//! A test suite involving a store SCP //! which only accepts uncompressed transfer syntaxes use dicom_ul::{ association::client::ClientAssociationOptions, pdu::{Pdu, PresentationContextResult, PresentationContextResultReason}, }; use std::net::SocketAddr; use dicom_ul::association::server::ServerAssociationOptions; type Result = std::result::Result>; static SCU_AE_TITLE: &str = "STORE-SCU"; static SCP_AE_TITLE: &str = "STORE-SCP"; static EXPLICIT_VR_LE: &str = "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"; static IMPLICIT_VR_LE: &str = "1.2.840.10008.1.2"; static JPEG_BASELINE: &str = "1.2.840.10008."; // raw UID with even padding // as potentially provided by DICOM objects static MR_IMAGE_STORAGE_RAW: &str = "1.2.840.10008.\0"; static MR_IMAGE_STORAGE: &str = "1.2.840.10008."; static DIGITAL_MG_STORAGE_SOP_CLASS_RAW: &str = "1.2.840.10008.\0"; static DIGITAL_MG_STORAGE_SOP_CLASS: &str = "1.2.840.10008."; fn spawn_scp() -> Result<(std::thread::JoinHandle>, SocketAddr)> { let listener = std::net::TcpListener::bind("localhost:0")?; let addr = listener.local_addr()?; let scp = ServerAssociationOptions::new() .accept_called_ae_title() .ae_title(SCP_AE_TITLE) .with_abstract_syntax(MR_IMAGE_STORAGE) .with_abstract_syntax(DIGITAL_MG_STORAGE_SOP_CLASS) .with_transfer_syntax(EXPLICIT_VR_LE) .with_transfer_syntax(IMPLICIT_VR_LE); let h = std::thread::spawn(move || -> Result<()> { let (stream, _addr) = listener.accept()?; let mut association = scp.establish(stream)?; assert_eq!( association.presentation_contexts(), &[ PresentationContextResult { id: 1, reason: PresentationContextResultReason::Acceptance, transfer_syntax: IMPLICIT_VR_LE.to_string(), }, // should always pick Explicit VR LE // because JPEG baseline was not explicitly enabled in SCP PresentationContextResult { id: 3, reason: PresentationContextResultReason::Acceptance, transfer_syntax: EXPLICIT_VR_LE.to_string(), } ], ); // handle one release request let pdu = association.receive()?; assert_eq!(pdu, Pdu::ReleaseRQ); association.send(&Pdu::ReleaseRP)?; Ok(()) }); Ok((h, addr)) } #[cfg(feature = "async")] async fn spawn_scp_async() -> Result<(tokio::task::JoinHandle>, SocketAddr)> { let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("localhost:0").await?; let addr = listener.local_addr()?; let scp = ServerAssociationOptions::new() .accept_called_ae_title() .ae_title(SCP_AE_TITLE) .with_abstract_syntax(MR_IMAGE_STORAGE) .with_abstract_syntax(DIGITAL_MG_STORAGE_SOP_CLASS) .with_transfer_syntax(EXPLICIT_VR_LE) .with_transfer_syntax(IMPLICIT_VR_LE); let h = tokio::task::spawn(async move { let (stream, _addr) = listener.accept().await?; let mut association = scp.establish_async(stream).await?; assert_eq!( association.presentation_contexts(), &[ PresentationContextResult { id: 1, reason: PresentationContextResultReason::Acceptance, transfer_syntax: IMPLICIT_VR_LE.to_string(), }, // should always pick Explicit VR LE // because JPEG baseline was not explicitly enabled in SCP PresentationContextResult { id: 3, reason: PresentationContextResultReason::Acceptance, transfer_syntax: EXPLICIT_VR_LE.to_string(), } ], ); // handle one release request let pdu = association.receive().await?; assert_eq!(pdu, Pdu::ReleaseRQ); association.send(&Pdu::ReleaseRP).await?; Ok(()) }); Ok((h, addr)) } /// Run an SCP and an SCU concurrently, /// negotiate an association with distinct transfer syntaxes /// and release it. #[test] fn scu_scp_association_uncompressed() { let (scp_handle, scp_addr) = spawn_scp().unwrap(); let association = ClientAssociationOptions::new() .calling_ae_title(SCU_AE_TITLE) .called_ae_title(SCP_AE_TITLE) .with_presentation_context(MR_IMAGE_STORAGE_RAW, vec![IMPLICIT_VR_LE]) // MG storage, JPEG baseline .with_presentation_context( DIGITAL_MG_STORAGE_SOP_CLASS_RAW, vec![JPEG_BASELINE, EXPLICIT_VR_LE, IMPLICIT_VR_LE], ) .establish(scp_addr) .unwrap(); for pc in association.presentation_contexts() { match pc.id { // guaranteed to be MR image storage 1 => { // only one option provided assert_eq!(pc.transfer_syntax, IMPLICIT_VR_LE); } // guaranteed to be MG image storage 3 => { // server picked this one because it did not accept JPEG baseline assert_eq!(pc.transfer_syntax, EXPLICIT_VR_LE); } id => panic!("unexpected presentation context ID {}", id), } } association .release() .expect("did not have a peaceful release"); scp_handle .join() .expect("SCP panicked") .expect("Error at the SCP"); } #[cfg(feature = "async")] #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn scu_scp_association_uncompressed_async() { let (scp_handle, scp_addr) = spawn_scp_async().await.unwrap(); let association = ClientAssociationOptions::new() .calling_ae_title(SCU_AE_TITLE) .called_ae_title(SCP_AE_TITLE) .with_presentation_context(MR_IMAGE_STORAGE_RAW, vec![IMPLICIT_VR_LE]) // MG storage, JPEG baseline .with_presentation_context( DIGITAL_MG_STORAGE_SOP_CLASS_RAW, vec![JPEG_BASELINE, EXPLICIT_VR_LE, IMPLICIT_VR_LE], ) .establish_async(scp_addr) .await .unwrap(); for pc in association.presentation_contexts() { match pc.id { // guaranteed to be MR image storage 1 => { // only one option provided assert_eq!(pc.transfer_syntax, IMPLICIT_VR_LE); } // guaranteed to be MG image storage 3 => { // server picked this one because it did not accept JPEG baseline assert_eq!(pc.transfer_syntax, EXPLICIT_VR_LE); } id => panic!("unexpected presentation context ID {}", id), } } association .release() .await .expect("did not have a peaceful release"); scp_handle .await .expect("SCP panicked") .expect("Error at the SCP"); }