{ "name": "example scenario file", "comment": "comments are nice", "checkGas": false, "steps": [ { "step": "externalSteps", "comment": "include comment", "path": "other.scen.json" }, { "step": "setState", "comment": "not much to comment here, but we can", "accounts": { "0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b000000000000000000000000": { "comment": "we can comment on individual account initializations", "nonce": "0", "balance": "0xe8d4a51000", "esdt": { "str:1-MyToken": "400,000,000,000", "str:2-AnotherToken": { "instances": [ { "nonce": "0", "balance": "400,000,000,000" } ], "frozen": "false" }, "str:3-AnotherTokenThatIsFrozen": { "instances": [ { "nonce": "0", "balance": "400,000,000,000" } ], "frozen": "true" }, "str:4-SimpleNFT": { "instances": [ { "nonce": "1023" } ], "roles": [ "role1", "role2" ] }, "str:5-SeveralNFTs": { "instances": [ { "nonce": "1" }, { "nonce": "1", "balance": "3" } ], "lastNonce": "7", "roles": [ "ESDTRoleLocalMint", "ESDTRoleLocalBurn", "ESDTRoleNFTCreate", "ESDTRoleNFTAddQuantity", "ESDTRoleNFTBurn" ], "frozen": "false" }, "str:6-NFTWithAttributes": { "instances": [ { "nonce": "1" }, { "nonce": "1", "balance": "3" }, { "nonce": "2", "balance": "5", "attributes": "str:MyCustomAttributes" } ] }, "str:7-NFTWithPartialMetadata": { "instances": [ { "nonce": "1" }, { "nonce": "2", "balance": "100", "creator": "address:creator_address", "hash": "keccak256:str:nft_hash", "attributes": "str:attributes" } ] }, "str:8-NFTWithFullMetadata": { "instances": [ { "nonce": "24", "balance": "1" }, { "nonce": "25", "balance": "1", "creator": "address:other_creator_address", "royalties": "5000", "hash": "keccak256:str:other_nft_hash", "uri": [ "str:www.something.com/funny.jpeg" ], "attributes": { "0-u8": "u8:2", "1-u16": "u16:1", "2-u32": "u32:42", "3-u64": "u32:42", "4-str": "nested:str:lorem iposum", "5-struc": { "50-u8": "u8:2", "51-u16": "u16:1", "52-u32": "u32:42", "53-u64": "u32:42", "54-str": "nested:str:lorem iposum" } } } ] } 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"0x42BA9AE77C08604DD7EB9D209488B88DD5A301D9C9F3D4A6B4B40E95AA6F4A1E20519698D3F774052F475B6877449CF3" }, "currentBlockInfo": { "blockTimestamp": "511", "blockNonce": "522", "blockRound": "533", "blockEpoch": "544" } }, { "step": "scCall", "id": "1", "comment": "just an example", "tx": { "from": "address:an_address", "to": "0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "function": "someFunctionName", "arguments": [ "0x1234123400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004", "0x00", "", "``a message (as bytes)", [ "``serialized_list_item_1", "``serialized_list_item_2" ], { "``field1": "u32:5", "``field2": "5" } ], "gasLimit": "0x100000", "gasPrice": "0x01" }, "expect": { "out": [ "5", "*", [ "``serialized_list_item_1", "``serialized_list_item_2" ], { "``field1": "u32:5", "``field2": "5" } ], "status": "", "logs": [ { "address": "address:smart_contract_address", "endpoint": "str:transferFrom", "topics": [ "0xf099cd8bde557814842a3121e8ddfd433a539b8c9f14bf31ebf108d12e6196e9", "0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b000000000000000000000000", "0x1234123400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004" ], "data": "0x00" }, "+" ], "gas": "0x1234" } }, { "step": "scCall", "id": "1b", "comment": "without expected result", "tx": { "from": "0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b000000000000000000000000", "to": "0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "esdtValue": [ { "tokenIdentifier": "str:MyToken", "value": "250,000,000,000" } ], "function": "someFunctionName", "arguments": [], "gasLimit": "0x100000", "gasPrice": "0" } }, { "step": "scCall", "id": "1b", "comment": "with minimal expected result", "tx": { "from": "0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b000000000000000000000000", "to": "0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "function": "someFunctionName", "arguments": [], "gasLimit": "0x100000", "gasPrice": "0" }, 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[] }, "expect": { "out": [], "status": "" } }, { "step": "transfer", "id": "3", "comment": "simple transfer, no VM", "tx": { "from": "0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b000000000000000000000000", "to": "0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "egldValue": "1234", "esdtValue": [ { "tokenIdentifier": "str:MyToken", "value": "250,000,000,000" } ] } }, { "step": "validatorReward", "id": "4", "comment": "system send out validator rewards", "tx": { "to": "sc:delegation", "egldValue": "555,000,000" } }, { "step": "scQuery", "id": "5", "tx": { "to": "address:this_is_just_a_display_logs_test", "function": "thisIsJustADisplayLogsTest", "arguments": [] }, "expect": { "out": [], "status": "" } }, { "step": "checkState", "comment": "check that previous tx did the right thing", "accounts": { "0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b000000000000000000000000": { "comment": "we can comment on individual account checks", "nonce": "1", "balance": "0xe8d4951000", 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