HFSiteProperty { hf_id: 0, site_id: 222, property_id: 2, }], used_identity_id: Some(0), skills: vec![HFSkill { hf_id: 0, skill: "MINING".to_owned(), total_ip: Some(9000), }], links: vec![HFLink { hf_id: 0, hf_id_other: 129, link_type: Some("child".to_owned()), ..Default::default() }], ..Default::default() }]); world.mountain_peaks.add_missing_data(&vec![MountainPeak { id: 0, name: Some("The Finger of Growing".to_owned()), coord: Some(Coordinate { x: 75, y: 64, ..Default::default() }), height: Some(265), is_volcano: Some(false), }]); world.landmasses.add_missing_data(&vec![Landmass { id: 0, name: Some("The Wispy Continents".to_owned()), coord_1: Some(Coordinate { x: 0, y: 0, ..Default::default() }), coord_2: Some(Coordinate { x: 32, y: 32, ..Default::default() }), }]); world.dance_forms.add_missing_data(&vec![DanceForm { id: 0, name: Some("The West Wheels".to_owned()), description: Some("The West Wheels is a sacred solo dance originating in The Nation of Discoveries. \ The for\nm guides dancers during improvised performances. The dance is accompanied by \ The East-Wanderer of Wheeling as the dan\ncer acts out the story of Ukap the North Trades. \ The dancer performs slower and slower with the music. The dance is \npunctuated by strong \ raised right arms and sluggish forward bends. [B]The dance begins with the introduction of \ the m\nusic. This section is grotesque. [B]The dance enters a new section with the theme \ of the music. This section is slu\nggish. [B]The dance enters a new section with the \ exposition of the theme of the music. This aggressive section is p\nunctuated by twisting \ sway and fluid left leg lifts. [B]The dance enters a new section with the bridge-passage of \ the\n music. This flamboyant section is punctuated by lively curved walks, \ grotesque facial expressions and sinuous footwo\nrk. [B]The dance enters a new section \ with the recapitulation of the theme of the music. This vigorous section is pu\nnctuated \ by spirited straight walks and powerful spins. [B]The dance enters a new section with the \ coda of the music.\n This flamboyant section is punctuated by proud leaps.".to_owned()) }]); world.musical_forms.add_missing_data(&vec![MusicalForm { id: 0, name: Some("The East Wanderer of Wheeling".to_owned()), description: Some("The Bewildering Lark is a form of music used for entertainment originating \ in The Nation \nof Discoveries. The rules of the form are applied by composers to produce \ individual pieces of music which can be \nperformed. The music is played on a fathri. \ The entire performance is consistently slowing, \ and it is to be soft. \nThe melody has short phrases throughout the form. Only one pitch \ is ever played at a time. It is performed without \npreference for a scale and in free \ rhythm. [B]The fathri always does the main melody and should be broad. \n[B]The \ Bewildering Lark has the following structure: an introduction and three unrelated passages.".to_owned()) }]); world.poetic_forms.add_missing_data(&vec![PoeticForm { id: 0, name: Some("The Bewildering Meadow".to_owned()), description: Some("The Bewildering Meadow is a poetic narrative, \ originating in The Nation of Discoveries. \nThe rules of the form are applied by poets to \ produce individual poems which can be recited. The poem is divided into\n a line and four \ to six tercets. The Bewildering Meadow is always written from the perspective of a skunk. \ Use of si\nmile is characteristic of the form. [B]The first part is intended to describe \ the past. It has three feet with a ton\ne pattern of uneven-uneven. [B]The second part is \ intended to develop the previous idea concerning the future. The t\nhird line of each \ tercet must expand the idea of the first line. It has lines with five feet with a tone \ pattern of u\nneven-uneven. The rhyme scheme within each stanza is aab.".to_owned()) }]); world .written_contents .add_missing_data(&vec![WrittenContent { id: 0, title: Some("The Birth of Fanciness".to_owned()), author_hf_id: Some(85), author_roll: Some(12), form: Some("poem".to_owned()), form_id: Some(7), page_start: Some(1), page_end: Some(1), type_: Some("Poem".to_owned()), style: vec![ WCStyle { written_content_id: 0, local_id: 0, label: Some("mechanical".to_owned()), weight: Some(1), }, WCStyle { written_content_id: 0, local_id: 1, label: Some("vicious".to_owned()), weight: Some(1), }, ], author: Some(85), reference: vec![WCReference { written_content_parent_id: 0, local_id: 0, type_: Some("WRITTEN_CONTENT".to_owned()), type_id: Some(2), written_content_id: Some(2), ..Default::default() }], }]); world.historical_eras.add_missing_data(&vec![HistoricalEra { id: 0, name: Some("Age of Hydra and Tundra Titan".to_owned()), start_year: Some(-1), }]); world.rivers.add_missing_data(&vec![River { id: 0, name: Some("The Fabulous Steam".to_owned()), path: vec![ Path { id: 0, x: 1, y: 5, flow: 50, exit_tile: 8, elevation: 114, }, Path { id: 0, x: 1, y: 6, flow: 100, exit_tile: 13, elevation: 114, }, Path { id: 0, x: 0, y: 6, flow: 150, exit_tile: 12, elevation: 114, }, ], end_pos: Some(Coordinate { x: -1, y: 6, ..Default::default() }), }]); world.creatures.add_missing_data(&vec![Creature { id: 0, creature_id: Some("TOAD".to_owned()), name_singular: Some("toad".to_owned()), name_plural: Some("toads".to_owned()), biomes: CreatureBiome { cr_id: 0, desert_badland: Some(false), desert_rock: Some(false), desert_sand: Some(false), forest_taiga: Some(false), forest_temperate_broadleaf: Some(false), forest_temperate_conifer: Some(false), forest_tropical_conifer: Some(false), forest_tropical_dry_broadleaf: Some(false), forest_tropical_moist_broadleaf: Some(false), glacier: Some(false), grassland_temperate: Some(false), grassland_tropical: Some(false), lake_temperate_brackishwater: Some(false), lake_temperate_freshwater: Some(false), lake_temperate_saltwater: Some(false), lake_tropical_brackishwater: Some(false), lake_tropical_freshwater: Some(false), lake_tropical_saltwater: Some(false), marsh_temperate_freshwater: Some(false), marsh_temperate_saltwater: Some(false), marsh_tropical_freshwater: Some(false), marsh_tropical_saltwater: Some(false), mountain: Some(false), ocean_arctic: Some(false), ocean_temperate: Some(false), ocean_tropical: Some(false), pool_temperate_brackishwater: Some(true), pool_temperate_freshwater: Some(true), pool_temperate_saltwater: Some(true), pool_tropical_brackishwater: Some(true), pool_tropical_freshwater: Some(true), pool_tropical_saltwater: Some(true), river_temperate_brackishwater: Some(false), river_temperate_freshwater: Some(false), river_temperate_saltwater: Some(false), river_tropical_brackishwater: Some(false), river_tropical_freshwater: Some(false), river_tropical_saltwater: Some(false), savanna_temperate: Some(false), savanna_tropical: Some(false), shrubland_temperate: Some(false), shrubland_tropical: Some(false), subterranean_chasm: Some(false), subterranean_lava: Some(false), subterranean_water: Some(false), swamp_mangrove: Some(false), swamp_temperate_freshwater: Some(false), swamp_temperate_saltwater: Some(false), swamp_tropical_freshwater: Some(false), swamp_tropical_saltwater: Some(false), tundra: Some(false), }, all_castes_alive: Some(true), artificial_hiveable: Some(false), does_not_exist: Some(false), equipment: Some(false), equipment_wagon: Some(false), evil: Some(false), fanciful: Some(false), generated: Some(false), good: Some(false), has_any_benign: Some(false), has_any_can_swim: Some(true), has_any_cannot_breathe_air: Some(false), has_any_cannot_breathe_water: Some(false), has_any_carnivore: Some(false), has_any_common_domestic: Some(false), has_any_curious_beast: Some(false), has_any_demon: Some(false), has_any_feature_beast: Some(false), has_any_flier: Some(false), has_any_fly_race_gait: Some(false), has_any_grasp: Some(false), has_any_grazer: Some(false), has_any_has_blood: Some(true), has_any_immobile: Some(false), has_any_intelligent_learns: Some(false), has_any_intelligent_speaks: Some(false), has_any_large_predator: Some(false), has_any_local_pops_controllable: Some(false), has_any_local_pops_produce_heroes: Some(false), has_any_megabeast: Some(false), has_any_mischievous: Some(false), has_any_natural_animal: Some(true), has_any_night_creature: Some(false), has_any_night_creature_bogeyman: Some(false), has_any_night_creature_experimenter: Some(false), has_any_night_creature_hunter: Some(false), has_any_night_creature_nightmare: Some(false), has_any_not_fireimmune: Some(true), has_any_not_flier: Some(false), has_any_not_living: Some(false), has_any_outsider_controllable: Some(false), has_any_power: Some(false), has_any_race_gait: Some(true), has_any_semimegabeast: Some(false), has_any_slow_learner: Some(false), has_any_supernatural: Some(false), has_any_titan: Some(false), has_any_unique_demon: Some(false), has_any_utterances: Some(false), has_any_vermin_hateable: Some(true), has_any_vermin_micro: Some(false), has_female: Some(true), has_male: Some(true), large_roaming: Some(false), loose_clusters: Some(false), mates_to_breed: Some(true), mundane: Some(true), occurs_as_entity_race: Some(false), savage: Some(false), small_race: Some(true), two_genders: Some(true), ubiquitous: Some(false), vermin_eater: Some(false), vermin_fish: Some(false), vermin_grounder: Some(true), vermin_rotter: Some(false), vermin_soil: Some(false), vermin_soil_colony: Some(false), }]); world.identities.add_missing_data(&vec![Identity { id: 0, name: Some("Lim the Whispers of Ruthlessness".to_owned()), hf_id: Some(78), birth_year: Some(-1000000001), birth_second: Some(-1000000001), entity_id: None, ..Default::default() }]); world.entities.add_missing_data(&vec![Entity { id: 0, name: Some("shrokostlaynkin".to_owned()), honor: vec![EntityHonor { local_id: 0, name: Some("Captain".to_owned()), gives_precedence: Some(100), requires_any_melee_or_ranged_skill: Some(true), required_skill_ip_total: Some(12600), required_battles: Some(4), exempt_ep_id: Some(0), exempt_former_ep_id: Some(0), ..Default::default() }], race: Some("rodent man".to_owned()), type_: Some("civilization".to_owned()), entity_link: vec![EntityLink { local_id: 0, type_: Some("CHILD".to_owned()), target: Some(25), strength: Some(100), }], entity_position: vec![EntityPosition { local_id: 0, name: Some("law-giver".to_owned()), ..Default::default() }], entity_position_assignment: vec![EntityPositionAssignment { local_id: 0, hf_id: Some(723), position_id: Some(0), squad_id: None, }], hf_ids: vec![40], child_en_ids: vec![24], occasion: vec![EntityOccasion { local_id: 0, name: Some("The Radiant Festival".to_owned()), event: Some(1918), schedule: vec![EntityOccasionSchedule { local_id: 0, type_: Some("musical_performance".to_owned()), reference: Some(1), reference2: None, ..Default::default() }], }], ..Default::default() }]); world.historical_events.add_missing_data(&vec![ HistoricalEvent { id: 1, type_: Some("item_stolen".to_owned()), year: Some(3), seconds72: Some(-1), circumstance: Some("historical event collection".to_owned()), circumstance_id: Some(12), circumstance_obj: Some(HECircumstance { type_: Some("233".to_owned()), hec_id: Some(12), ..Default::default() }), entity_id: Some(31), hf_id: Some(41), item_subtype: Some("-1".to_owned()), item_type: Some("figurine".to_owned()), mat: Some("chimpanzee bone".to_owned()), reason_obj: Some(HEReason { type_: Some("none".to_owned()), ..Default::default() }), site_id: Some(6), structure_id: Some(-1), ..Default::default() }, HistoricalEvent { id: 0, type_: Some("hf_relationship".to_owned()), year: Some(1), seconds72: None, source_hf_id: Some(46), target_hf_id: Some(45), relationship: None, // TODO was see int to enum: Some("4".to_owned()), occasion_id: Some(245), site_id: Some(10), // unk_1: Some(81), ..Default::default() }, ]); world .historical_event_collections .add_missing_data(&vec![HistoricalEventCollection { id: 0, type_: Some("beast attack".to_owned()), start_year: Some(1), start_seconds72: Some(84000), end_year: Some(1), end_seconds72: Some(84000), coords: Some("32,32".to_owned()), defending_en_id: Some(25), he_ids: vec![140, 141, 142, 143, 144], feature_layer_id: Some(-1), ordinal: Some(1), parent_hec_id: Some(-1), site_id: Some(2), subregion_id: Some(-1), ..Default::default() }]); world }