# CHANGELOG.md ## 0.3.2 Fix: - Minor fix for [Issue](https://github.com/AnubhabB/diff-match-patch-rs/issues/7) ## 0.3.1 Fix: - Fixing order of Ops definition [Issue](https://github.com/AnubhabB/diff-match-patch-rs/issues/5) ## 0.3.0 Breaking Change: - the `match_main` API now supports `Efficient` and `Compat` modes. The call to `match_main` is now `match_main::` or `match_main::` depending on your use-case ## 0.2.1 Fix: - fixed bug in optional dependency `chrono` based on target `wasm32-unknown-unknown` ## 0.2.0 Features: - stabilizing APIs & coming out of beta - removes dependency burden on `chrono` for non-wasm targets - minor performance improvements for non-wasm targets - tested and added more targets Fix: - Fixes a panic [Issue](https://github.com/AnubhabB/diff-match-patch-rs/issues/2) General: - elaborate compatibility tests with python, go and js libs. [Here](https://github.com/AnubhabB/diff-match-patch-rs-bench)