use std::path::Path; use std::{collections::HashMap, io::BufRead, path::PathBuf}; use heck::{ToPascalCase, ToSnakeCase}; use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use protobuf::reflect::MessageDescriptor; use protobuf_codegen::{Customize, CustomizeCallback}; use quote::format_ident; use quote::quote; use quote::ToTokens; use regex::Regex; use syn::Ident; struct Rpc { pub name: String, pub input: String, pub output: String, } struct Plugin { pub plugin_name: String, pub struct_ident: Ident, pub member_ident: Ident, pub rpcs: Vec, } impl Plugin { pub fn new(plugin_name: &str) -> Self { let plugin_name = plugin_name.to_owned(); let mut base_name = plugin_name.clone(); if base_name.is_empty() { base_name = "core".to_string(); } let struct_name = base_name.to_pascal_case(); let member_name = base_name.to_snake_case(); Self { member_ident: format_ident!("{}", &member_name), struct_ident: format_ident!("{}", &struct_name), plugin_name, rpcs: Vec::new(), } } } struct AddHash; impl CustomizeCallback for AddHash { fn message(&self, message: &MessageDescriptor) -> Customize { let mut customize = Customize::default(); if == "MatPair" || == "Coord" { customize = customize.before("#[derive(Hash, Eq)]"); } customize } } fn main() { println!(""); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=DFHACK_REGEN"); let proto_include_dir = dfhack_proto_srcs::include_dir(); let protos = dfhack_proto_srcs::protos(); assert!(!protos.is_empty(), "No protobuf file for code generation."); // Generate in the sources if DFHACK_REGEN is set // in OUT_DIR otherwise. // TODO It should always be OUT_DIR, then expose macros. let out_path = match std::env::var("DFHACK_REGEN") { Ok(_) => { let dst = PathBuf::from("src/generated"); if dst.exists() { std::fs::remove_dir_all(&dst).unwrap(); } std::fs::create_dir_all(&dst).unwrap(); dst } Err(_) => PathBuf::from(std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()), }; // Generate the protobuf message files generate_messages_rs(&protos, proto_include_dir, &out_path); // Generate the plugin stubs generate_stubs_rs(&protos, &out_path) } fn generate_messages_rs(protos: &Vec, include_dir: &str, out_path: &Path) { let mut out_path = out_path.to_path_buf(); out_path.push("messages"); std::fs::create_dir_all(&out_path).unwrap(); messages_protoc_codegen(protos, include_dir, &out_path); messages_generate_mod_rs(protos, &out_path); } // Call the protoc code generation fn messages_protoc_codegen(protos: &Vec, include_dir: &str, out_path: &Path) { protobuf_codegen::Codegen::new() .customize(Customize::default().lite_runtime(false)) .customize_callback(AddHash) .pure() .include(include_dir) .inputs(protos) .out_dir(out_path) .run_from_script(); } fn messages_generate_mod_rs(protos: &Vec, out_path: &Path) { let mut file = quote!(); for proto in protos { let mod_name = proto .with_extension("") .file_name() .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string(); let mod_name: Ident = format_ident!("{}", mod_name); file.extend(quote! { mod #mod_name; pub use self::#mod_name::*; }); } // Write let mut mod_rs_path = out_path.to_path_buf(); mod_rs_path.push(""); let tree = syn::parse2(file).unwrap(); let formatted = prettyplease::unparse(&tree); std::fs::write(mod_rs_path, formatted).unwrap(); } fn generate_stubs_rs(protos: &Vec, out_path: &Path) { let plugins = read_protos_rpcs(protos); let mut out_path = out_path.to_path_buf(); out_path.push("stubs"); std::fs::create_dir_all(&out_path).unwrap(); let mut file = quote!(); generate_stubs_mod_rs(&plugins, &mut file); for plugin in &plugins { generate_stub_rs(plugin, &mut file); } let mut mod_rs_path = out_path.clone(); mod_rs_path.push(""); let tree = syn::parse2(file).unwrap(); let formatted = prettyplease::unparse(&tree); std::fs::write(mod_rs_path, formatted).unwrap(); } fn generate_stubs_mod_rs(plugins: &Vec, file: &mut TokenStream) { let mut plugins_impl = quote!(); file.extend(quote! { use crate::messages::*; #[cfg(feature = "reflection")] use protobuf::MessageFull; }); let mut reflection_vec_building = quote!(); file.extend(quote! { #[doc = "Generated list of DFHack stubs. Each stub communicates with a plugin."] pub struct Stubs { channel: TChannel, } }); for plugin in plugins { let doc = format!("RPCs of the {} plugin", plugin.plugin_name); let struct_ident = plugin.struct_ident.clone(); let member_ident = plugin.member_ident.clone(); plugins_impl.extend(quote! { #[doc = #doc] pub fn #member_ident(&mut self) -> crate::stubs::#struct_ident { crate::stubs::#struct_ident::new(&mut } }); reflection_vec_building.extend(quote! { methods.extend(Core::::list_methods()); }); } file.extend(quote! { impl From for Stubs { #[doc = "Initialize all the generated stubs."] fn from(channel: TChannel) -> Self { Self { channel } } } impl Stubs { #plugins_impl } #[cfg(feature = "reflection")] impl crate::reflection::StubReflection for Stubs { fn list_methods() -> Vec { let mut methods = Vec::new(); #reflection_vec_building methods } } }); } fn generate_stub_rs(plugin: &Plugin, file: &mut TokenStream) { let plugin_name = &plugin.plugin_name; let plugin_doc = format!("RPC for the \"{}\" plugin.", plugin_name); let struct_ident = plugin.struct_ident.clone(); file.extend(quote! { #[doc = #plugin_doc] pub struct #struct_ident<'a, TChannel: crate::Channel> { #[doc = "Reference to the client to exchange messages."] pub channel: &'a mut TChannel, } }); let mut plugin_impl = quote! { #[doc = "Initialize the plugin from a channel to DFHack."] pub fn new(channel: &'a mut TChannel) -> Self { Self { channel } } }; let mut reflection_vec = quote!(); for rpc in &plugin.rpcs { let function_name = &; let doc = format!( "Method `{}` from the plugin `{}`", function_name, plugin_name ); let function_ident = format_ident!("{}",; let input_ident = format_ident!("{}", rpc.input); let output_ident = format_ident!("{}", rpc.output); let mut return_token = output_ident.to_token_stream(); let mut parameters = quote! { &mut self, request: #input_ident, }; let mut prep = quote!(); let mut post = quote!(); // Syntaxic sugars for simple messages (empty, single value) if rpc.input == "EmptyMessage" { parameters = quote! { &mut self, }; prep = quote! { let request = EmptyMessage::new(); } } if rpc.output == "EmptyMessage" { return_token = quote! { () }; post = quote! { let _response = (); } } if rpc.input == "IntMessage" { parameters = quote! { &mut self, value: i32, }; prep = quote! { let mut request = IntMessage::new(); request.set_value(value); } } if rpc.output == "IntMessage" { return_token = quote! { i32 }; post = quote! { let _response = _response.value(); } } if rpc.input == "SingleBool" { parameters = quote! { &mut self, value: bool, }; prep = quote! { let mut request = SingleBool::new(); request.set_Value(value); } } if rpc.output == "SingleBool" { return_token = quote! { bool }; post = quote! { let _response = _response.Value(); } } if rpc.output == "StringMessage" { return_token = quote! { String }; post = quote! { let _response = _response.value().to_string(); } } plugin_impl.extend(quote! { #[doc = #doc] pub fn #function_ident( #parameters ) -> Result<#return_token, TChannel::TError> { #prep let _response: #output_ident = #plugin_name.to_string(), #function_name.to_string(), request, )?; #post Ok(_response) } }); reflection_vec.extend(quote! { crate::reflection::RemoteProcedureDescriptor { name: #function_name.to_string(), plugin_name: #plugin_name.to_string(), input_type: #input_ident::descriptor() .full_name() .to_string(), output_type: #output_ident::descriptor() .full_name() .to_string(), }, }); } file.extend(quote! { impl<'a, TChannel: crate::Channel> #struct_ident<'a, TChannel> { #plugin_impl } #[cfg(feature = "reflection")] impl crate::reflection::StubReflection for #struct_ident<'_, TChannel> { fn list_methods() -> Vec { vec![ #reflection_vec ] } } }); } fn read_protos_rpcs(protos: &Vec) -> Vec { let mut plugins = HashMap::::new(); for proto in protos { let (plugin_name, mut proto_rpcs) = read_proto_rpc(proto); let plugin = plugins .entry(plugin_name.clone()) .or_insert_with(|| Plugin::new(&plugin_name)); plugin.rpcs.append(&mut proto_rpcs); } let mut plugins: Vec = plugins.into_values().collect(); for plugin in &mut plugins { plugin.rpcs.sort_by(|a, b|; } plugins.sort_by(|a, b| a.plugin_name.cmp(&b.plugin_name)); plugins } fn read_proto_rpc(proto: &PathBuf) -> (String, Vec) { let file = std::fs::File::open(proto).unwrap(); let plugin_regex = Regex::new(r"// Plugin: (\w+)").unwrap(); let rpc_regex = Regex::new(r"// RPC (\w+) : (\w+) -> (\w+)").unwrap(); let mut plugin = "".to_string(); let mut rpcs = Vec::new(); for line in std::io::BufReader::new(file).lines() { let line = line.unwrap(); let plugin_capture = plugin_regex.captures(&line); if let Some(plugin_capture) = plugin_capture { plugin = plugin_capture[1].to_string(); } let rpc_capture = rpc_regex.captures(&line); if let Some(rpc_capture) = rpc_capture { rpcs.push(Rpc { name: rpc_capture[1].to_string(), input: rpc_capture[2].to_string(), output: rpc_capture[3].to_string(), }); } } (plugin, rpcs) }