[package] name = "dhatu" version = "0.2.2" edition = "2021" license = "Apache-2.0" description = "dhatu core libraries" homepage = "https://github.com/zianksm/dhatu/tree/dev/dhatu#readme" keywords = ["substrate", "dhatu", "dhatu-core", "mandala", "blockchain"] exclude = ["tests"] readme = "../README.md" # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [dependencies] # substrate stuff ( must be synchronized as these modules does not follow semver!) subxt = { version = "0.32.1", features = ["substrate-compat"] } schnorrkel = "0.9.1" # async stuff futures = "0.3.28" tokio = { version = "1.28.1", features = ["sync"] } reqwest = { version = "0.11.17", features = ["json"] } # data encoding serde = { version = "1.0.160", features = ["derive"] } tiny-keccak = { version = "2.0.2", features = ["sha3"] } serde_json = "1.0.96" hex = "0.4.3" parity-scale-codec = "3.5.0" rand = "0.8.5" # mock substrate account sp-keyring = { version = "24.0.0", optional = true } # custom erorr thiserror = "1.0.40" rust_decimal = { version = "1.30.0", features = ["maths"] } [dev-dependencies] # mock traits and structs mockall = "0.11.4" # mock substrate account sp-keyring = { version = "24.0.0" } mockito = "1.0.2" mandala-node-runner = { path = "../mandala-node-runner" } dhatu = { path = "../dhatu", features = ["unstable"] } # wabt = "0.10.0" [features] default = ["tokio", "serde"] sp_keyring = [] asset_migration = [] unstable = [ "default", "unstable_sp_core", "subxt", "sp-keyring", "asset_migration", ] tokio = [] serde = [] unstable_sp_core = [] subxt = []