# dfile [![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/Danno131313/dfile-rs/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/Danno131313/dfile-rs/commits/master) A small Rust program for organizing your dotfiles. Running ```dfile add ``` (accepts glob patterns) will attempt to track the FILES via Git, at your $DOTFILE_PATH directory, creating it if it doesn't exist. Running ```dfile remove ``` (also accepts glob patterns) will stop tracking and remove the listed files from the Git repo. Input paths like ```/etc/pacman.conf``` (original file locations). Running ```dfile list``` will display all currently tracked files. Running ```dfile push``` will attempt to add, commit, and push all changes in the dotfile directory to a remote repo, setting one up if none exists. Running ```dfile restore []``` will copy your tracked files back to their original locations. If no files are listed, it will copy all of them. Running this command without a $DOTFILE_PATH Git repo set up will prompt you to clone a repo first. You can also run Git command from your $DOTFILE_PATH by running ```dfile git -- ```. Run ```dfile --help``` and ```dfile --help``` for all this information.