//! Test module for pixel data readers (adapters). //! //! This test suite deliberately avoids the use of the decoded pixel data API //! for a greater focus on covering //! pixel data reading and writing capabilities //! from transfer syntax implementations. #[cfg(feature = "native")] mod jpeg { // always compare with an error margin, // since JPEG baseline is lossy const L1_ERROR_THRESHOLD: u32 = 8; fn pixel_value_matches(got: [u8; 3], expected: [u8; 3]) { let error = got[0].abs_diff(expected[0]) as u32 + got[1].abs_diff(expected[1]) as u32 + got[2].abs_diff(expected[2]) as u32; assert!( error <= L1_ERROR_THRESHOLD, "pixel values {:?} does not match with expected {:?}", got, expected ); } use std::convert::TryInto; use dicom_encoding::adapters::DecodeError; use dicom_encoding::adapters::PixelDataObject; use dicom_encoding::transfer_syntax::Codec; use dicom_encoding::transfer_syntax::TransferSyntaxIndex; use dicom_object::open_file; use dicom_transfer_syntax_registry::TransferSyntaxRegistry; #[test] fn can_read_jpeg() { let file_path = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/color3d_jpeg_baseline.dcm").unwrap(); let obj = open_file(file_path).unwrap(); let ts_jpeg = TransferSyntaxRegistry .get("1.2.840.10008.") .expect("Transfer syntax _JPEG Baseline_ should be registered for this test"); // can fetch reader let Codec::EncapsulatedPixelData(Some(img_reader), _img_writer) = ts_jpeg.codec() else { panic!("Missing image reader in _JPEG Baseline_ transfer syntax impl"); }; // can read one frame let mut dst = Vec::new(); img_reader .decode_frame(&obj, 0, &mut dst) .expect("Failed to decode frame"); let columns = obj.cols().expect("DICOM object should have Columns"); assert_eq!(columns, 640, "Unexpected image width"); let rows = obj.rows().expect("DICOM object should have Columns"); assert_eq!(rows, 480, "Unexpected image height"); let columns = columns as usize; let rows = rows as usize; // curated expected pixel data values at the given X,Y coordinates // in frame 0 let pixel_gt = [ // pixel at (0,0): (1,1,3) ((0, 0), [1, 1, 3]), // and so on ((15, 19), [81, 115, 163]), ((70, 33), [118, 118, 118]), ((380, 39), [74, 166, 125]), // begin ultrasound region ((313, 190), [104, 104, 104]), ((350, 256), [122, 122, 122]), // end ultrasound region ((512, 460), [28, 35, 45]), ]; for ((x, y), expected) in pixel_gt { let i = (y * columns + x) * 3; pixel_value_matches(dst[i..i + 3].try_into().unwrap(), expected); } let frame_size = columns * rows * 3; assert_eq!(dst.len(), frame_size); // decode a different frame, keeping the previous one in memory img_reader .decode_frame(&obj, 63, &mut dst) .expect("Failed to decode frame"); // curated expected pixel data values at the given X,Y coordinates // in frame 63 let pixel_gt = [ ((0, 0), [1, 1, 3]), ((15, 19), [81, 115, 163]), ((70, 33), [118, 118, 118]), ((380, 39), [74, 166, 125]), // only the ultrasound region changes ((313, 190), [84, 84, 84]), ((350, 256), [6, 6, 6]), // end ultrasound region ((512, 460), [28, 35, 45]), ]; for ((x, y), expected) in pixel_gt { let i = frame_size + (y * columns + x) * 3; pixel_value_matches(dst[i..i + 3].try_into().unwrap(), expected); } assert_eq!(dst.len(), frame_size * 2); // cannot read out of bounds assert!(matches!( img_reader.decode_frame(&obj, 120, &mut dst), Err(DecodeError::FrameRangeOutOfBounds), )); } }