use std::convert::TryInto; use serde_json::json; fn main() { // The repo contains a sync of the trustlist of various // participating countries. // You can easily load keys from the files provided there into a trustlist // Every file/API per country has a different format, but this library implements a convenience utility that can create // a trustlist directly from the IT format (see let data = json!({ "25QCxBrBJvA=": { "serialNumber": "3d1f6391763b08f1", "subject": "C=HR, O=AKD d.o.o., CN=Croatia DGC DS 001", "issuer": "C=HR, O=AKD d.o.o., CN=Croatia DGC CSCA", "notBefore": "2021-05-20T13:17:46.000Z", "notAfter": "2023-05-20T13:17:45.000Z", "signatureAlgorithm": "ECDSA", "fingerprint": "678a9b63d73aa4e82ce35b455fbe8363feee98c4", "publicKeyAlgorithm": { "hash": { "name": "SHA-256" }, "name": "ECDSA", "namedCurve": "P-256" }, "publicKeyPem": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEt5hwD0cJUB5TeQIAaE7nLjeef0vV5mamR30kjErGOcReGe37dDrmFAeOqILajQTiBXzcnPaMxWUd9SK9ZRexzQ==" }, "NAyCKly+hCg=": { "serialNumber": "01", "subject": "C=DK, O=The Danish Health Data Authority, OU=The Danish Health Data Authority, CN=PROD_DSC_DGC_DK_01,", "issuer": "C=DK, O=The Danish Health Data Authority, OU=The Danish Health Data Authority, CN=PROD_CSCA_DGC_DK_01,", "notBefore": "2021-05-19T09:47:25.000Z", "notAfter": "2023-05-20T09:47:25.000Z", "signatureAlgorithm": "ECDSA", "fingerprint": "a6bbf6b1a1aca900a7c0b99e6e831272dff23e9e", "publicKeyAlgorithm": { "hash": { "name": "SHA-256" }, "name": "ECDSA", "namedCurve": "P-256" }, "publicKeyPem": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEBmdgY/VORsecXxY/0xNNOzoJNRaVnMMmHs5jiXrGvaDOy1jzDUOyvR++Jxgf0+YuGyp5/UAY0QIh75b+JQnlHA==" } // ... more data here }); let trustlist: dgc::TrustList = data .try_into() .expect("Failed to create trustlist from JSON data"); println!("{:?}", trustlist); // More infos on where to find the varius trustlists can be found in this GitHub conversation: // }