use console::Term; use dialoguer::{theme::ColorfulTheme, Confirm, Input, MultiSelect, Select, Sort}; fn main() { let items = &[ "Ice Cream", "Vanilla Cupcake", "Chocolate Muffin", "A Pile of sweet, sweet mustard", ]; let term = Term::buffered_stderr(); let theme = ColorfulTheme::default(); println!("All the following controls are run in a buffered terminal"); Confirm::with_theme(&theme) .with_prompt("Do you want to continue?") .interact_on(&term) .unwrap(); let _: String = Input::with_theme(&theme) .with_prompt("Your name") .interact_on(&term) .unwrap(); Select::with_theme(&theme) .with_prompt("Pick an item") .items(items) .interact_on(&term) .unwrap(); MultiSelect::with_theme(&theme) .with_prompt("Pick some items") .items(items) .interact_on(&term) .unwrap(); Sort::with_theme(&theme) .with_prompt("Order these items") .items(items) .interact_on(&term) .unwrap(); }