use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng, StdRng}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use timely::Config; use timely::dataflow::*; use timely::dataflow::operators::Capture; use timely::dataflow::operators::capture::Extract; use differential_dataflow::input::Input; use differential_dataflow::Collection; use differential_dataflow::operators::*; use differential_dataflow::lattice::Lattice; type Node = usize; type Edge = (Node, Node); #[test] fn bfs_10_20_1000() { test_sizes(10, 20, 1000, Config::process(3)); } #[test] fn bfs_100_200_10() { test_sizes(100, 200, 10, Config::process(3)); } #[test] fn bfs_100_2000_1() { test_sizes(100, 2000, 1, Config::process(3)); } fn test_sizes(nodes: usize, edges: usize, rounds: usize, config: Config) { let root_list = vec![(1, 0, 1)]; let mut edge_list = Vec::new(); let seed: &[_] = &[1, 2, 3, 4]; let mut rng1: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed); // rng for edge additions let mut rng2: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed); // rng for edge deletions for _ in 0 .. edges { edge_list.push(((rng1.gen_range(0, nodes), rng1.gen_range(0, nodes)), 0, 1)); } for round in 1 .. rounds { edge_list.push(((rng1.gen_range(0, nodes), rng1.gen_range(0, nodes)), round, 1)); edge_list.push(((rng2.gen_range(0, nodes), rng2.gen_range(0, nodes)), round,-1)); } let mut results1 = bfs_sequential(root_list.clone(), edge_list.clone()); let mut results2 = bfs_differential(root_list.clone(), edge_list.clone(), config); results1.sort(); results1.sort_by(|x,y| x.1.cmp(&y.1)); results2.sort(); results2.sort_by(|x,y| x.1.cmp(&y.1)); if results1 != results2 { println!("RESULTS INEQUAL!!!"); for x in &results1 { if !results2.contains(x) { println!(" in seq, not diff: {:?}", x); } } for x in &results2 { if !results1.contains(x) { println!(" in diff, not seq: {:?}", x); } } } assert_eq!(results1, results2); } fn bfs_sequential( root_list: Vec<(usize, usize, isize)>, edge_list: Vec<((usize, usize), usize, isize)>) -> Vec<((usize, usize), usize, isize)> { let mut nodes = 0; for &(root, _, _) in &root_list { nodes = ::std::cmp::max(nodes, root + 1); } for &((src,dst), _, _) in &edge_list { nodes = ::std::cmp::max(nodes, src + 1); nodes = ::std::cmp::max(nodes, dst + 1); } let mut rounds = 0; for &(_, time, _) in &root_list { rounds = ::std::cmp::max(rounds, time + 1); } for &(_, time, _) in &edge_list { rounds = ::std::cmp::max(rounds, time + 1); } let mut counts = vec![0; nodes]; let mut results = Vec::new(); for round in 0 .. rounds { let mut roots = ::std::collections::HashMap::new(); for &(root, time, diff) in &root_list { if time <= round { *roots.entry(root).or_insert(0) += diff; } } let mut edges = ::std::collections::HashMap::new(); for &((src, dst), time, diff) in &edge_list { if time <= round { *edges.entry((src, dst)).or_insert(0) += diff; } } let mut dists = vec![usize::max_value(); nodes]; for (&key, &val) in roots.iter() { if val > 0 { dists[key] = 0; } } let mut changes = true; while changes { changes = false; for (&(src, dst), &cnt) in edges.iter() { if cnt > 0 { if dists[src] != usize::max_value() && dists[dst] > dists[src] + 1 { dists[dst] = dists[src] + 1; changes = true; } } } } let mut new_counts = vec![0; nodes]; for &value in dists.iter() { if value != usize::max_value() { new_counts[value] += 1; } } for index in 0 .. nodes { if new_counts[index] != counts[index] { if new_counts[index] != 0 { results.push(((index, new_counts[index]), round, 1)); } if counts[index] != 0 { results.push(((index, counts[index]), round,-1)); } counts[index] = new_counts[index]; } } } results } fn bfs_differential( roots_list: Vec<(usize, usize, isize)>, edges_list: Vec<((usize, usize), usize, isize)>, config: Config, ) -> Vec<((usize, usize), usize, isize)> { let (send, recv) = ::std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let send = Arc::new(Mutex::new(send)); timely::execute(config, move |worker| { let mut roots_list = roots_list.clone(); let mut edges_list = edges_list.clone(); // define BFS dataflow; return handles to roots and edges inputs let (mut roots, mut edges) = worker.dataflow(|scope| { let send = send.lock().unwrap().clone(); let (root_input, roots) = scope.new_collection(); let (edge_input, edges) = scope.new_collection(); bfs(&edges, &roots).map(|(_, dist)| dist) .count() .map(|(x,y)| (x, y as usize)) .inner .capture_into(send); (root_input, edge_input) }); // sort by decreasing insertion time. roots_list.sort_by(|x,y| y.1.cmp(&x.1)); edges_list.sort_by(|x,y| y.1.cmp(&x.1)); let mut round = 0; while roots_list.len() > 0 || edges_list.len() > 0 { while roots_list.last().map(|x| x.1) == Some(round) { let (node, _time, diff) = roots_list.pop().unwrap(); roots.update(node, diff); } while edges_list.last().map(|x| x.1) == Some(round) { let ((src, dst), _time, diff) = edges_list.pop().unwrap(); edges.update((src, dst), diff); } round += 1; roots.advance_to(round); edges.advance_to(round); } }).unwrap(); recv.extract() .into_iter() .flat_map(|(_, list)| list.into_iter().map(|((dst,cnt),time,diff)| ((dst,cnt), time, diff))) .collect() } // returns pairs (n, s) indicating node n can be reached from a root in s steps. fn bfs(edges: &Collection, roots: &Collection) -> Collection where G::Timestamp: Lattice+Ord { // initialize roots as reaching themselves at distance 0 let nodes =|x| (x, 0)); // repeatedly update minimal distances each node can be reached from each root nodes.iterate(|inner| { let edges = edges.enter(&inner.scope()); let nodes = nodes.enter(&inner.scope()); inner.join_map(&edges, |_k,l,d| (*d, l+1)) .concat(&nodes) .reduce(|_, s, t| t.push((*s[0].0, 1))) }) }